Long day for Obama

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
And if the POTUS does not bring back the "US serviceman" it then becomes "another strategic blunder by Obama."

From JDIdiot's unique perspective, there is no way in hell that Obama can ever do anything right!

He's damned if he does and he's damned if he does not. Originally Posted by bigtex
Sweeping generalizations do not make a cogent argument. Getting the soldier back at the point of a gun would find no argument here. Capturing Bin Laden would have been hailed as a very great victory though he would probably fuck up the incarceration prior to execution. Threatening sanctions on Mexico unless they toe the line on our marine's human rights would be welcome. Actually carrying out the sanctions would be a surprise but getting our marine back short of paying ransom (see Barbary Pirates and Thomas Jefferson) would be great.

Once again Tampon you've let your alligator mouth override your canary ass.

Aren't you one of the pea brains who criticized Bush for not finding Bin Laden. Isn't that the same as not finding one American (who wants to escape) in almost six years? You hypocritical piece of shit!

Welcome Home 1st Sergeant Bergdahl
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Here is your fatal mistake....what does this have to do with elections? I mean really? Was there a question during the debate that asked would you trade hostages for terrorists. Why do you want to make this about politics? I know why even if you don't. In the realm of politics you can make this about partisan dislike of Obama with little racism thrown in. If this is in the actual realm of foriegn policy then you don't have much to stand on. I don't know who pays your salary but they ought to get their money back. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Someone new posting here and JDIdiot welcomes him with a rude and confrontational response.

You still haven't addressed Iran-Contra and how that compares with this.
Here is your fatal mistake....what does this have to do with elections? I mean really? Was there a question during the debate that asked would you trade hostages for terrorists. Why do you want to make this about politics? I know why even if you don't. In the realm of politics you can make this about partisan dislike of Obama with little racism thrown in. If this is in the actual realm of foriegn policy then you don't have much to stand on. I don't know who pays your salary but they ought to get their money back. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Same reason Benghazi is all about elections ;-) Don't tell me you're that naive? Ok so maybe you are!!! fine I can work with that. There's always a narrative and everything and wedge issue is ultimately about elections. In this case the letter and spirit of the law should be questioned. It's ok to have a law but it's also OK to follow the spirit vs. the letter.

For example: Sure we're going to say publicly we won't negotiate and may even have law on the books but then it depends on who's captured right? You think if the Commander in Chief or another 5-star general is captured we're not going to negotiate their release despite what the policy states? Let's see the Republicans dare to impeach him over this. Obama is setting these guys up for a major fall.

All Obama did was BOOST the morale of our troops and show them that at the end of the day despite what Congress thinks about him he has the troops best interest at heart. Its a big boost for the Dems and if that's not about winning elections I don't know what is.

ohh and trust that my benefactors they get their money's worth ;-)
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If I'm not mistaken this policy works well for the Jews in Israel. They are hawkish about not leaving a single Israeli soldier (even the dead ones) and will bargain for their release. ;-)

It's always buffoonery when it's not your dad, brother, or son being bargained for. ;-) and if it's not then it's generally more billboards and platitudes as to how "great an American you are" and "we love our soldiers".

I say welcome a soldier home and thank Obama for making the right call. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I'm not so sure it works well for us. We Israeli's regularly make these type of one sided deals where we give up 5-1 or worse. Why shouldn't it be one to one?
He starts most workdays at 10.30 am............slacker.
By many accounts, this guy is a deserter.

I hope the Army now finds out what really happenned, and if he did indeed go AWOL and desert, throw his ass in Levenworth.

Could we all agree on this?

POW’s dad praises Allah at suspicious Rose Garden press conference with Obama

June 1, 2014 by Joe Saunders 25 Comments
The father of the U.S. soldier released in a prisoner swap with the Taliban in Afghanistan on Saturday ended a White House news conference praising Allah with the most frequently used phrase in the Quran and questions continue to build over the wisdom – and legality – of the trade.

Photo: CNN
Appearing with President Obama in a brief Rose Garden event, Robert Bergdahl, the father of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, recited “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahm,” according to the Daily Caller. In English, that means, “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.”

When he finished reciting, the president hugged him.

Bergdahl’s words echoed the Taliban’s official reaction to the prisoner swap. In a statement, the group that has been at war with the United States since 2001 announced that five of its members who had been held at the American prison at Guantanamo Bay prison had been released, “due to the benevolence of Allah Almighty and the sacrifices of the heroic and courageous Mujahadin of the Islamic Emirate.”

Bergdahl’s use of a Muslim prayer and the Taliban’s portrayal of it as a clear victory for their movement – Taliban leader Mullah Omar on Sunday called the release from Gitmo a “big win” in the Pakistani news outlet Dawn.com – is sure to increase the controversy around Obama’s prisoner swap, helped by a tweet posted to Berdahl’s Twitter account last week vowing to work for the release of the rest of the prisoners at the prison. (That tweet has been deleted.)

Already, top Republicans have said Obama broke the law by releasing five terrorists from Guantanamo Bay without notifying Congress. The president is required by law to give Congress 30 days’ notice before transferring any prisoner out of Gitmo..

“Trading five senior Taliban leaders from detention in Guantanamo Bay for Bergdahl’s release may have consequences for the rest of our forces and all Americans. Our terrorist adversaries now have a strong incentive to capture Americans. That incentive will put our forces in Afghanistan and around the world at even greater risk,” House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. McKeon, R-Calif., and the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, James M. Inhofe, R-Okla., wrote in a statement,according to Fox News.

