Biden Says if You Can't Figure Out if You Support Him or Trump, 'Then You Ain't Black'

gfejunkie's Avatar
That Joe...always saying cool stuff. Originally Posted by matchingmole
It was a remark that only the intellectually vacant would make. Similar to Shrillary's "deplorables" moment and your "cool stuff" comment.

Biden's toast.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Both of those old fuckers should not be president. Give me a break. That job requires a lot of work obviously. Neither are qualified in my opinion. I hate to be guilty of ageism but I will with those two old motherfuckers. 73 and 77 years old; give me a fucking break. That's ridiculous. They're both out of touch with reality and I blame neither one. They are both old and set in their ways.

Let the insults come my way from the elders in here. Like I remotely give a shit about any of your opinions about the fact that I am right, but vent as you must.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Both of those old fuckers should not be president. Give me a break. That job requires a lot of work obviously. Neither are qualified in my opinion. I hate to be guilty of ageism but I will with those two old motherfuckers. 73 and 77 years old; give me a fucking break. That's ridiculous. They're both out of touch with reality.

Let the insults come my way from my elders in here. Like I remotely give a shit about any of your opinions about the fact that I am right. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Hey, be nice to us old folks. lol.

I agree. A person in his/her 70s is rarely as mentally astute as they were in their earlier years. The old joke about people my age entering a room and then trying to remember why they were there is true. Doesn't happen often but often enough to remind me that people around my age should not be leading the country.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Hey SR, I hope no offense was taken. It's just my opinion.

Stay healthy and safe my friend and keep it moving forward and don't ever look back. Don't worry about your age. Live your life and be well. You will be because I can tell how you post that your mind is right. You have nothing to worry about. Forget about your age and appreciate yourself and what you have.
LexusLover's Avatar
Hey, be nice to us old folks. lol.

I agree. A person in his/her 70s is rarely as mentally astute as they were in their earlier years. The old joke about people my age entering a room and then trying to remember why they were there is true. Doesn't happen often but often enough to remind me that people around my age should not be leading the country. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
And then some never were from the "beginning"....


Biden just had his "Deplorables" moment.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Hey SR, I hope no offense was taken. It's just my opinion.

Stay healthy and safe my friend and keep it moving forward and don't ever look back. Don't worry about your age. Live your life and be well. You will be because I can tell how you post that your mind is right. You have nothing to worry about. Forget about your age and appreciate yourself and what you have. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I don't mind at all anyone kidding me about my age. I joke about it myself. The alternative to growing older is much worse. In a few minutes I head out on my 22-25 mile bike ride. Great way to start the day.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Biden just had his "Deplorables" moment. Originally Posted by LexusLover
It was definitely a rather poor statement to make. My guess is that it will be meaningless in the long run. Much like Trump's statement about "shithole countries". Long forgotten.

The negative economy due to the coronavirus will cost Trump more votes than anything Biden does or says.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I don't mind at all anyone kidding me about my age. I joke about it myself. The alternative to growing older is much worse. In a few minutes I head out on my 22-25 mile bike ride. Great way to start the day. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Damn, sir. You're hardcore. I'm not even 40 and I am in really good shape and I probably could not do half of that. Congrats! I'm really impressed. Don't go too hard though but keep up the good work. I'm sure you know your limits and you'll be just fine... it's still pretty impressive though regardless of any fucking age. Good job!!!
winn dixie's Avatar
Heres a quote that wont set well with the naacp.

"The White Liberal is more deceitful, more hypocritical than the Conservative. The White Liberal has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor. The White Liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn." — Malcolm X

Would like to see this quote on msnbc!
  • Tiny
  • 05-23-2020, 11:57 AM
Well, I can't figure out if I could support Biden or Trump, and I ain't white. I'm hoping Vermin Supreme gets the Libertarian nomination. I'd vote for him, over Trump and Biden anyway:
  • oeb11
  • 05-23-2020, 12:06 PM
H.... is still posturing as a candidate - and has experience in manipulating the DNC and Convention votes.

