Ex-White House Ethics Chief Calls McConnell A 'Perjurer' After Senator Takes Impeachment Oath: He Said 'The Exact Opposite'

Don't expects them to do that. They want to bring in a bunch of "witnesses" to makes an even bigger mockerys of this thing than they already are. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
At least you have a little bit of awareness that this is just what this circus is. A...MOCKERY!!

Their just illustrating absurdity with absurdity.
Bullseye....Senators are already commenting about the lack of witnesses and documents.

Trump party claiming the intelligence committee didn’t do a through job.

The Dems presenting documents proving the obstruction of witnesses and documents by DJT

Now add Ken Star and Dershowitz to the office of propaganda and it’s the “ greatest impeachment of all time”....trump wouldn’t have it any other way. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
How did shady ol' Levi work out for ya Tehran Jax??
Jaxson66's Avatar
Says Tehran JAX!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Well I wouldn’t classify Steve Schmitt, Richard Steele and Joe Scarborough as liberals. They have used the nick name Moscow Mitch for McConnell.

As a matter of fact Scarborough occasionally uses the term on his morning program.

Just saying I’m not the only one.
Jaxson66's Avatar
How did shady ol' Levi work out for ya Tehran Jax?? Originally Posted by bb1961
Dude, I didn’t hire the guy to interfere with the 2020 election. You’ll have to ask Rudy to evaluate his job performance. I couldn’t write a accurate evaluation because he just began spilling his guts 48 hours ago. All I can say “ the 66% who want witnesses now have more allegations to consider”.
  • oeb11
  • 01-17-2020, 03:55 PM
Deflection and Denial
Inability to take personal responsibility - it is always "well, what about someone else"!!
Comedy Central Forum !
HedonistForever's Avatar
not in denial.. I keep beating this Dead horse, but I'll give it one more slap.

Trump REFUSED to allow REAL witnesses to testify in the House. therefore the proceedings came up short of what should have been.. Trump wanted testimony blocked there, and wants it blocked in the Senate. why play this charade? you know Trump blocked witnesses, the House simply responded back. Trump only wanted HIS witnesses.

dismiss Parnas.. I don't know what he has to tell, but give me Pompeo, Mulvaney, Guiliani and Bolton, and I'm finished calling witnesses Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Would it surprise you to learn that Chuck Shumer voted against having witnesses in the Clinton impeachment? All of these people are hypocrites, on both sides since McConnell voted for witnesses in the Clinton impeachment. I've put up the video's many time of Nadler, Pelosi, Shumer and Lindsey Graham saying the exact opposite of what they are saying now. With Nadler and Pelosi, it was like they were reading from a Republican script that hadn't been written yet. We've all heard the Republicans saying this is all about hate for the other party but Pelosi said all that first.


"Republicans are paralyzed with hatred for President Clinton" said Nancy Pelosi. Singing a different tune today. This is all about politics and nothing else. They are all hypocrites because party matters more than anything.

All I care about are policies. They all lie so I can't base my vote on that, policies are all there is and I support every single policy that Trump has put forth and disagree with every single policy that every Democrat is running on. Nobody votes for somebody pushing policies they don't believe in because that person lies less than anybody else.
  • oeb11
  • 01-17-2020, 07:31 PM
We pay our politicians to lie to us, and they do a damn good job of it.
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