What if LE also looks at Eccie posts to setup sting

Grace Preston's Avatar
1. That may be true.

2. The lady must register with the state of Nevada and be tested once a month. This is according to Amanda Brooks author of the Internet Escort Book #1.

3. There are only seven legal counties in Nevada. The city of Las vegas is not in one of those counties. So, you won't find a Brothel or studio on Las Vegas Blvd (The Strip) that is legal.

4. You may have to work out of a Brothel, neither the lady or the client can get pinched or convicted of a felony for particpating in the hobby. Originally Posted by adav8s28

It is true. I've worked in a Nevada Brothel (a lot more recently than Amanda, who tried it once in 2008).

The bigger issue is that, by and large, pricing at brothels is a good bit higher than out here-- if you guys think $400 is ridiculous... just wait until you see what $200 gets you in a brothel...lol

Ladies must register with the county that the brothel is located in. Ladies with criminal histories can be denied depending on the laws of the county, the types of charges, etc. Prostitution charges aren't a problem-- drug, theft, violence--- those will exclude you in most, if not all counties in Nevada. In some of the northern counties-- owing back child support will exclude you from getting a license-- its treated like any other professional license.

Ladies must test monthly for HIV. Ladies must test weekly for all other diseases. This includes an anal swab in counties where anal is allowed (yep-- its illegal in some counties)-- even if the lady does not offer that service.

Brothels are illegal in counties with a population over 700k. This automatically excludes Las Vegas (Clark County) and Reno (Washoe County).

Currently in Nevada-- you have the following options:

Sheri's and Chicken Ranch-- both in Pahrump (closest to Las Vegas)

Alien Cathouse-- Amargosa Valley (next closest-- but often the quickest if you are driving yourself)

Stardust and Big Four in Ely

Bunny Ranch, Love Ranch, Kit Kat Ranch, and Stardust Ranch in Moundhouse (one of these four is currently being remodeled after a fire-- either Kit Kat or Stardust... can't remember which)

Mustang Ranch-- as close to Reno as you can be without being in Washoe County. Also, in my opinion, the nicest house in Nevada aside from maybe Sheri's.

Desert Club in Battle Mountain-- smallest house in Nevada. Licensed for a max of 3 ladies.

Dovetail Ranch-- Carlin

Inez's, Mona's Ranch, Desert Rose, and Sue's-- Elko Nevada. These are the only ones in the state that are literally in the middle of town instead of pushed to the outskirts. Also where you'll find the most reasonable pricing in the state- but you're still looking at a minimum of 500-600 unless you enjoy 15 minutes.

Bella's Hacienda Ranch and Donna's-- Wells, Nevada. Donna's has been "closed for remodeling" for a while now-- but hasn't relinquished the license so eventually it may be open again. Bella's has the distinction as the only female owned brothel in Nevada.

Wildcat-- Mina-- Has also been "closed for remodeling" for an excessively long period of time. Probably the most far removed house from any normal driving route as well-- and I doubt its coming back.

So there you go. Way more than you ever wanted to know about Nevada Brothels. You're welcome.