Obama, Clinton Rail Against Free Speech Under Guise Of Fighting 'Misinformation'

... Disinformation Governance Board?? ... How Nice.

Let's see how far they get with a Republican-controlled House and Senate.

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
... Disinformation Governance Board?? ... How Nice.

Let's see how far they get with a Republican-controlled House and Senate.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Just imagine if Trump created this "Ministry of Truth" - the libtards would be burning down cities

That's how corrupt and drunk for power Senile Biden and the libtards are. Alas I think they can set this up without congressional approval. But that doesn't mean they can't be called out and exposed for the frauds that they are

And they forget, that once this is in place, it will be in place when the next President takes office

Red wave !!!!!!!!
bambino's Avatar
I've spoken about the 4-6% many times.

The 4-6% that are gone forever. The progressive left.

Although 5% of the US population is a relatively small number, it still equals 20 to 30 million people.

Leaving 300 million of us who are roughly on the same page whether we know it or not.

But the real question is WHY is the majority of the population oblivious to the fact that the progressive left is the extreme minority?

The answer should be obvious.


These entities purposely amplify the voices of the insane.

It doesn't matter that they are outnumbered 20 to 1.

The algorithms and the network heads make damn sure that all Americans see day after day is how degenerated our society has become and how much "support" there is for CRT, LGBTQ, Black lives matter, Green energy, Ukraine, etc.

Smoke and mirrors.

Divide and conquer.

The Biden admin is a perfect example of this.

The man has had a 30% approval rating since last year, battles severe dementia, the Military ignores him and he doesn't have access to the White House.

Yet the MSM and Big Tech have been able to convince the majority of this country that Joe is in control and still has plenty of support from his "base".

A MASSIVE part of this entire scheme to fool Americans has been the progressive echo chamber known as Twitter.

Twitter has quite literally been a site mainly comprised of bots, algorithms and celebrities that are used to plant mental seeds and then reinforce those ideas with boatloads of fake support.

The average person sees that a thought from someone they admire has exploded with likes and will therefore be likely to adapt that line of thinking regardless of their true beliefs on the subject.

For many people it feels good to be part of the "majority".

For others it's important to support anything that goes against Conservative values or Donald Trump.

The election steal being nonsense, the J6 insurrection, Russiagate, Hunter's laptop being Russian disinformation...

All of these false narratives were spread like wildfire on Twitter. Any dissenting opinion was banned.

For the past year, Twitter has essentially become a place for progressives to receive their daily marching orders on what to think and who to hate.

It's a gigantic brainwashing mechanism that propagates the liberal agenda and produces a mirage of equalness between the two political parties that simply doesn't exist.

The soul of America has not changed.

The United States has ALWAYS been overwhelmingly Conservative.

Cali is RED.

Democrats don't "win" elections.

However, the weapons these vile creatures use to stay in power are dropping left and right...

Left wing media outlets are dead.
Election rigging is exposed.
VOTER ID laws are being established.
People no longer follow the stars.
The liberal agenda is exposed.
We The People are rediscovering our true power.

Twitter truly was their last hope.

And now it's gone...

The TRUTH is truly a force of nature.

Well said Bam! The biggest strength for republicans right now is actually now radically liberal the administration has been. It’s an absolute shit show and it’s finally being exposed. The fact that leftists are so infuriated about Musk buying Twitter and making efforts to allow more freedom of opinion, leads me to believe how corrupt they really are. But of course, they’ll say my opinion doesn’t matter because I’m a conspiracy theorist, traitor, homophobe, racist, bigot, redneck, boomer (although I’m none of these things)
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Just imagine if Trump created this "Ministry of Truth" - the libtards would be burning down cities. Originally Posted by berryberry
I've spoken about the 4-6% many times.

The 4-6% that are gone forever. The progressive left.

Although 5% of the US population is a relatively small number, it still equals 20 to 30 million people.

Leaving 300 million of us who are roughly on the same page whether we know it or not.

But the real question is WHY is the majority of the population oblivious to the fact that the progressive left is the extreme minority?

The answer should be obvious.


These entities purposely amplify the voices of the insane.

It doesn't matter that they are outnumbered 20 to 1.

The algorithms and the network heads make damn sure that all Americans see day after day is how degenerated our society has become and how much "support" there is for CRT, LGBTQ, Black lives matter, Green energy, Ukraine, etc.

