How dangerous is he?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
I think I know what you’re getting at and share many of your concerns. I’m not sure I’d point a finger at Trump on this though. World leaders think he’s bat shit crazy. And he’s also willing to kiss ass for peace. As such he was able to play Kim and North Korea in a way that reduced the threat from North Korea IMO. They practically shut down intermediate and long term ballistic missile launches anyway. Ukraine right now is the most likely place where a nuclear holocaust could originate. And Trump, unlike most other USA politicians and European leaders wants to see a settlement of the hostilities there ASAP.

But on the other hand his rhetoric towards Iran, a soon to be nuclear power, goes the other way.

Will he rule as an autocrat or overthrow democracy? Very unlikely. He’s more like your cranky old uncle who says a lot of crazy things but his bark is worse than his bite. And if he tried to do something crazy, American institutions wouldn’t let him. Originally Posted by Tiny
The bat-shit crazy Party has the control. Under the control of a madman who can't control himself. You're right, I wouldn't "point the finger" at Dumpster himself. He's too inept to actually know he's the cause. Like a puppet on a string that picks up and throws a firework. His masters, the money men behind his bankrupt plans, are pulling the strings and will be the ones we should point a finger at. He, and we all, will be at the mercy of whoever is going to keep his dumb ass from being sentenced to prison.

The problem is not what he will do but what he won’t do. When it comes right down to it he’s a narcissistic bully. He’s more concerned with the way he’s perceived than in doing the right thing.

But when it comes right down to it he’ll back down from foreign pressure. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

I completely disagree with your last statement. He doesn't care about domestic pressure. He's an outlaw in charge of seeing the laws are carried out here. The foreign pressure (payoffs of his debts) will see to it he doesn't care about doing the right thing for humanity.

I'm really struggling to be diplomatic here. The psycho is a danger to the world at large.

wrong. America First isn't isolationist and this far left socialist screed thread is wrong. Trump is exactly what Putin and Xi DON'T WANT .. someone who they can't intimidate. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

You are wrong. America First may not be isolationist. Putting the US at the top as a
opposed to alone is what I think you mean.

Dumpster is exactly what Putin and Xi ABSOLUTELY need. A weak character easily manipulated with praise, pussy or cash. They don't need to intimidate him. He's bought and sold already.

I am old enough to remember that the Left thought Reagan was bat shit crazy too. Originally Posted by Jacky S
Yeah, me too. Even as just a wee lad I saw the news and Sunday shows where we thought he was fucking crazy. Turned our he was demented even before running for office.

Yep. He’s a shameless pussy. Never seen a fight he wouldn’t back away from. Like Jan, 6.

You fellas got hoodwinked. I certainly hope this isn’t the case, but I fully expect worse from him this time around. Pinot in terms of behavior but in terms of performance.

After all, he’s mentally compromised. Too old and weak for the job. And a narcissistic bully ready to blow the likes of Kim, Orban, Millea, and of course, Putin/Musk Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

He doesn't like to fight. He'll either get paid off not to, or rip someone off instead of.

We won't be surprised by his behavior this time. You're right, this time some people in the new Party will expect him do actually do shit this time. Of significance. Like you I expect the worse, not the better.

Danger ahead: p
  • Tiny
  • 11-08-2024, 10:27 AM
I "liked" each post. Even my last one. I tried to like it twice. But it didn't work. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Done. All you have to do is delegate.
Trump is very dangerous.

He has autocratic tendencies and a lack of respect for the constitution
The SC has given him carte blanche
Republicans are afraid to rein him in or oppose his ideas
He’s an idiot

The last of those being the biggest reason he is a danger as it exacerbates the other reasons
Trump is very dangerous.

He has autocratic tendencies and a lack of respect for the constitution
The SC has given him carte blanche
Republicans are afraid to rein him in or oppose his ideas
He’s an idiot

The last of those being the biggest reason he is a danger as it exacerbates the other reasons Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... Blimey! ... I certainly hope so. ...

And they really gave Trump carte blanche??
I hope He never gives it back...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Blimey! ... I certainly hope so. ...

And they really gave Trump carte blanche??
I hope He never gives it back...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
There’s a vote to suspend democracy and the rule of law. Thanks for that admission, Salty.
... No doubt the true criminals will be seein' the rule of law soon.

And the "dangerous" Americans who voted for the LANDSLIDE
surely can't wait to see it. ... "Lawfare for me? ... Lawfare for thee!"

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
It’s not just Trump who you should fear. It’s the complete nut jobs and sycophants he’s going to surround himself with and the ideological agenda they bring with him that’s going to do the real damage.

The old republican party I disagreed with quite a bit but I never feared that they would undermine our democracy and our government. I fear the damage to our institutions, our reputation and our citizens as a whole that will take place under his administration.

Republicans should fear this too.
texassapper's Avatar
Trump is very dangerous. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
To the permanent entrenched bureaucracy.
He has autocratic tendencies and a lack of respect for the constitution Originally Posted by 1blackman1
This is a nonsense statement and ignores the fact that Trump has already served as POTUS how did these tendencies manifest? Lack of respect for the Constitution? FFS the Biden regime tried to ram through student loan payoffs to buy votes in DIRECT violation of the Constitutional process and SCOTUS ruling (as just one example). Kamala claimed she would disarm the population by EO. Respect for the Constitution is not something ANYONE believes the left cares about.
The SC has given him carte blanche Originally Posted by 1blackman1
SCOTUS ruling applies to ALL executives for official acts while in office. Do you think he can just order members of the executive branch or DOD to violate THEIR oaths to the Constitution?
Republicans are afraid to rein him in or oppose his ideas Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Oppose him? Dude, WE JUST gave the guy a mandate to overhaul the government.
He’s an idiot Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yeah, its amazing how idiots seem to be able to win the highest office in the land. He just outsmarted every Democrat in the land and the entire aparratus of the Federal govt, and the propaganda outlets... ehat does that say about them if Trump is really an idiot?
The last of those being the biggest reason he is a danger as it exacerbates the other reasons Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Garbage statement based on garbage assumptions.
texassapper's Avatar
The old republican party I disagreed with quite a bit...Republicans should fear this too. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Blah blah blah... Trump is the new Hitler in Four years it will be Vance who makes Trump look like Mother Theresa.... this argument is SO old... Fucking Truman was using it on Dewey...
eccieuser9500's Avatar
It’s not just Trump who you should fear. It’s the complete nut jobs and sycophants he’s going to surround himself with and the ideological agenda they bring with him that’s going to do the real damage.

The old republican party I disagreed with quite a bit but I never feared that they would undermine our democracy and our government. I fear the damage to our institutions, our reputation and our citizens as a whole that will take place under his administration.

Republicans should fear this too. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Too right!

Can you say Project 2025?

The U.S.'s reputation is only going to get worse. Again. Biden was supposed to be a buffer between Harris.

He's so stupid he's a danger to himself. Ask the Iranians.

The racists won. The anti-semites won. The Wall Street elite won. Men with control issues won.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
A brief summary: Reagan was the beginning of the end of the world.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The racists won. The anti-semites won. The Wall Street elite won. Men with control issues won... Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Seems more like the majority of Americans will has been Democratically elected to me.

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence...
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Seems more like the majority of Americans will has been Democratically elected to me.

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Very nice. But placidly my ass. b

D A N G E R x

The light is dying!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Very nice. But placidly my ass... Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Sos yer say'n:

...The light is dying!... Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I think that is the wrong tense grammatically.