FIV - Why?

I find it exciting to kind of gather a mental image of what it will feel like to switch finger for other.. Kind of a tighness test. Originally Posted by diddleman
Tightness test?

Whaaaaaat? Get the heck out of here diddleman.

Can you seriously tell if a pussy is tight by a sticking a finger in it?

Next time someone fingers me in the dark, I'm going to direct their finger to my asshole on the sly. Lmao.
I perform the daty/fiv combo. I love watching a woman squirm and I havent had any complaints, so ......
  • grean
  • 05-06-2015, 05:04 PM
As to why, well I have fingers and she has a V.....
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 05-06-2015, 05:14 PM
I don't really get the attraction to FIV. I don't really get the attraction to DATY.
Maybe that's why I'm unattractive.

I'm usually tied up so if you want anything in any of your orifices then you have to put it there yourself.
pyramider's Avatar
Tightness test?

Whaaaaaat? Get the heck out of here diddleman.

Can you seriously tell if a pussy is tight by a sticking a finger in it?

Next time someone fingers me in the dark, I'm going to direct their finger to my asshole on the sly. Lmao. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste

There is a big difference between kitty and starfish before any penetration.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't normally finger, I'm a Tongue Guy... but when I do, it's Dos Equis

my impression is most ladies don't like it, but those times I've done it successfully, my technique was:

slip middle finger in slowly, palm facing up, wiggle the finger slowly in a "come here" motion, gradually go faster (but still gently) as I'm massaging the "roof" of the pussy, but not deep inside.. hitting the clit, so I think..
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I do like pettin the kitty. But not a big fan finger blasting a gal. I only go in deep enough to stir the honey pot a little. I'm not trying to do dick work with a digit.
Misty S's Avatar
Tightness test?

Whaaaaaat? Get the heck out of here diddleman.

Can you seriously tell if a pussy is tight by a sticking a finger in it?

Next time someone fingers me in the dark, I'm going to direct their finger to my asshole on the sly. Lmao. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste

doublebogey49's Avatar
I always got the impression that FIV is something providers tolerated more than enjoyed. While ladies will move want to kill you, pull you close put you inside of them or sit on your face, very few seem to initiate you putting your fingers inside them....unless you've known them for awhile and know exactly what they like.

I imagine every guy thinks they have a magic way to get you off and their technique or hands are too rough, it could end up damaging the goods. Or we can all believe that we have magic fingers and tongues and all those O's are real, lol!

It's not an activity i normally do in a session. Originally Posted by Fortisb43
I agree with Fortisb - I've read many comments from providers who don't seem to enjoy FIV. It's not something that I would do in a session, unless she specifically requests it.
Fingering is so high school. I was "raised" by a dancing friend and, to say the least, it was a no no/oh hell no for a stranger to go there. She also taught me bout the quick n littles was the way to go. The hot smart azz retired to the RW butt still keeps in touch when she is in town
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
I'm an equal opportunity finger-receiver until someone proves to me that they suck at it LOL. Some people do that right off the bat. And definitely no long/sharp fingernails in my pussy, although I usually have an emery board to offer if it's important to a guy who has long or sharp nails.

I love a good finger inside me tho! I AM ridiculously tight and even two fingers can be way too much for me. Finger have bones in them and are harder than cocks. Two fingers is often an uncomfortable stretch for me, depending on the thickness of the fingers involved (from most men it's too much, unless they warm me up really well first). One finger is about as much as my pussy will accommodate without some warm-up time. So yes, most guys immediately comment on how tight I am as soon as they insert a finger. A little slow, gentle, subtle massage with the finger combined with some skilled DATY or my own masturbation gets my juices flowing and leaves my pussy begging for some cock. It doesn't make me orgasm, but I love teasing my pussy with a little sensual finger action and am not afraid to tell a guy how I like it. I appreciate the warm-up to get my pussy open and ready for a cock. Otherwise it feels REALLY tight when a cock goes in there if I haven't been warmed up with a finger first. Which is OK, but definitely requires some very slow, minimal stroking for a few minutes until my body opens up and releases its vice grip on the organ inside of me. (Did you know that a woman's internal organs rearrange themselves while she's having sex to make room for the cock? I only know because with me, it's a particularly noticeable internal shift during the first 2-3 minutes of sex.)

A lot of guys also love my pheromones and want to put their fingers in me so they can pull out my pussy juices and lick them off their finger, or let me lick them off, or maybe we can both lick off my pussy juices and make out in the whole mess of pheromones. That's pretty fun too!
I FIV to see if I can snap my fingers. If I can, that tells me to tie the board I brought to my ass...lmaooo...Oh lighten up, Francis....
Iaintliein's Avatar
I guess I've never put an emphasis on it, many ladies here state they are uncomfortable with it due to unknowns about hygiene, manicures etc. Reasons I'd do it are the same as breast play, DATY and requesting CIM (and occasionally Greek), because it isn't on the menu at home.
  • Uncas
  • 05-07-2015, 08:25 AM
I think spicy may have just recruited a few customers...
Why YES Dear I can tell if a pussy is tight by finger test can't you? haha,, Should have listed it as an option on the above survey. We have the finger scale. You have your 1,2,3, and so on. Much past 2 and I start worrying. now as to you redirecting the finger test in the dark well ok..