Smoke and mirrors.

Divide and conquer.

The Biden admin is a perfect example of this.

The man has had a 30% approval rating since last year, battles severe dementia, the Military ignores him and he doesn't have access to the White House.

Yet the MSM and Big Tech have been able to convince the majority of this country that Joe is in control and still has plenty of support from his "base".

A MASSIVE part of this entire scheme to fool Americans has been the progressive echo chamber known as Twitter.

Twitter has quite literally been a site mainly comprised of bots, algorithms and celebrities that are used to plant mental seeds and then reinforce those ideas with boatloads of fake support.

The average person sees that a thought from someone they admire has exploded with likes and will therefore be likely to adapt that line of thinking regardless of their true beliefs on the subject.

For many people it feels good to be part of the "majority".

For others it's important to support anything that goes against Conservative values or Donald Trump.

The election steal being nonsense, the J6 insurrection, Russiagate, Hunter's laptop being Russian disinformation...

All of these false narratives were spread like wildfire on Twitter. Any dissenting opinion was banned.

For the past year, Twitter has essentially become a place for progressives to receive their daily marching orders on what to think and who to hate.

It's a gigantic brainwashing mechanism that propagates the liberal agenda and produces a mirage of equalness between the two political parties that simply doesn't exist.

The soul of America has not changed.

The United States has ALWAYS been overwhelmingly Conservative.

Cali is RED.

Democrats don't "win" elections.

However, the weapons these vile creatures use to stay in power are dropping left and right...

Left wing media outlets are dead.
Election rigging is exposed.
VOTER ID laws are being established.
People no longer follow the stars.
The liberal agenda is exposed.
We The People are rediscovering our true power.

Twitter truly was their last hope.

And now it's gone...

The TRUTH is truly a force of nature.

@QNewsOfficialTV Originally Posted by bambino
... This GREAT piece surely needs REPEATING.

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Again. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
So true

Libtards often resort to violence when they don't get their way. All the destruction they caused rioting, looting and burning down cities. Hell, all the rioting they did on the day Trump was sworn into office.
berryberry's Avatar
zip2121's Avatar
Of course she denies the Hunter story, she did the same job in Ukraine. Got to wonder what her connection to Hunter is.

The girl is in, Biden looks like he is 1/2 step out of a mortuary, and the feds are giving Harris a 30 pill experimental prescription to get rid of her covid that has no symptoms by her own admission. She does realize that the CIA offed Kennedy and the people liked him...
berryberry's Avatar
Democrat Tulsi Gabbard

Every dictatorship has a propaganda arm—a “Ministry of Truth.” The Biden Administration has now formally joined the ranks of such dictatorships with their creation of the so-called “Disinformation Governance Board.”


berryberry's Avatar
Very Liberal Glenn Greenwald

That the Biden Admin casually announced today that the Dept of Homeland Security -- a domestic security agency -- has created a "disinformation" board is indescribably dystopian and chilling.

That Democrats think this is good and normal tells you all you need to know about them.
berryberry's Avatar
I guess Senile Biden's Ministry of Truth backfired on him - if the "Pause" is permanent it lasted almost as long as CNN+

Senile Biden's 'disinformation board' is PAUSED after just three weeks following outrage over its head Nina Jankowicz pushing debunked Russian collusion claims and calling Hunter Biden's laptop a 'Trump campaign tool'

The Department of Homeland Security is 'pausing' its controversial disinformation board just three weeks after it was unveiled following withering attacks from Republicans and conservative TV pundits.

It was intended to combat misinformation but critics quickly homed in on the role of its chief, Nina Jankowicz, and her history fighting disinformation and extremism.

In particular, they questioned her expertise after it emerged she had dismissed the 2020 discovery of Hunter Biden's laptop as being a 'Trump campaign product.'

And in 2016 she spread claims about then candidate Donald Trump's links to President Vladimir Putin of Russia, which have since been debunked.

Multiple sources told the Washington Post that the Department of Homeland Security decided on Monday to close its Disinformation Governance Board and that Jankowicz, 33, had drafted a resignation letter.

But by the end of Tuesday she and the board had won a reprieve, although it could yet be shut down.

berryberry's Avatar
Also - Senile Biden's 'Disinfo' Board Paused After 'Scary Poppins' Drafts Resignation

"Working groups within DHS focusing on 'mis-, dis- and mal-information have been suspended."
