SA Something for Nothing

Your mileage will vary greatly on SA based on what YOU look like. That's just reality folks. Money will only get you so far if you have man boobs and a hairy potbelly, especially if your goal is to bang hot college girls. Doesn't matter if you are 35 or 65, your age isn't an excuse. By no means do you have to look like a greek god, but at least look like you put in the effort. If you want to pay less and get more, hit the gym. I can't stress it enough. SA can be a goldmine if you take care of yourself.

Quiet a few of the girls there don't even need the money. They just like fucking older men. The money is just a bonus. You would be surprised how many will do overnights for dinner at a nice restaurant, and leave in the morning happy. What they are there for is the experience. Or maybe its the attention. Or maybe they get off on the fact they could possibly be fucking a classmates dad. Who knows? It doesn't matter, and I certainly don't care. The one consistent factor I noticed between my circle of friends who use SA is the ones who work out get laid more and spend less than the ones that don't. Obviously personality also plays a role in this as well. But basically it comes down to this, the more they like you, the more you can get for less.

If you're reading this and you're a guy who's in shape but not having good luck on SA, the problem is probably your pictures suck. Might sound dumb, but I'm dead serious. #1 rule for any kind of social media/dating/fucking app, never post a selfie (especially a bathroom selfie, its cringy and i know you guys do it) and never post a pic of your dick. I promise you, no one wants to see it. Don't use any stupid filters either. Get a form fitting black shirt so you can show off all that work you've been putting in at the gym so you can look great without looking like a douche and use the self-timer on your phone or get your buddy to take a pic of you. A nice fitting plain black shirt that hugs your arms nicely is like a girls sexy little black dress and will be the best $4 you've ever spent. It's all about the fit fellas. If you travel, use those photos as well. Makes you appear more interesting when they inspect your profile, even if you aren't in reality, lol. And for fucks sake, stop using those family photos with everyones faces scribbled/blurred out. The main focus and only subject in that photo should be you.

Hopefully this helps someone out there step their game up, good luck and happy hunting guys.
Lol, I found TWO awesome babies on Secret Benefits, just have to weed through the chafe. Originally Posted by Upscalegent64
Hey upscale. I tried to PM you but you are apparently a popular man.

Just ended it with my current SB and am going to have to look for another one. It seems you have had experience with them all. Was just gonna ask your input on which is the best one to sign up on this go round.
BrandonButtler's Avatar
I've met two on SecretBenefits one was trash but so cheap and only 22 I had to try it... twice then I tossed it back bc she lived with her baby daddy wtf!? Haha Next one a little older and mature and meeting her tomorrow.. We'll see. But I only paid the opening fee when that runs out oh well.