Dallas Babysitters : info needed

seventonine's Avatar
-1 OP, +1 Wicked MILF, +1 Sawyer
Seriously dude! Consider what you are contemplating in this request...
Potential Future Option: surprise your GF with a day long visit to a legit spa sometime in the future so you can take care of yourself. So what if it costs a few extra bucks. I think you might enjoy yourself more.
seventonine's Avatar
EDIT: OP updated while I was typing. Thanks for rethinking.
Try Sittter City
Boltfan's Avatar

He decided against it, thank goodness.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 09-03-2010, 09:46 AM
I'm surprised he didn't consider an outcall appointment so a sitter wouldn't be needed.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
BTW, I think Miley has some time on her hands... Originally Posted by RoundPound
Just laughed out loud at that one...
Most legit child daycares won't accept the baby if you are unable to prove the child is legally yours.

For future reference, please do not accept a responsibility if you can't or won't take care of it.

Regardless of wanting the memberships' opinions, it's the fact that the thought crossed your mind. You were seriously considering it.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Gosh. Give the guy a break! I'm a mom and I've "thought" of doing things that might not have been considered appropriate. We all think of things that aren't quite right.

He just asked a question.

With that being said, I'll parrot what others have suggested. BUT, if YOU had an emergency of sorts, it would be good to already have either a co-worker that you trust (better if you were the boss) or if you go to a church and they have a daycare facility there, then finding one of those workers might be an option.

Or hopefully have your emergency DURING church and then your problem is solved. Sortof. (Lightening will strike me for that one!)

Great. How's that advice? I've probably pissed off 1/2 the readership now!!!

(Sorry about that!)

If he brings the kid with him, would you gals charge him a doubles rate?
just kidding!

+1 for what Shea said.
Most legit child daycares won't accept the baby if you are unable to prove the child is legally yours.

For future reference, please do not accept a responsibility if you can't or won't take care of it.

Regardless of wanting the memberships' opinions, it's the fact that the thought crossed your mind. You were seriously considering it. Originally Posted by Shea Veile
I would not have taken the responsibility if I could/would not take care of it. My sis asked me only because she trusts me and I would never do such an irresponsible thing. Before I do something like that I always research-check the facts ,ask people and only then if I feel it is perfectly safe I would proceed to do something like that. Even if there is the slightest doubt or anxiety --then no way no how. Always safe than sorry.

Thoughts always cross our mind. But the important thing is to know which ones are beneficial or worth pursuing and which ones are harmful or to be avoided. We always think so many things-- but always try to do the correct thing. Sorry if my post came across as irresponsible or disgustful - that absolutely was not my intention . I was just trying to get as much info as I could. I may need help while baby sitting too - and that would make it easier and I could monitor right in front of me. So that was my intention-- just to gather as much info as possible with this situation?

And all your view points-- absolutely suggest that this was a very bad option and needs to be dumped in the delete folder !! Thanks..
If he brings the kid with him, would you gals charge him a doubles rate?
just kidding!

+1 for what Shea said. Originally Posted by cpi3000
Cpi,Thanks for the laugh.
Who knows-- probably they will then charge the regular fee+the baby sitting fee..LOL!
I'm in agreement with Wicked MILF. It's selfish and disrespectful. Take care of your family first, you can fuck later.

...but I give the guy some credit...at least he isn't asking providers if they mind if he brings the baby along to the session....

Yeah, that has actually been asked before....
This is not really related to whether or not you'd actually drop off the ankle-biter with someone else, because I get the very strong impression that that issue has been settled.

One thing that I didn't see noted in all the discussion, that won't be a huge deal to some, but that surprised me is this - not only is that baby your sister's child, she/he is also YOUR niece/nephew. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm quite fond of my nieces and nephews and proud to be their uncle. (In no way am I suggesting you're not fond of this baby - quite the contrary I think).

Again, not a big deal by any stretch of the imagination, but just an observation.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Then again, the kid might get a whole new education. Sorry. Look, she's your niece, right? You can screw next weekend. Take her to a ballgame, go fishing, show her how to be a guy's girl. Just don't take her to Hooter's; at least, not yet.
TinMan's Avatar
So, a guy comes on a hooker website to ask hookers and johns for advice on where he can find a babysitter so he can hook up with other hookers.

TFF! You can not MAKE this shit up!

I think I'm gonna have a hard time explaining my periodic spontaneous giggles this weekend.