Religious Blackmail

LexusLover's Avatar
I'd forgotten how disjoint your logic can be.

And this argument has everything to do with religion, religious beliefs,

That sort of bigoted crap is precisely the mindset that ...

Isn't it time to grow up, .... Originally Posted by blowpop
I have not forgotten how condescending you are, ....

.... is that the liberalism oozing out ....

Your argument (not mine) has to do with "religion" and "religious beliefs" ....

.. and the "right" of one religious group to put a place of worship in a place that offends others .... and in this case a lot of others.

I am not concerned about their "right" to do it, I think that is clear, at least in my mind.

I am concerned about a total disregard for how that might impact those who suffered from the attacks on 911, which were 10's of thousands of people, IRRESPECTIVE of whether or not the developers or the Imam was responsible for the attacks.

On a constant basis I deal with people who have had some sort of tragedy in their lives, some in the midst of one, and their religious beliefs and/or the causes of the pain they are feeling do not affect my interest in not contributing further to their pain or suffering .... and if that causes me inconvenience that is a small price to pay to attempt to move beyond their condition and avoid deepening their pain or prolonging their healing process. I was not the source of their pain or suffering, but that does not give me a "pass" on further aggravating it.

That may be a "disjoint" in "logic" ... but that's your logic and the template that you seek to impose on others' beliefs as you label them "bigots"! Your name calling is not intimidating, and as has recently been observed overplaying the "race" card is going to water down the accusation so that it has no meaning.

"Crying wolf" a little too often.

Keep up the Spelling Police job, you could use some improvement in the postings of those who agree with you, or is that your "disjoint" and "bigoted crap"?
Promote Tolerance

I am appalled that so many of my friends are against the mosque near
Ground Zero. We should allow it in order to promote tolerance.

I also propose that two gay nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque
to promote tolerance in the mosque. We could call them "The Turban Cowboy"
and "You Mecca Me Hot".

Next door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork and has an
open pit BBQ with pork ribs.

Across the street a very daring lingerie store with large display windows
called "Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret.

And, next door in flashing lights open an Adult Toy Shop.

I think for the purpose of tolerance we should build accordingly

LexusLover's Avatar
Promote Tolerance

We should allow it in order to promote tolerance.
Originally Posted by carnivore
Just remember: No women allowed to enter. And if they dare ...

sounds like an all male audience participation theater is in order ...

..... "The Stones Throw"!
eagle's Avatar
  • eagle
  • 09-15-2010, 03:00 PM
Promote Tolerance

I am appalled that so many of my friends are against the mosque near
Ground Zero. We should allow it in order to promote tolerance. Originally Posted by carnivore

I agreed.
blowpop's Avatar
I am not concerned about their "right" to do it, I think that is clear, at least in my mind. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm glad to hear that.

I am concerned about a total disregard for how that might impact those who suffered from the attacks on 911, which were 10's of thousands of people, IRRESPECTIVE of whether or not the developers or the Imam was responsible for the attacks. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I feel for the families directly impacted by the 9/11 tragedy. But I don't think we can toss our values aside in order to avoid the possibility of offending them. And one of the most American of values is respect for each other, whether we're different or not. The times when we've forgotten this are some of the darkest times in our history. (Of course, at the time, I have little doubt there were those making arguments much like yours.)

On a constant basis I deal with people who have had some sort of tragedy in their lives, some in the midst of one, and their religious beliefs and/or the causes of the pain they are feeling do not affect my interest in not contributing further to their pain or suffering .... and if that causes me inconvenience that is a small price to pay to attempt to move beyond their condition and avoid deepening their pain or prolonging their healing process. I was not the source of their pain or suffering, but that does not give me a "pass" on further aggravating it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Honestly, if a family member of the 9/11 victims blame all Islamic people for the actions of a handful of terrorists, they need therapy, not people walking on eggshells around them. No one suggested banning all churches near the site of the Oklahoma City terrorist attacks; why do we have to treat followers of Islam differently?
dearhunter's Avatar
You fucktards who thinck that Islam is just another "religion" are sniffing glue........islam today is just like the catholicism of old........with the inquisitions to go with it.........the term is "theocracy"............and not a benevolent one either.
I agree with you dh. I'm sure Daniel Pearl and Molly Norris agrees also.

