Coronavirus in ampland

There's a reason flights from Asia are being blocked or quarantined. It's not singling out. It's about recognising a higher risk population
Speaking for myself, I like the thought of close quarters with those AMP girls. I wish they’d offer me a sleepover in that dorm room.
Yes. I want to be quarantined with Susan, Lara, Pepsi and maybe Layna for weeks. Obviously we would need to be stripped naked to minimize the risk of our clothes being contaminated and I would gladly volunteer to be the test dummy just to make sure they are not giving me the corona virus.
Are amp girls who have already been here for several months or years exposed to infected people on recent flights more than anyone at a Chinese restaurant or the Asian food mart?

The truth is the risk factors are about the same but 99.9% of the people that get off a plane from China are not rushing to the amps.
Is that what you believe? Or what you're told by the media? Anyone who isn't concerned hasn't been paying attention to what is really going on
At least I can use basic logic and common sense to articulate what I believe. OP has yet to explain how an amp girl’s coochie who pre-dates corona is higher risk than the door knob at the Asian food mart
I believe OP only wants attention and he has never been inside of an AMP, yet alone able to tell the difference between Corona-virus and a lady enjoying a Corona.
At least I can use basic logic and common sense to articulate what I believe. OP has yet to explain how an amp girl’s coochie who pre-dates corona is higher risk than the door knob at the Asian food mart Originally Posted by FunMonday
Could it possibly be the rampant uncontrolled exchange of bodily fluids that occur at these establishments? Also some of these girls just got back from a trip home for New Years.
Could it possibly be the rampant uncontrolled exchange of bodily fluids that occur at these establishments? Also some of these girls just got back from a trip home for New Years. Originally Posted by twitch760

If the girl does in fact have corona (which is hard to tell like other things) of course that’s possible. No one can deny that. If an infected person sneezed or coughed on you at the super market it’s a big risk and presumably the way it’s spreading vs just going to the amps.

Debate it all you want. At the end of the day the risk factors for this particular virus are about the same. Statistically more people will get it outside the amps.

Again. Debate all you want. But obviously there’s more than one way to get corona
Solid_Latino's Avatar
Lots of new talent coming in recently, none worth of mention yet, but at a spa yesterday there were several girls sitting in a room all sick and showing signs of Coronavirus. I won't mention which one out of respect and as no formal test has been done, but are you concerned about coronavirus?

What precautions can we take?

How can the mamasans guarantee their girls are healthy? Originally Posted by Ferdinand II of Aragon
Don’t worry my friend , this virus is no worse than a cold or the flu.
It only seems deadly cause it started in a heavy populated area so to make a long story short , it will soon disappear cause it has no host . To all my amigos !
Hobby on and get it as much as you can !!!!
Porky Poker's Avatar
The best prevention of the corona virus is to drink Dos Equis XX instead!
Can we get some adult supervision in here?
billw1032's Avatar
Wake up, people! Almost all of the cases of corona virus are in China, primarily in Hubei Province of which Wuhan is the capital. The most recent list of confirmed cases I saw in other countries, most were in the single digits or low double digits. The number of confirmed cases in the U.S. was level at 5 for several days now, until they announced number 6 today. Person #6 happens to be the husband of one of the other 5, a woman who had recently returned from the Wuhan area.

The last I heard, the Korean AMPs were staffed mostly by ladies from Korea (with a few Thai and others). There are very few cases in South Korea and only a few more in Thailand, and unless they just arrived and had unlucky contact with one of those very few people there's pretty much no chance at all that they contacted the corona virus. Even the Chinese sub Amps, unless they came from China in the last few weeks and unless they were in Hubei Province in the last couple of weeks, there's about zero chance of any risk.

