What to do???

Spikebaby's Avatar
I love it when you talk about your wood.

daty/o's Avatar
Get a grip on yourself, man.
Don't ever go with plan E. from my personal experience EVER.

I usually try to see one gal, if that falls through, maybe a 2nd one, but normally give up of the 1st gal says isn't able to make it.
To be honest, call it a night. Save your hard earned money. But with all the providers around here looking for business, it should never get to a plan E, really.

Trooper H.
rcinokc's Avatar
To be honest, call it a night. Save your hard earned money. But with all the providers around here looking for business, it should never get to a plan E, really.

Trooper H. Originally Posted by Trooper Hawk
How true, this forum is full of threAds.
pyramider's Avatar
I go buy a new golf club Originally Posted by monkmonk

Don't do the golf club thing. Golf causes more pain and anguish than a woman.
Judge Smails's Avatar
Easy, go to an amp if you are at breaking point....
Randall Creed's Avatar
Call as many providers AS NECESSARY to reach your goal. Start over with the 'plans' if you have to. If it takes going to plan AG, then so be it (that would be 33 calls, fwiw).

Do what you gotta do.
Go to hooters have some beer and kill time.
hwygnome's Avatar
Once upon a time I had an A and a B. Never had to go past that.

Now its send out three feelers and if nothing comes of it than I hand off the fun money to the pretend ex-wife who seems to know when I have extra money these days. End result, I am broke and she is happy for a moment.