I can neither confirm or deny your implications in this matter... Bawhahahahaha
Originally Posted by HOSS_
ima take that as a YES! and gotta say BABEE makes sense on how it is on tour. i apreceate the info.
dont let the grumpey oldman get ya in trobel with the mods bro. i even kinda got to like the dude when he was meen to me last time and cant stay mad at a bro who likes guns sense i like guns to.
BUT the point is you
never brote up BP in your 1st post even thou you got alotta TOFTTs on BP hookers. everybuddy prolly knows BP hookers can be skech BUT alotta dudes prolly asume hookers on the 411 and DC is gonna have there shit togather.
so just like BABEE dont assume dudes on the 411 is ok with no more screening we dudes prolly can say all the hookers on the 411 and DC aint necesarely got there shit togather to. some is good and some aint and maybe some just need secratarys.
and HOSS you are the TOFTT KING now bro. saved me alotta fuck money on bad hookers! thanks bro.