Stripper Slides. No thanks...

Fawn has rules??? Fawn is a freak, I thought anything goes???

And Italian Princess again with the midgets and a female this time, another FREAK!!!!
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 08-10-2012, 09:22 AM
He asked and you answered. Did he make a belligerent remark after you answered? Did he simply not make the appointment?
Lifeking's Avatar
You're pissed because he held it against you? You have every right to say no. HE has every right to say no. I don't see the problem.
Enlighten me? Originally Posted by cheatercheater

A lady recently rejected me because of my love of MSOG. It was her right to say MSOG is a deal breaker as it was mine to see another lady. Good polite communication on expectations is a good thing.

I do understand your frustration... not doing MSOG on this lady is a crime.
KittyLamour's Avatar
No you are not wrong mercianna , you have the right to set the ground rules for yourself, like others have stated above try a CSS.... There are always going to be men asking for something over the top or out of our comfort zone but I don't let it get me worked up or offend me because I have the right to say Yes or NO it is just that plain and simple...Now I will say I don't think a SS is anymore dangerous than a BBBJ/CIM, but that is my opinion! Now if you could please explain how offering a SS has anything to do with making or breaking a providers reputation.. Because I don't offer CIM and it hasn't hurt my reputation or my business! You cant worry about what other providers activities are and judging them for what they are comfortable with doing! You can only worry about yourself.. Originally Posted by fawn
I am concerned for myself when I say I value my health and my reputation. I feel like if I was known for providing ss that I might as well provide bbfs. There are bodily fluids exchanged be it penetration or not and any and all std's would be transmitted. It has been my observation that kind of reputation does not stand well in the community. Yes, it is much more dangerous than cim/bbbj, of course I am going to examine something I put my mouth on for any type of skin problems or discharge.
[I]Is Oral Sex Safe Sex?
Although oral sex is a relatively low-risk activity, particularly when compared to vaginal or anal sex, If you don't choose to use protection for oral sex, you should know that the risk of HIV transmission increases if the person performing the act has cuts or sores in his/her mouth, if ejaculation takes place in the mouth, and if the individual receiving oral sex has any other sexually transmitted diseases. The risk is primarily for the person performing the oral sex. Unless a partner has significant amounts of blood in his/her mouth, such as from dental surgery, oral sex is unlikely to expose the receptive partner to HIV. Just in case you're wondering, getting a blowjob is also not a risk for hiv infection. Not only is saliva not infectious, but it also contains over a dozen different proteins and enzymes that damage hiv and render it unable to infect.

Although genital herpes and oral herpes are usually caused by different strains of the herpes virus, HSV-2 and HSV-1 respectively, it is possible for either virus to infect either site. Therefore, it is possible to transmit herpes during oral sex, and the virus can spread from either partner. Herpes is contagious even when symptoms are not present. Even though prophylactic medications, such as Zovirax (acyclovir), can reduce the likelihood of both outbreaks and transmitting the herpes virus to your partner, they can not eliminate the risk entirely. Although they should greatly reduce the risk of herpes transmission, condoms are also not completely effective in preventing transmission of herpes during oral sex, since the virus can spread from skin to skin.
HPV spreads via skin-to-skin contact not through bodily fluids.
There is limited research to suggest that it may be possible for someone to acquire a gonorrheal throat infection while performing oral sex on a woman, but transmission in the other direction is relatively unlikely since the site of infection is the cervix -- a part of the female anatomy not reached during cunnilingus.
Infection risk is probably similar to that for gonorrhea
syphilis can only be transmitted in the presence of symptoms, during the primary and secondary stages of the disease, the sores it causes aren't easy to miss..
Hepatitis B
The research is inconclusive as to whether or not hepatitis B can be transmitted via oral sex.If you practice rimming, you should talk with your doctor about getting vaccinated. Vaccination is a good idea in any case, and the hepatitis B vaccine is currently recommended for all children and many groups of adults.

he or she can acquire an STD in certain circumstances. If an affected and naked person rubs an infected penis against the naked vulva or vagina, germs can be passed from skin-to-skin contact. Yeast is a major problem as are other STDs that sexually active males can carry with no symptoms but then pass the disease on to a naked female, either during foreplay or during sex.

Herpes on the penis or vulva can be transferred in skin-to-skin contact, even with no penetration, especially when the sores are open and oozing fluid. It is always, always important to look at the genitals of any person with whom you are naked, touching, or laying against when you are naked.

