Dumb Auto Reply Emails

Danielle Reid's Avatar
Danielle Reid uhmmm Ewwww Originally Posted by nigsub
I'd say the same thing about your avatar. She looks like she has a piece a shit on a face.
PiperPosh's Avatar
Auto reply sounds easy to me. I should use this.
But right now I personally get back to all my messages, which Solitaire pointed out could be days, or even weeks depending on how busy I am with life.
Part of the problem is, even when I keep up with my messages, I end up spending a few hours a day on the computer just responding to people whom, a majority of which will never get back to me. Usually the ones who are most demanding are the ones who never get back to me, go figure.
We run a business here, you know. Try emailing a big corporate outfit and the first thing they'll do is send an auto-reply, "We appreciate your email, we'll get back to you, blah blah blah."
It's procedural sure but...man this could save me a lot of time.
Danielle you have nothing to worry about!!!
Try that in Corporate America or a
Small Busness and you will be fired and out of business.

The ones complaining about auto reply are the ones that refuse to read and ask the same questions that was already answered to them. If you just want a quick fuck and no screening then I can point you to a few ladies with a revolving door Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
Stop complaining about a hooker that doesn't want to see you Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
Auto reply sounds easy to me. I should use this.
But right now I personally get back to all my messages, which Solitaire pointed out could be days, or even weeks depending on how busy I am with life.
Part of the problem is, even when I keep up with my messages, I end up spending a few hours a day on the computer just responding to people whom, a majority of which will never get back to me. Usually the ones who are most demanding are the ones who never get back to me, go figure.
We run a business here, you know. Try emailing a big corporate outfit and the first thing they'll do is send an auto-reply, "We appreciate your email, we'll get back to you, blah blah blah."
It's procedural sure but...man this could save me a lot of time. Originally Posted by PiperPosh
PiperPosh's Avatar
Try that in Corporate America or a
Small Busness and you will be fired and out of business. Originally Posted by nigsub
I don't think you read my message. Corporate America uses these auto-replies all the time.
And I am the president of a corporation.
If a gentleman can't pass screening, there was no money there to begin with, negging notwithstanding.

You are assuming he can't pass screening, this is generally not the case. He may just want to know if you are in town and can do a certain day and time, or have some other specific question that your automated reply does not answer.

And why would she devote time to a lookie-loo, when she has several requests, info provided, already passing screening and ready to schedule?

Because he may not be a lookie-loo, and that means more profit. It doesn't take much of your time to write, yes, I will be available at 8pm on Thursday, or yes, I will be in Dallas until Friday etc etc. Making guys screen before you even talk to them will end up costing you customers. And if your goal is to make as much profit as you can then this would be a poor way to do business.

Do you run your businesses that way? I highly doubt it.

The best business advice I ever received, and it's pretty basic, was to not waste time on non-income-producing activities. Does a realtor show properties to those who have not been pre-qualified? The good ones don't.

But you are missing out on income. Let me try to explain one more time. Let's say I am visiting Dallas this Thursday-Sunday. Let's also say I will only be available from 8-10PM on Thursday. Now I see this beautiful sweet woman named Solitaire that I would love to set an appointment up with, so I send her an email asking if she will be available at 8pm-10pm on Thursday. Instead of hearing from Ms Solitaire I receive a automated message claiming before I will ever get to speak with her I need to pass screening. Now why would I give private information to someone that may not be able to see me. Instead I will end up seeing someone that will answer very basic questions and you will lose my business. Now imagine I visit Dallas once a month for multiple days. Not only are you missing out on 1 business opportunity, but potentially many business opportunities. Yes, you will deal with some time wasters or guys that will end up not seeing you, but overall you will make more money by answering your emails. Also, it should be easy to spot time wasters. If a guy is asking for a pic of your a-hole, he prolly is a time waster, but if he is asking if you will be available Thursday at x time, he prolly is interested in seeing you at that time......unless he follows up with can I see a pic of your Ahole


You can have someone who efficiently sends you all the info you need to pass screening, immediately, via auto-reply - which you always have the option to reject, on principle, of course.


You can have someone like me, who personally answers every email, eventually, which may not be for days.

