Boob job or no boob job...

Thanks saline worse than silicon or is there a difference to y'all?
Wayward's Avatar
Saline feels more natural, but your Doctor should show you both. Please don't get them, it's your choice and so do as you will. In my opinion you are very beautiful now and don't need a boob job.
JoeCanGo's Avatar
Just one more thing Jemma, I just looked at your showcase......
Girl, you are FINE just like you are Awesome body and Very well put together. Anyway like I said JMO.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 11-16-2010, 12:18 PM
Miss Jemma. Don't get them.

I think that I speak for most guys here - we'll go see a lady with natural b's long before (and more frequent!) than we will pay to be with a young lady with fake anythings. what you want, it won't impact your business in any way...there's so far only one person on this planet who won't see you based solely on the fact they're fake.
Ok thanks everyone! I might be clueless but JoeCanGo what does JMO mean Lol
proper's Avatar
JMO - just my opnion.

Wakeup - make that 2. I like DTL absolutely do not care for fake boobs.

Jemma - you are young and so gorgeous looking. why such a rush to go for fake boobs. When your body does feel not as young maybe in 15 -20 years I can see you getting them to make you feel better but for someone so young why?

Again your choice but i would advice not to get them.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
.....there's so far only one person on this planet who won't see you based solely on the fact they're fake. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Hey Wakeup! If you mean me, I didn't say I won't see her based on the fake hoots...I said rubber tits were close to an absolute deal breaker. Close. If, for example, Lovely Jemma would make home delivery to WORLD HEADQUARTERS (inner loop), I might make an exception.

PM me, Jemma, if you will. I won't tell a soul. Cross my heart and hope to die.
Girl!!!! You do NOT need implants but i also know that if you are thinking you do then its up to you.. You see yourself in a different way, shit all of use women do lol... I think yours are perfect now.. But it will not hurt your business.. Most men say real but if they look great then no worries and even if you have a bad job, theres still men out there that dont care..
Who cares, youre hot lil thang!!!!
proper's Avatar
Oh Don - seems like you are backtracking. I don't blame you. Jemma is hot and can do that to any man.
jacksparrow's Avatar
get the boobs implants . plenty of guys would still see you.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
JMO - Just My Opinion.

Don T is correct you requested our opinion, so here is mine.

My preference is natural, and I could care less if she has an A, B, C or whatever.....

I would not NOT see a lady solely because she had MM; but given the choice of 2 similar ladies, similar Menus, etc, I would chose the lady without the MM.

I am sorry to say when I was involved with Breast Implant litigation, I probably saw over 10,000 boob jobs - most were aweful. I can count on 1 hand the number of MM that I thought was awesome, and I don't need all my fingers.

Even now, I see breast implants with terrible scares under the breast - it is much less expensive to do that kind of procedure, then go in from under the arm or navel - but most girls don't want to spend LARGE sums of $$$$; thus, crappy boob jobs.

I also see the results of other procedures and well, they are far less than stellar - althought they look great IN clothes; they don't look / feel that great without the cover.

I understand older ladies getting a boob job, or a boob lift after gravity and other things have taken a toll on their bodies.....but young women? Seriously WTF??

Everyone whats what they don't have
If you have straight hair, you get curls;
If you have curly hair, you get it straightened

If you have a pale complexture you live in a tanning booth;

If you are a brunette you want to be a blonde

And lets not even talk about noses!

Jemma - you are a beautiful girl with a beautiful body....Seriously WTF?

but that is JMHO.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
youre hot lil thang!!!! Originally Posted by hollyofhouston
True dat, but if she makes changes she will either get mo hotter or less hot.

To a Prussian prince, no lesser light than Voltaire remarked "Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien". (The better is the enemy of the good). Darrell Royal channeled Voltaire with "Dance with who brung you".

Voltaire turns 316 this Sunday; almost as old as me.
Oh Don - seems like you are backtracking. I don't blame you. Jemma is hot and can do that to any man. Originally Posted by proper
This happens all the time. People say they absolutely won't see someone because of this, that or the other then you see a review of them...

Like Holly will never hurt her business...
boardman's Avatar
I guess I need to see you pre-op so I have something to compare to.

If you're going to get it done regardless I prefer eight nipples but that's just me!!!