
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Here is page full of tips on taxes for sex workers (it has info for different kinds of sex work so not all of it will be relevant)
JennerJammer's Avatar
Sweet of you to post this.
JennerJammer's Avatar

Do yourself a BIG BIG BIG favor....find the advice you need FAR FAR AWAY from anyone in the hobby.

elg.......... Originally Posted by elghund
Not possible. Pay for the advice you need, tax advice is tax deductible
Amber Does's Avatar
I dont deposit large amounts in bank. Unless its sales on ebay and traceable. Payoal pretty much preparea rax documents for me at the end of the year or whatever so that helps.
I would like to volunteer to be a tax deduction.
I hope LE isn't reading this nice tax fraud cases brewing in this thread.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
I hope LE isn't reading this nice tax fraud cases brewing in this thread. Originally Posted by Seanross26
Yeah, this thought was in the back of my mind
generalbob's Avatar
Thanks, you're right I'm sure. Just figured maybe other providers knew a good accountant who is educated in this area. I know the IRS supposedly does not care and can not turn it in to another department legally even if I put "escort" (which I would not do) but fact is, many sex workers do pay taxes for a variety of reasons.

I donate to charity and help others regardless of being in this field. I just am able to do more now. People would be surprised how good it makes YOU feel to help others. I prefer more personal acts of kindness than a big charity or organization though. Originally Posted by bella0203
I know there are thousands of worthy causes out there fighting for attention, but please don't forget the Generalbob Needy Penis Foundation. Not looking for monetary donations, just a small amount of your time to spend with a needy penis. May god bless you for considering this cause.
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Schedule C
xxxalyssaxxx's Avatar

Do yourself a BIG BIG BIG favor....find the advice you need FAR FAR AWAY from anyone in the hobby.

elg.......... Originally Posted by elghund
Absolutely agreed. Bells, give me a call later and we can talk about this....
bella0203's Avatar
I certainly wasnt going to give my personal info away. Just looking for general tips. It's not tax fraud? Tax fraud is NOT filing! In fact, the IRS can not legally repeat anything to another department. Technically, there's forms for illegal income and it's "supposedly" confidential. They just want their cut. I wouldnt use those forms bc I truly feel I do nothing illegal. Being an entertainer is not illegal. Nor is a "therapist". I don't exchange sex for money EVER. Anyone that's dealt with me knows I'm adamant about that. I'll turn do apps quick over any mention of that bc it's NOT what I do. Have I hooked up worth guys I met via work....sure. That's not illegal though. Maybe I'm a swinger? I'm not looking to launder money via a fake business. I'm looking to open a legit business. Big difference.

Thanks Amber, BBG, elg and everyone who offered real advice. TL I will text you later hun. Yesterday was so busy with errands...ughh!
bella0203's Avatar
Please.....tell me where the "fraud" is? The IRS only cares about you NOT paying. They encourage you to file blatantly illegally made money and "guarantee" it's confidential and can not legally be used against you. I'm not taking that route. I'm looking to legally claim as an entertainer or open a business related to my services. I'm not sure which is better....claiming I'm an entertainer or opening a small business? These are my general questions. I've been doing some digging around n reading. Also, maybe I'm dumb. Maybe I'm naive. But it's as dangerous to trust "civies" as it is to trust ppl in the business (clients n providers). I've met some truly amazing ppl. Better than half the ppl I met in regular life. You have to be careful with trust regardless of being in the biz. But if you're cautious one can hurt you regardless. (Ex. Someone close could turn me in to LE but screen thoroughly n be very cautious n'll be very hard to hurt me) esp if you're cautious with trust n that scenario is unlikely anyways.
bella0203's Avatar
This board can be so passive aggressive .....or flat out aggressive. Elg managed to give constructive criticism without being an asshole....why do some ppl really feel the need to be jerks? Jerks about a subject they're so clearly uneducated about. Luckily for every asshole here there's 10 more sweethearts (or sarcastic fcks that mean well) I need to get tougher skin....ughh!
I have in conversations with several providers asked how they handled their income - because of wanting proof of some income ( comes in handy if your buying a new(er) car and need a loan) having to deal with baby daddys and claims for support, etc, or just being as right as you can with Uncle Sam. You can even use proof of income to base a claim for health insurance.

Some run consulting for a variety of reasons, some do web work, some report it as "house cleaning" , or, if you happen to work at "cash" job ( bartending, dancing, etc) you just over report your cash. Keep reasonable expense records, especially if you travel. Its hard to justiy hotel bills if you "work" within 15 miles of you residence. But if you go between Albany and Buffalo, for "promotions and trade shows" for your consulting work, then it makes sense.

PLEASE try to find a referral to a non-hobbying but understanding tax person, not just a book keeper or a tax preparer. There are some lawyers that may also be able to help, and it does help to know a lawyer when you are in this part of the business world.

The most important thing is to remember that being too greedy gets you looked at and gets you in trouble. Don't go for the flash, save for the rainy day.
bella0203's Avatar
Here's a serious question (I apologize for multiple posts) porn is legal. If every client recorded a short video (no face) would that make it legal? Or is there licenses needed for porn? I assume not bc I've used clips for sale n other sites when I used to cam.....idk, just a thought.