You simply cannot please everyone. Originally Posted by Solitaire
I don't think you read my message. Corporate America uses these auto-replies all the time.
And I am the president of a corporation. Originally Posted by PiperPosh
Automated replies are totally fine, but if all you use is automated replies or you make a guy screen before you will even answer basic questions you are making a poor business decision imo. I don't think any women do this though, or at least I never encountered it.
Huge Companies that are so,big that you are a fly on the wall do. But in any service driven company try it and people will get that service elsewhere.

I don't think you read my message. Corporate America uses these auto-replies all the time.
And I am the president of a corporation. Originally Posted by PiperPosh
PiperPosh's Avatar
Automated replies are totally fine, but if all you use is automated replies or you make a guy screen before you will even answer basic questions you are making a poor business decision imo. I don't think any women do this though, or at least I never encountered it. Originally Posted by Vitamin
Well for the meantime I plan to answer all my inquires myself.
I think it doesn't make sense to refuse to reply to someone until you screen him...I usually ask for screening first, but sometimes I get clients who right off the bat want a certain date and time. In those cases I see if I'm available first, then screen.
I used to have a booking agent, and the amount of work I do now just to book makes me appreciate her so much more!
Solitaire's Avatar
.If a gentleman can't pass screening, there was no money there to begin with, negging notwithstanding.

You are assuming he can't pass screening, this is generally not the case.
He may just want to know if you are in town and can do a certain day and time, or have some other specific question that your automated reply does not answer.

First off, I dont do auto-replies, I was simply trying to explain the logic behind it.

And I'm not making assumptions. I have been in a variety of businesses for a very long time. Each industry has its particular behavior that helps you gauge how serious someone is about closing a deal - for this one, it is screening.

As for me, anytime I get a request that does not have screening info, I log it in as a failed screen - usually as Failed/Random.... as I eluded to before, for every random empty email I get, I have a few others with info I need, in addition to screening I'm currently completing.

I can completely understand feeling the need to obtain schedule and somesuch before sending info - and while I don't travel, I'm of the opinion that that info should be easily seen somewhere (ad, website, etc).

But what YOU need to understand is that if any of us have 10 emails sitting in our inbox, some random and others with screening info - who do you think we will devote our time to getting screened and scheduled first? - right, we'll fill up that calendar before entertaining a game of 20 questions.

And why would she devote time to a lookie-loo, when she has several requests, info provided, already passing screening and ready to schedule?

Because he may not be a lookie-loo, and that means more profit.

The only people who fall for this are those who have never been in business for themselves, or those new to business. I did, 20 some-odd years ago. Today, I know better.

It doesn't take much of your time to write, yes, I will be available at 8pm on Thursday, or yes, I will be in Dallas until Friday etc etc. Making guys screen before you even talk to them will end up costing you customers. And if your goal is to make as much profit as you can then this would be a poor way to do business.

I'll repeat, for every random email I get, I have a few others with all the info I need to get them screened and booked, in addition to the screening I'm currently completing at any given time. And yes, Q/A IS time-consuming - all for a "maybe".

The best business advice I ever received, and it's pretty basic, was to not waste time on non-income-producing activities. Does a realtor show properties to those who have not been pre-qualified? The good ones don't.

But you are missing out on income. Let me try to explain one more time.

I'll repeat, for every random empty email I get, I have a few others with info I need, in addition to screening I'm currently completing at any given time. I'm not missing out on anything.

Let's say I am visiting Dallas this Thursday-Sunday. Let's also say I will only be available from 8-10PM on Thursday. Now I see this beautiful sweet woman named Solitaire that I would love to set an appointment up with, so I send her an email asking if she will be available at 8pm-10pm on Thursday. Instead of hearing from Ms Solitaire I receive a automated message claiming before I will ever get to speak with her I need to pass screening. Now why would I give private information to someone that may not be able to see me. Instead I will end up seeing someone that will answer very basic questions and you will lose my business.

I'll repeat, for every random empty email I get, I have a few others with info I need, in addition to screening I'm currently completing at any given time. I lose NOTHING. If that other girl has time to accommodate, great! I'm not in competition with my sisters. I am glad when other ladies succeed.

Now imagine I visit Dallas once a month for multiple days. Not only are you missing out on 1 business opportunity, but potentially many business opportunities.

