MarieLynn's Strip Club Get-Together

that sounds like fun, I'd love to go if it's in the afternoon!
I would love to go. Just let know all the details.
daddyo67's Avatar
I just got cleared to go and boy do I want a Tara table dance!
Let me know when also
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
Very nice! Thank you to all who have emailed me. It looks like we are going to have a sweet crowd. For those who have replied to this thread, if you haven't sent me an email yet, I will be sending you one sometime today.

I will only be sending an official invite to those who REQUEST it, so if you haven't sent me an email and you would like to attend, please do so at your convenience. I will be waiting... .

Hope everyone is having a beautiful day!

Gotta love Texas,
This sounds umm umm good.
mikahranae's Avatar
I wanna go.....I sent you an email!
Yes, MarieLynn, I sent email. I love titty bars!

Please make sure Natasha brings her id
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
Well alrighty! I believe that all PM's and emails have been sent out. If you haven't checked your PM's, please do so as soon as you're able. Also, if you haven't received any contact from me yet, please inform me, but I do think I got to everyone! Thank you all for the information. The date, place, and times have been determined so I will be sending out an Official Email with that info for those who have requested an invite and have passed screening. I should have that done by tomorrow evening. We are going to have a BLAST with a nice group of people too! I did reserve extra 'seats' so in case I have some last-minute people request an invite from me.

Hey ML, count me in. I will pm you!!
Go girl.
SweetKendall's Avatar
This should be a lot of fun.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Anytime for me. That's one of the advantages of being semi-retired and not having a SO!!!

I love the idea of having this at a strip club because my wrinkles don't show near as bad in the dim lighting. Maybe I can pass for less than 100?
weekends are better. nighttime during the week Originally Posted by omaha2dallas
same with me....I work during the weekdays during the day
chipper's Avatar
I would like to be there if at all possible.