STD transmission through touching mucous membranes
Some STDs can be passed even if there is no penetration or exchange of fluids. These STDs can be
passed between the infected area of one person to another person through direct contact. An
infected area on any of these body parts - penis, anus, mouth, scrotum, rectum, genital area, or
vulva (external female genital organs) - can rub against someone else's genitals, any mucous
membrane or the damaged skin of another person and spread the infection.
Bacteria from a syphilis sore or virus from a herpes sore or human papilomavirus (HPV) wart can
pass to another person through mucous membranes or damaged skin such as a micro-cut, tear,
scrape or puncture. It is also possible for viral shedding to occur with HPV or herpes from infected
skin with no signs or symptoms into a genital area, mucous membrane or damaged skin.
STDs that can be spread by direct contact include herpes simplex virus (HSV), syphilis, and human
papillomavirus (HPV)
Other infections that are passed through direct skin contact, as well as more indirect contact such as
shared bedding and clothing, are scabies, pubic lice (or crabs)

There are 19 million new cases of STDs every year in the United States.
• Most STDs have no signs or symptoms and a lot of people do not know they are infected.

This post had nothing at all to do with judging anyone. I simply wanted to know where the community stands on this subject and why I am getting asked for it regularly. Personally, I was offended. That does not mean the next person is wrong if they are not offended. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I am just hoping that it is an educated opinion and not purely self-righteous. I realize I am taking a risk by being in this business. That does not mean I choose to take crazy risks along with it.

Attachment 148502

Attachment 148503

What it was that really got to me is that he #1 really pursued talking me into something I was obviously uncomfortable with. #2 That he expected me to put my health at the exact same risk as providing bbfs which the chart above illustrates. Exchange of fluids (vaginal fluid & pre-ejaculate) is put in the exact same catagory as sexual intercourse. Anybody with a rudimentary knowledge of health can recognize this, and I am offended that anyone would even think that I would provide such a service. I strive to project an image of self-respect and dignity and expect others to treat me with no less respect than I give myself. Obviously the issue was not the cancellation of a prospective appointment. If I had desperately needed it I'm sure I wouldn't be writing this thread and would've taken the appointment against my better judgement.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Also, if this post cuts down on me being asked for this particular service. Good. That is part of my intention in posting it.
Sounds like the OP has made a decision that is hers alone to make. She's put her own health and future well-being above the prurient interest of a Hobbyist that "needs" or "wants" a SS, which is his perogative to pursue with someone other than the OP.

Sad part is that it seems like the Hobbyist needs to bring a list of "desired activitites" with him, present them to the Provider so she can place a check next to whatever she's amenable to providing and then the Hobbyist can decide if there's enough checks on the list. Otherwise, if the Provider is comfortable doing so, have this conversation before it gets this far.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I would hope that whoever is interested in making an appointment with me would read my website beforehand. It is very thorough on services and what I do not provide. If they chose to think they'd try anyways after reading my website...yeah, I find that rude. If they did not do their homework...I find that frustrating.
Sounds like the OP has made a decision that is hers alone to make. She's put her own health and future well-being above the prurient interest of a Hobbyist that "needs" or "wants" a SS, which is his perogative to pursue with someone other than the OP.

Sad part is that it seems like the Hobbyist needs to bring a list of "desired activitites" with him, present them to the Provider so she can place a check next to whatever she's amenable to providing and then the Hobbyist can decide if there's enough checks on the list. Otherwise, if the Provider is comfortable doing so, have this conversation before it gets this far. Originally Posted by txcwby6
I agree 100 percent. The OP Has every right to make the decision that she wants to make when everything comes to her services she will and will not provide, that is her perogitive. It is also a hobbyist's prerogative to go and see her based upon the service's she will or will not provide, that is why a lot of guys will ask, even though she may clearly state on her website what she will or will not do, all she can do is say "no". And we all know, Most providers are YMMV on most services, listed or not.

As far is bringing a " desired list of activities", silly as it may seem, that is not too far from the truth!
shortguy's Avatar
So a potential client calls you up & asks if you provide a certain service and you say no. Great, i totally understand, you have the right to only provide services that you want to provide. Why can't we just leave it at that rather than lecturing everybody about their preferred activities? Why start a thread about it? He asked a question & you answered it, why aren't we done?

I prefer massage providers & msog is a requirement for me so I always ask when visiting a new provider. This was never a problem until the last 6 months or so where it seems like half of the providers now get pissed when i ask. One even inferred that i was telling her how to run her business when all i asked was "do you offer MSOG?". Needless to say, I moved on without looking back.