The Washington Post on Sunday quoted a “senior administration official” admitting as much, but pretending it didn’t matter.

“Due to a near-term opportunity to save Sergeant Bergdahl’s life, we moved as quickly as possible,” the official said, according to the Post. “The administration determined that given these unique and exigent circumstances, such a transfer should go forward notwithstanding the notice requirement.”

The law, in short, is what the White House says it is, “bismillah.”

Bismillah (ˌbɪsmɪˈlaː)

— interj
the words which preface all except one of the surahs of the Koran, used by Muslims as a blessing before eating or some other action

[shortened from Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim , from Arabic, literally: in the name of God, the merciful and compassionate]
This once again proves that here is NOTHING this President can do that will compel his apologist-followers back away from the "Obamatron".

It is bad enough that he has contempt for the Law, but to pull off an assinine stunt like this on top of it......??

Good grief. Aren't they the least bit ashamed?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Really, it just makes them want to kidnap more soldiers for bartering currency. It is a failed strategy by an increasingly befuddled moron of a President. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
They traded one prisoner.

How many US servicemen are held by the Afghanis?

How many Russian POWs were returned to Russia after they left?

I don't think we'll see a large increase in American POWs held in Afghanistan.

POW’s dad praises Allah at suspicious Rose Garden press conference with Obama

June 1, 2014 by Joe Saunders 25 Comments
The father of the U.S. soldier released in a prisoner swap with the Taliban in Afghanistan on Saturday ended a White House news conference praising Allah with the most frequently used phrase in the Quran and questions continue to build over the wisdom – and legality – of the trade.

Photo: CNN
Appearing with President Obama in a brief Rose Garden event, Robert Bergdahl, the father of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, recited “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahm,” according to the Daily Caller. In English, that means, “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.”

When he finished reciting, the president hugged him.
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
^ I haven't had a chance to read all the details but let me advise you since everything in life appears so B&W and straight forward to you. Perhaps just perhaps his father said praise Allah as a show of "respect" to the Muslims on behalf of the other POW's still looking to be released. I swear all you guys think you really know what's going on in the world don 't really have a clue.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
By many accounts, this guy is a deserter.

I hope the Army now finds out what really happenned, and if he did indeed go AWOL and desert, throw his ass in Levenworth.

Could we all agree on this? Originally Posted by Jackie S
I'm not going to try and speak for or condemn everybody else. And I don't care what everybody else says.

If after a thorough investigation and trial it is found that he is guilty of a crime, he should serve whatever sentence the offence merits.
If after a thorough investigation and trial it is found that he is guilty of a crime, he should serve whatever sentence the offense merits. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
And if found guilty, he should serve his time in an American military prison!

Innocent or guilty, America is where he belongs!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What do you fucking idiots think of Muhammad Ali?

Just checking.

Btw -- how long will it take for the Idiots to tag Zanzibar with a stupid new nickname? Not long. But this one is certainly beneath even the Idiot Klan. I give you the comedy stylings of our own hillbilly disability recipient, Slobbrin:

Old news Rabiznaz... http://shoebat.com/2014/05/31/red-al...e-compromised/

What else you got? Rabiznaz? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Munchmasterman's Avatar
By many accounts, this guy is a deserter.

I hope the Army now finds out what really happenned, and if he did indeed go AWOL and desert, throw his ass in Levenworth.

Could we all agree on this? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Since there is no solid information on his long wait for freedom, freedom he gave up for us, there is something else we should all agree on. Something our Constitution guarantees.
Can anybody who claims our veterans are getting the shit end of the stick guess what that something right wing bloggers have no responsibilities to honor and they would use an American soldier as a club to beat on the President with?
The presumption of innocence.

This once again proves that here is NOTHING this President can do that will compel his apologist-followers back away from the "Obamatron".

It is bad enough that he has contempt for the Law, but to pull off an assinine stunt like this on top of it......??

Good grief. Aren't they the least bit ashamed? Originally Posted by Jackie S
This once again proves your mind is so clouded with hate for Obama that rather than bring home the single prisoner of war the Taliban has, you would send the message to all American armed forces that they are on their own if they are captured. That we will negotiate for and secure their return....as long as the price isn't too high.

There are guarantees, guarantees that I admit I would be surprised if all were honored, that are supposed to keep the returned gitmo prisoners from combat.

You might see this differently if you hadn't already convicted this soldier in your mind. Your bloggers, or should I say handlers, have convinced you to ignore the Constitution.
And we're supposed to feel ashamed?
Fuck you.

And if found guilty, he should serve his time in an American military prison!

Innocent or guilty, America is where he belongs!

Airborne! Originally Posted by bigtex
Our troops know they will not have a price ceiling put on their safe return.
Something the majority of Americans as well as the vast majority of all veterans would agree on is that the increased risk of having those 5 returned is nothing compared to having our soldier back.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
What do you fucking idiots think of Muhammad Ali?

Just checking.

Btw -- how long will it take for the Idiots to tag Zanzibar with a stupid new nickname? Not long. But this one is certainly beneath even the Idiot Klan. I give you the comedy stylings of our own hillbilly disability recipient, Slobbrin: Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The main thing about Zanzibar that comes to mind is that it is a place that Cathy has been. Unlike Patty who has only seen the sights a girl can see from Brooklyn Heights. And that the girls are a crazy pair as well as being cousins.