Would you vote for VS over H....?
BTW - Biden again put his foot in it
he stated the "NAACP endorsed me" - and the NAACP replied - They do not endorse political candidates.

See new therad on this!

SR - You really want this senile old man as POTUS - or is this just a trick to have folks vote for biden and then pass POTUS to Stacy Abrams????
Or maybe this witch!
  • Tiny
  • 05-23-2020, 12:51 PM
Would you vote for VS over H....? Originally Posted by oeb11
Yeah, four years ago I might have picked Hillary over VS. But I didn't have to. Gary Johnson was my ideal candidate.

In 2016, it looked like the Republicans were going to win both houses of Congress, and the last time we had a Clinton in the White House and Republicans controlling Congress the good times rolled -- a balanced budget, welfare reform, and a capital gains tax cut.

But since then the Democratic party has swung far to the left, and there's a good chance Democrats will control both houses of Congress after the election. Vermin Supreme gets my vote.
HedonistForever's Avatar
this Guy just isn't going to hold up.. he looks okay in a carefully scripted environment, but this was minor heat compared to what's coming.. what will he do and say, when Hunter's shenanigans are put in his face?

I think the Party has a few weeks left, to overthrow him and present a Michelle Obama, a Mark Cuban, somebody.. meanwhile Trump and his followers call Biden feeble, demented, and worse every day.. Biden isn't hitting back.. why? it's not the high road, it's the "what can I possibly say to counter"? position. this is Elder Abuse.. he even sounded like a Pussy when he said he would get in trouble for going too long, cutting into "Doctor" Jill Biden's time. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I think that is wishful thinking. The only person the Democrat Party could possibly choose is Sanders. If they didn't, you would see the biggest revolt in a political party in recent history. It's either Joe or Bernie, period.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hey, be nice to us old folks. lol.

I agree. A person in his/her 70s is rarely as mentally astute as they were in their earlier years. The old joke about people my age entering a room and then trying to remember why they were there is true. Doesn't happen often but often enough to remind me that people around my age should not be leading the country. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Tell me about it! I'm 72 and a few months back, when my gym was still open, I'm standing next to the pool in the spa area which is coed and I realize I have almost removed my swim suit, down to my knees before I realized where I was at ( not in the mens locker room ) and what I was doing. It really shook me up for a couple of days. Lucky for me there was only one guy sitting in the hot tub. If there had been females in the area, I'm sure I would have been reported to the front desk and maybe asked to leave and not come back.

I agree that a younger person would be preferable but not if that young person thought like AOC and I think the new technology the younger people use leads to a more "I need to believe what the people around me believe to fit in regardless of what I might think" attitude but maybe I'm wrong since I have never been on social media in my life but I sure hear enough about it to know, it may not be the best place to get your news, Facebook? Really? Where's Walter Chronkite when you need him! Just a little old timer humor!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Biden will win the black vote by a substantial amount. It may not be the estimated 90% that Hillary Clinton won in 2016 but it will be close. Trump is campaigning hard for the black vote, realizing any gain at all will help him.

Trump and his 2020 campaign team are trying to win over black voters, but they will fail

Black voters aren’t buying what Trump is selling. How do I know? I'm a black person who recently left the GOP after decades of being a loyal Republican.

8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows

More than eight in 10 African Americans believe President Donald Trump is racist and that he has contributed to making racism a bigger problem in the United States, according to a new Washington Post-Ipsos poll.

The only voting bloc that Trump has in his pocket are Evangelial Christians and old, white men with maximum HS education. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

8 out of 10? Do you know what happens if Trump gets 20% of the Black vote? Or how about 30%?

The Democratic Party maintains an overwhelming share of black support, with 70 percent saying they will vote for the party’s presidential nominee in November.

I think Trump got 8% of the Black vote last time and I heard one prediction ( for what that's worth ) that if Trump gets above 15% all things considered, he will win.

From the reaction I heard yesterday from many Black leaders, they really aren't happy with Joe Biden. Whether that could translate to a vote for Trump? Who they hell knows. We'll have to wait for November to know the answer to that.