You are assuming this all works in a different way than it actually does. First off, I probably will miss out of YOUR business, but I will not miss out on "business" in general, nor will I miss out on any profit - I hope you are really getting that by now. I generally miss out on these pretty regularly, as guys come to our town and request last minute visits, which I cannot accommodate anyway. What I generally do is, if they know they will be coming back, I'll get them screened in the interim, again, whenever I get around to it. That way when they do come back they are all good-to-go.

Yes, you will deal with some time wasters or guys that will end up not seeing you, but overall you will make more money by answering your emails.

But... I dont miss out... you seriously underestimate the demand in general.

And as I stated before, I answer mine personally, but it's whenever I can get to them. I have often thought auto-reply would be a great solution, but it seems like, according to these comments, that guys find it more offensive than having to wait on a personal reply.

As I stated before, you can't please everyone.

Also, it should be easy to spot time wasters.

Yes! they are the ones who wont co-operate with screening! For a variety of reasons.
Originally Posted by Vitamin
It really doesnt work the way most guys think it works

Natural/biological supply/demand does not work the same way that the man-made variety works on Wall Street.
James1588's Avatar
I suppose there must be something in this world that's more ridiculous than guys explaining sex workers' business to them, and telling them how they really ought to operate their businesses.

I'm sure there's something sillier. There has to be.

But I sure don't know what it is.
Originally Posted by Solitaire
If you are meeting your quota each day then keep doing what you are doing. And I agree, if you are being contacted by many guys each day and the majority of those guys are willing to send their information without ever hearing from you, then not even bothering with the other guys will prolly not cost you any money, or at least not much money.

The only part I strongly disagree with is that it is time consuming to answer emails. It takes 5 seconds to answer. It's not like the guy is asking for your life story, he prolly is just asking if you will be available on x day at y time. All you need to type is yes or no, it takes 5 seconds of your time. Even if you are receiving 100 emails a day(you def are not receiving that many) then it would take you a little over 8 mins replying to these guys.
If you are meeting your quota each day then keep doing what you are doing. And I agree, if you are being contacted by many guys each day and the majority of those guys are willing to send their information without ever hearing from you, then not even bothering with the other guys will prolly not cost you any money, or at least not much money.

The only part I strongly disagree with is that it is time consuming to answer emails. It takes 5 seconds to answer. It's not like the guy is asking for your life story, he prolly is just asking if you will be available on x day at y time. All you need to type is yes or no, it takes 5 seconds of your time. Even if you are receiving 100 emails a day(you def are not receiving that many) then it would take you a little over 8 mins replying to these guys. Originally Posted by Vitamin
im not sure if you failed math, common sense, or just everything.

you really think it takes that little bit of time to reply to emails?
PiperPosh's Avatar
im not sure if you failed math, common sense, or just everything.

you really think it takes that little bit of time to reply to emails? Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
I agree.
I spend an average of 5 to 10 minutes on each email.
I don't just type mindlessly. I have to take a minute to see how I'm going to phrase what I'm going to write. Sometimes I have to check my availability first. Sometimes guys ask a lot of questions.

And I take the extra time to write in a professional and polite manner and use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

So yeah, 5 to 10 minutes a pop. It is very time consuming.

Last thing I want to do is offend clients with an "auto reply" email. But you can't blame me for fantasizing about how much easier my life would be if I used them.

Last thing I want to do is offend clients with an "auto reply" email. But you can't blame me for fantasizing about how much easier my life would be if I used them. Originally Posted by PiperPosh
I agree. I can't imagine any client wanting them. Nor can I imagine taking more than a few seconds to reply to any email. Courtesy takes but a second. Leaders in all walks of life, the hobby included, routinely get hundreds a day. The key to survival, as has been suggested here, is not technology but learning to respond quickly, succinctly, and winsomely to all. Emails are conversations, not correspondence. Use the google plug-in that deletes the original upon sending. Frankly, I don't have time to read an email you spend 5 to 10 minutes replying to. Make it quick. All I really want to know is are you human and happy. If a customer of ours continues to play chatty charlie with us, we gradually shorten our responses and lengthen our response times.

I'm not suggesting how you should run your business. I'm sharing how I run mine and how we train our employees.

All the best.