Whispers is trolling.

Of course he was. He is one of the Elite. Rules (excuse me, "Guidelines") are supposed to be flexible and always give the Austin Gang members a favorable reading. Why is this so hard for you and other minions to understand?

Notice how he also said he and W were taking a leave of absence for a while? Seems SL missed his own message. Originally Posted by Old-T
Not hard for me to understand as I point it out frequently.
They're special fat snowflakes in these parts.

And yeah Whispers sent his message boy/little bitch to tell of the hiatus/strike.
Maybe they'll use the time wisely and get some exercise,lose weight and gain some manners.
Anyone can change their status message to say their account is disabled when it is in fact still active.

If you want to be a misleading jerk, you can join in the fun by going to User Control Panel => Edit Your Details => Custom User Title Originally Posted by phaedrus
However, If you go to the master members list at: https://www.eccie.net/memberlist.php?do=getall

and Search for "Whispers", you will find "Account Disabled" status, and I have been told by our local Mods that this status is eccie "authoritative," and for those of you in the IT/Admin business, you understand the term to be official.

Just because his account is "Disabled" for the time being, it doesn't mean that he will not return at a future time or that he is not watching from another perspective.

Whispers can be a hand full here on the boards, but it is always entertaining and sometimes educational to follow his posts.

WRT to MS FirePhoenix's comment, I too saw that nice hottie dancing on the stripper pole at the party, and I was likewise impressed. I always admire an old guy who has game with the hot young ladies. Don't care how he gets it, that's why we're in the "hobby."

His board persona and real life activity are not a mirror.

Bottom line, when he is ready, he shall return...
Alphamate's Avatar
However, If you go to the master members list at: https://www.eccie.net/memberlist.php?do=getall

and Search for "Whispers", you will find "Account Disabled" status, and I have been told by our local Mods that this status is eccie "authoritative," and for those of you in the IT/Admin business, you understand the term to be official.

Just because his account is "Disabled" for the time being, it doesn't mean that he will not return at a future time or that he is not watching from another perspective.

Whispers can be a hand full here on the boards, but it is always entertaining and sometimes educational to follow his posts.

WRT to MS FirePhoenix's comment, I too saw that nice hottie dancing on the stripper pole at the party, and I was likewise impressed. I always admire an old guy who has game with the hot young ladies. Don't care how he gets it, that's why we're in the "hobby."

His board persona and real life activity are not a mirror.

Bottom line, when he is ready, he shall return... Originally Posted by BugleBoy
His board persona is toxic. What is your point exactly...
Wow. Maybe Whispers (finally) got a "time out" from the Mods?

... Just startin' rumors... or maybe I'm just in subjunctive mode here.
His board persona is toxic. What is your point exactly... Originally Posted by Alphamate
His handle is officially off the boards, but that does not mean that he isn't wired into what is happening both in Coed and in ROS/ML. If you don't wish to tangle with him in future, don't be stupid and start posting crazy shit, just because you mistakenly believe there will not be any consequences.

He has risen from the grave before and my guess is that he shall return sometime in the not too-distant future.
nuglet's Avatar
If you think he doesn't have a spare handle (or two or five), you slept through the last time.
Too funny
Whispers's Avatar
..... I've seen him across the room once and that's it. .... His date at the time was very nice and a great pole dancer. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix discussing Whispers
.....You know the funny thing is I have met more than a couple providers who have done sessions with whispers or even multiple sessions with him and they all say the same things about him. They say that in person he is a very kind, respectful, and generous person. They say he treats them very well and they have never felt unsafe or uncomfortable around him. Originally Posted by Mr.BobDabolina discussing Whispers
Whispers can be a hand full here on the boards, but it is always entertaining and sometimes educational to follow his posts.

With Regards To MS FirePhoenix's comment, I too saw that nice hottie dancing on the stripper pole at the party, and I was likewise impressed. I always admire an old guy who has game with the hot young ladies. ....

His board persona and real life activity are not a mirror.

Bottom line, when he is ready, he shall return... Originally Posted by BugleBoy discussing Whispers
Ya know BugleBoy.....I was hoping not to have to for a while.... but before the ship sailed My phone started lighting up with texts from people telling me my reputation as an asshole that hates women was suffering from people talking "nice" about me.... I didn't understand how that could be until I saw these posts....

What's that saying? "If you can't say anything ugly about a person don't say nothing at all?"

I'm lobbying the owners to add to Guideline #22 Better watch for it so you don't get sanctioned....

#22 - ECCIE Staff will go to great lengths to avoid editing, deleting, or censoring our members posts or threads...unless absolutely necessary. Forbidden topics such as underage sex, illicit drugs, bestiality, revealing personal info, medical speculation, trying to undermine Whispers characterization as a Woman Hating Misogynist that no women ever spend time with or images not in compliance will be removed from public view. Controversial, troublesome, or objectionable posts may draw staff attention or in some cases disciplinary action, but the offending post will not be removed from the view of our membership in any but the most extreme cases. Often times you will find directions, footnotes, or other guidance from staff edited INTO posts which draw our attention. These are for the purpose of educating the readers of what is and what is not acceptable as well as informing others about how these issues have been dealt with. Members are encouraged to RTM posts which include rule infractions or objectionable material if it appears that staff has not already become involved
Whispers's Avatar
If you think he doesn't have a spare handle (or two or five), you slept through the last time. Originally Posted by nuglet
Last Time? For 18 years now I have posted as Whispers..... except for a period of time in South Florida when I used "Shout out Loud"....

I dislike credit for my thoughts being given to others....
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 06-06-2017, 12:33 AM
Last Time? For 18 years now I have posted as Whispers..... except for a period of time in South Florida when I used "Shout out Loud"....

I dislike credit for my thoughts being given to others.... Originally Posted by Whispers
Don't worry bro, I am posting a thread to save you!


Whispers's Avatar
Don't worry bro, I am posting a thread to save you!


GT Originally Posted by gt27
It is pathetic that you let me define your life here... But carry on..... You are one of hundreds over the years that have tried and failed to make a difference....
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 06-06-2017, 12:48 AM
Nonetheless, I love you Care Bear. Do you love me or the next woman, or man, you are going to rip into bits? I know you and SL go way back, can you shed some light on your relationship with him? We all want to know
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 06-06-2017, 12:52 AM
It is pathetic that you let me define your life here... But carry on..... You are one of hundreds over the years that have tried and failed to make a difference.... Originally Posted by Whispers
I do not define a life here. BUT it is you who cannot stay away from here. Good luck!
FirePhoenix's Avatar
So whatever happened to the handle "cat in the hat"?
Why was those 2 comments from my post highlighted?I have to admit that it's lost on me as to the reason why. Shrugging my shoulder
Samcro84's Avatar
The great thing about fire is that it needs fuel to burn. If you don't supply fuel it will not be fire.

Ger it?
