Has One Post Ever Killed It...

This isn't going to turn into another why I NSNC SL thread is it? LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
Given enough time, they all do.
Roothead's Avatar
for me, it is when I learn, from reading their reviews and thread comments, that they don't like arrogant, know-it-all, cocky and brash Ivy Leaguer's, with large trust funds, who retired at 40 and now enjoy just golf, sailing and hang out with model perfect providers...

LOL.... joking joking joking
rcinokc's Avatar
Got to agree with JD on the arrogance thing, also if she's up to her eyeballs in drama.
causewaycommuter's Avatar
I do my research before starting the PM flirting. And yes, there have been many times when my interest/curiosity is eliminated when reading a lady's posts. I completely understand that for many of the ladies here, their online persona is just that...a persona. They very well may be significantly different in person. But my gut always tells me that she won't/can't be THAT much different than her online persona.

I am much more interested in an attractive woman with a brain & good head on her shoulders. The ability to carry good conversation is important to me. I don't want to discuss the similarities and differences between 20th century philosophers or the implications of global population on the need for chemically induced farming methods. But I don't want to talk about the wild nights she has had in New Orleans where she gets trashed & dances all night. If a provider demonstrates the ability to add something meaningful to threads, whether in a funny/flirty or a more serious manner, that adds to my interest.

Then there is the general personality of the provider. If she comes across as arrogant, holier than thou, generally negative or mean...then I have no time for you. Fun, flirty, intelligent and nice goes a loooong way in my book.

Of course, my research is only helpful if the lady is at least a somewhat active poster. If her only posts are ads & a handful of random posts, then I have to rely more heavily on reviews and PMs with guys that have reviewed her.
for me, it is when I learn, from reading their reviews and thread comments, that they don't like arrogant, know-it-all, cocky and brash Ivy Leaguer's, with large trust funds, who retired at 40 and now enjoy just golf, sailing and hang out with model perfect providers...

LOL.... joking joking joking Originally Posted by Roothead

I have gotten some e mails where the guy says " The other ladies say I'm easy on the eyes and have given me discounts. I was hoping that was the case with you too. " And then there's a photo attached.

Or " I don't look like Jabba the Hutt so I was hoping you could lower your price."
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I ignore people who annoy me. Life is too short. This is my fun forum. I can go to political or religious forums if I want to argue.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Somewhere in the middle of a longer session, most guys can figure out if a lady actually has the PhD Originally Posted by JDNorthface
It's interesting to hear you mention that. I have never heard it mentioned on the boards before, but it is something my clients frequently talk about ...

Going to see a girl who says she is a “college co-ed” and then during the session he figures out it is all a marking scheme and the girl is dumber then a bag of rocks.

It's another form of bait & switch … a lot of guys want to spend time with someone who is their intellectual equal, or at least someone who values and seeks education. Not some girl who uses education as a marketing ploy.
Well honestly, they have only themselves to blame on that one. If she tYpE LikE dizz, has a poor vocabulary, can't spell, poor grammar, can't figure out spell check, uses words incorrectly in her ads.....why on earth would you think she has even gone past 7th grade?
Well honestly, they have only themselves to blame on that one. If she tYpE LikE dizz, has a poor vocabulary, can't spell, poor grammar, can't figure out spell check, uses words incorrectly in her ads.....why on earth would you think she has even gone past 7th grade? Originally Posted by SillyGirl

Well thanks for the highlighting darling. Always nice to see when someone is picking up what I'm putting down.

Pink Floyd's Avatar
Well honestly, they have only themselves to blame on that one. If she tYpE LikE dizz, has a poor vocabulary, can't spell, poor grammar, can't figure out spell check, uses words incorrectly in her ads.....why on earth would you think she has even gone past 7th grade? Originally Posted by SillyGirl
A girl does not need a Phd to be sexy, but ghetto talk is a definite turn off, and throws up red flags
A girl does not need a Phd to be sexy, but ghetto talk is a definite turn off, and throws up red flags Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi

I was referring to the post directly above mine regarding the use of fake degrees/college experience as a marketing tool. If you are trying to sell yourself as a PhD, you need to follow through on all aspects of it. So yes, in this case, it is a matter of using that fake degree to make yourself sexy.
tonytiger4u's Avatar
I've only been here a couple of months and the one thing that kills the deal for me are the threads about "Why can't the guy read my f-ing ad instead of asking me dumb questions?" That's terrible customer service. I've owned several businesses and I've never had customers study my ads as much as I study my ads. They weren't there during the creation of the ad and aren't as invested in them as I am. If my customers continually asked questions that could be answered by my ad, I would second guess the quality of my ad, NOT the customers. Geez.. Ok, done ranting now.
I was referring to the post directly above mine regarding the use of fake degrees/college experience as a marketing tool. ... Originally Posted by SillyGirl
I was following you. I was thinking in my original post more about the attitude. I don't care whether or not it's real--it's the talking about it that gets me. Ladies and gentlemen of breeding don't normally talk about it for it is obvious. People of wealth find it boorish to discuss most usually because they've learned that others tend to come for their wealth if they discuss it. People of learning let it be known through their impact and their contributions, not their constant trumpeting of their degrees. That's where I was taking the original thought. It's attitude, to me. Humility is a pretty big aphrodisiac to me.
I think many people confuse lack of confidence, coyness, and obedience with humility.