Telling you the truth here, drama of any kind in this world intimidates me. i came in this hobby world to get away from drama. I'm scared that if I were to inquire of your services or if I had a general question, I would get blasted in the public forum for it. Just sayin'...
I don't like SS. A gal I saw in 2010 said she loved them and said it helped to cum and got her all worked up so I said ok. I hated it. She hadn't shaved and the stubble felt like a wet belt sander rubbing up and down on me. She looked down at me and asked if the face I was making was from pleasure. I told her no, it was from waiting until the prickly friction started a fire or her stubble stripped the skin off me. Explain a bloody stump to the SO.
Lifeking's Avatar
Von, sorry to hear about your bad experience.

Maybe Logan can post on the proper execution of his patented move.

What consenting adults do in private is that private. Its a slippery slide between "oh the risk!" and "oh damn this feels so good!".
Guest091314's Avatar
If its down = )
No you are not wrong mercianna , you have the right to set the ground rules for yourself, like others have stated above try a CSS.... There are always going to be men asking for something over the top or out of our comfort zone but I don't let it get me worked up or offend me because I have the right to say Yes or NO it is just that plain and simple...Now I will say I don't think a SS is anymore dangerous than a BBBJ/CIM, but that is my opinion! Now if you could please explain how offering a SS has anything to do with making or breaking a providers reputation.. Because I don't offer CIM and it hasn't hurt my reputation or my business! You cant worry about what other providers activities are and judging them for what they are comfortable with doing! You can only worry about yourself.. Originally Posted by fawn
Great wisdom from a very respected Lady.....

You're pissed because he held it against you? You have every right to say no. HE has every right to say no. I don't see the problem.
Enlighten me? Originally Posted by cheatercheater
I didnt see a problem either.... at least he's doing research before booking.

So a potential client calls you up & asks if you provide a certain service and you say no. Great, i totally understand, you have the right to only provide services that you want to provide. Why can't we just leave it at that rather than lecturing everybody about their preferred activities? Why start a thread about it? He asked a question & you answered it, why aren't we done?

Telling you the truth here, drama of any kind in this world intimidates me. i came in this hobby world to get away from drama. I'm scared that if I were to inquire of your services or if I had a general question, I would get blasted in the public forum for it. Just sayin'... Originally Posted by shortguy

JMHO- I dont think McDonalds spends all its time creeping Burger Kings Menu and then raising public hell about what Burger King offers... rather I think McDonalds focuses on its OWN business and MENU.. i am willing to bet that McDonalds always looks within its OWN business and how IT can improve. I am also betting that McDonalds does internal research within its OWN business when someone makes complaints on their service.... so they can fix the issue and give better service to its customer, rather than ignoring the complaints and instead trying to divert the negativity towards others.

I could be wrong... after all... Im not so much a fast food kinda business, rather more of a nice restaurant with fine dining and scenery.

Seems like it would be the same business sense tho. I mean... focus on my own menu... if by chance i get complaints via negative reviews... id research as to how to solve and prevent another.. (thus why I really have no NO reviews)... and i would def NOT keep making the same mistake over n over n over.

Honestly.. id be happy the guy researched instead of going in and leaving unsatisfied because he didnt get something. Would had been completely HIS fault for not researching... but still... leaving possibility for a negative review. Im sure review would had pointed out it was his own dang fault.. but many guys dont read that far in.. they just look at the ratio of NO's and Yes reviews....
KittyLamour's Avatar
Excuse me, but yall are missing the point here. He didn't just take no for an answer. He tried to talk me into it over a period of 3 hrs worth of text messages. That is what made me so uncomfortable. This was after being told No several times. He did not act like it was a breaker to the deal until almost 4am when I finally had to get rude and explain in not so polite english that i wouldn't now or ever provide this service. So for the people that are trying to turn this thread around into an attack on the OP. Try again. I have my reasons for posting. Just as I have the right to respect my body and value my reputation. (MY reputation not anybody else's)
cheatercheater's Avatar
Excuse me, but yall are missing the point here. He didn't just take no for an answer. He tried to talk me into it over a period of 3 hrs worth of text messages. That is what made me so uncomfortable. This was after being told No several times. He did not act like it was a breaker to the deal until almost 4am when I finally had to get rude and explain in not so polite english that i wouldn't now or ever provide this service. So for the people that are trying to turn this thread around into an attack on the OP. Try again. I have my reasons for posting. Just as I have the right to respect my body and value my reputation. (MY reputation not anybody else's) Originally Posted by mercianna
And had you said this in your original post, some of us wouldn't have questioned the problem. Originally you stated he asked, you declined, and he said he wouldn't see you.
See the drama created by letting people form opinions with partial facts?