On the other hand, Flu might be a real risk. In AMPs, and also in Strip Clubs, malls, stores, schools, your workplace, pretty much anywhere else there are groups of people gathered in close quarters. More people die in the U.S. every year from the Flu than there are active cases of corona virus currently reported in China plus the rest of the world. Figures vary, but the CDC estimates 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. annually. Yet we don't get too panicked about that other than to tell everyone they should get their annual vaccination. You did get your Flu shot this year, didn't you?
Wake up, people! Almost all of the cases of corona virus are in China, primarily in Hubei Province of which Wuhan is the capital. The most recent list of confirmed cases I saw in other countries, most were in the single digits or low double digits. The number of confirmed cases in the U.S. was level at 5 for several days now, until they announced number 6 today. Person #6 happens to be the husband of one of the other 5, a woman who had recently returned from the Wuhan area.

The last I heard, the Korean AMPs were staffed mostly by ladies from Korea (with a few Thai and others). There are very few cases in South Korea and only a few more in Thailand, and unless they just arrived and had unlucky contact with one of those very few people there's pretty much no chance at all that they contacted the corona virus. Even the Chinese sub Amps, unless they came from China in the last few weeks and unless they were in Hubei Province in the last couple of weeks, there's about zero chance of any risk.

On the other hand, Flu might be a real risk. In AMPs, and also in Strip Clubs, malls, stores, schools, your workplace, pretty much anywhere else there are groups of people gathered in close quarters. More people die in the U.S. every year from the Flu than there are active cases of corona virus currently reported in China plus the rest of the world. Figures vary, but the CDC estimates 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. annually. Yet we don't get too panicked about that other than to tell everyone they should get their annual vaccination. You did get your Flu shot this year, didn't you? Originally Posted by billw1032
Your information is outdated. A person can unknowingly carry the virus for 2 weeks. The r0 is currently estimated by the who as 2.5. reasonable estimates predict it will reach >4 very soon.

An Amp girl doesnt have to travel from Hubei to bring it. It is all over China at this point. All that has to happen is for her to pass someone in the grocery store, Bank, or amp, etc who was near someone who recently traveled from China. And they and the person they got it from could both look 100% healthy. Are you aware of cny and how much traveling is done at this time? Are you aware of amp girls regularly flying in and out from China? This is just getting started
billw1032's Avatar
Your information is outdated. A person can unknowingly carry the virus for 2 weeks. Originally Posted by Diabetes
Outdated? Probably, seeing as how this is a rapidly developing situation, but I know people there and travel there frequently so I'm following it quite closely. As you say, the incubation period is estimated to be from 2 days up to 2 weeks. That's one of the things I was trying to say when I mentioned having been there in the last couple of weeks. If you were there more than 14 days ago and aren't sick yet, you are probably OK.

An Amp girl doesnt have to travel from Hubei to bring it. It is all over China at this point. All that has to happen is for her to pass someone in the grocery store, Bank, or amp, etc who was near someone who recently traveled from China. And they and the person they got it from could both look 100% healthy. Originally Posted by Diabetes
This is all correct, but Wuhan in Hubei Province was the original focal point and the spread "all around China" is a very recent development. See, for example:
So if you were in, say, Shanghai as recently as 10 days ago your risk is pretty low. Today it's a different story, but how many of the people we're talking about does that describe?

Are you aware of cny and how much traveling is done at this time? Originally Posted by Diabetes
Yep, I've been there a lot and traveled all over the country by air and by train. I was there a couple of months ago, including Wuhan. Fortunately for me, I came home a couple of months ago and am not sick by now so I'm pretty sure I'm OK.

Are you aware of amp girls regularly flying in and out from China? Originally Posted by Diabetes
No, I'm not. Please enlighten us. But if you reference the maps in the article I referenced above you'll see that they need to have been there very recently to have much risk at all of having carried it back here. Of course person to person transmission increases the risk exponentially, but similarly it would have to be contact with someone who had been exposed and that's a similarly small risk here in the U.S. at the moment. Of course all of this could change rapidly in the future, but right now what the OP speculated is extremely unlikely.