Muslim terrorism is very effective.
blowpop's Avatar
You fucktards who thinck that Islam is just another "religion" are sniffing glue........islam today is just like the catholicism of old........with the inquisitions to go with it.........the term is "theocracy"............and not a benevolent one either. Originally Posted by dearhunter
That's a good description of the extremist Islamic sects. Are you saying that moderate, mainstream Islam doesn't exist?
dearhunter's Avatar
I have lived in "moderate" muslim countries. The "tolerant" muslim is the muslim who does not practice his faith........kind of like a non-practicing catholic on steroids.

In order for a muslin to be "tolerant" he has to ignore his Qur'an........kind of like a Baptist on steroids accepting a homosexual.
dearhunter's Avatar
I agree with you dh. I'm sure Daniel Pearl and Molly Norris agrees also.

Muslim terrorism is very effective. Originally Posted by gnadfly
.........and the "moderate" muslim strokes his chin when confronted with the atrocity and say "it is the will of Allah"
Promote Tolerance

I am appalled that so many of my friends are against the mosque near
Ground Zero. We should allow it in order to promote tolerance.

I also propose that two gay nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque
to promote tolerance in the mosque. We could call them "The Turban Cowboy"
and "You Mecca Me Hot".

Next door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork and has an
open pit BBQ with pork ribs.

Across the street a very daring lingerie store with large display windows
called "Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret.

And, next door in flashing lights open an Adult Toy Shop.

I think for the purpose of tolerance we should build accordingly
Originally Posted by carnivore
actually the area I hear is pretty much as you describe it.
but this is true blessed ground, sacred with blood, that we are building 2 more towers for commerce. Appearently only sacred in regards to Islam, not the porn shops and Gentlemans Club,
Madison did have his critics, and in part that is being show today, we hear daily of the "rich" being the targets of income and property redistribution.

... I always wonder about the "rich" e targets of income/property redistribution, has anyone threaten to take away property? The most I have seen is expiration of tax cuts they got. Has the goverment taken any other drastic action?
LexusLover's Avatar

... I always wonder about the "rich" e targets of income/property redistribution, has anyone threaten to take away property? The most I have seen is expiration of tax cuts they got. Has the goverment taken any other drastic action? Originally Posted by live4fun
Redistribution of money necessarily involves the "taking of property" since the only other way the government can "take property" is through forfeiture for some criminal activity or eminent domain for which the government must pay for the property.

Some of the "social programs" proposed by the current goof balls at the White House and "leaders" of Congress involve additional TAXES. The fallacy of the dialogue from those fools is that they define "rich" as being people who earn more than $250,000 ..... who the hell do you think HIRES people for "good paying" jobs? Someone who makes $50,000 a year?
blowpop's Avatar
I have lived in "moderate" muslim countries. The "tolerant" muslim is the muslim who does not practice his faith........kind of like a non-practicing catholic on steroids.

In order for a muslin to be "tolerant" he has to ignore his Qur'an........kind of like a Baptist on steroids accepting a homosexual. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Very few religious people of any faith follow the teachings of their ancient holy books to the letter. And it's probably a good idea, because these ancient documents all had some rather offensive teachings.

Here are a few from the Old and New Testament:

Leviticus 25:44-46, the Lord tells the Israelites it’s OK to own slaves, provided they are strangers or heathens.

Samuel 15:2-3, the Lord orders Saul to kill all the Amalekite men, women and infants.

Numbers 31, the Lord tells Moses to kill all the Midianites, sparing only the virgins.

Deuteronomy 13:6-16, the Lord instructs Israel to kill anyone who worships a different god or who worships the Lord differently.

Mark 7:9, Jesus is critical of the Jews for not killing their disobedient children as prescribed by Old Testament law.

And what perhaps best demonstrates this phenomenon:

Luke 19:22-27, Jesus orders killed anyone who refuses to be ruled by him. (Link to the text, for those who don't believe me)

As you can see, it's trivial to find offensive, violent passages in ancient books considered to be holy. What matters is how people live their lives, not the minutiae of the ancient books they revere.
blowpop's Avatar
Is that the sound of crickets that I hear?