What is going on???

Oafer's Avatar
  • Oafer
  • 08-27-2014, 01:58 PM
My lunch was this:

Peppercorn chicken at CoCo's . . . yummy
Lone wanderer's Avatar
(Big Yawn) I had sleep for lunch. Drove all night from New Mexico and got home at 8a.m.
goldcoastbeauty's Avatar
How about this....

Take 20.00 go to McDonalds by 20... 1.00 cheese burgers. Then go give them out to homeless people!

That would make for a good day!

My friend and I do this every time I visit her in Chicago! Awesome feeling to give back a little!
Jack$lit's Avatar
How about this....

Take 20.00 go to McDonalds by 20... 1.00 cheese burgers. Then go give them out to homeless people!

That would make for a good day!

My friend and I do this every time I visit her in Chicago! Awesome feeling to give back a little! Originally Posted by goldcoastbeauty
I think that is very nice. It simple and twenty bucks touches 20 people. On my way back from lunch i'm going to use your idea on the guy who's on our interection.
That sir is freaking horrible and sad why even post that :'(
Well, just the other day I saw a cute Husky pup by the roadside as I drove by. Wanting to take a closer look, I reversed my car very quickly and heard a bump. It wasn't till I backed up far enough that I noticed a pile of bloody goo on the road. The pup had ran up towards my car much faster than I expected.....well, shit happens.....too bad......RIP puppy....






The above never happened. Just a story I made up.

So, you feel better now? Originally Posted by Beagle
which I probably should follow more often myself, but sometimes things are too fucking funny here:

and all that on an empty stomach !!! Originally Posted by fun2come
Craig Ferguson is GD genius. I just discovered how brilliant his show is and now he is leaving -). And yet, Seth Meyers remains on the air. Is there no justice in life?
Also, most of us didn't kill a puppy this week. So, yeah, that is good? Egads, Beagle. that's a terrible story to relate with such nonchalance. sorry that happened to you though, dude. I'm sure you were more upset by that than what you are relating here. RIP, little puppy.
Just saw that was a story. I skim a lot here. Good one. We are all having a better day than that.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-28-2014, 04:39 PM
Beagle runs over a dog and there are tears and outrage...
I run over a hoogar and no one cares..

WHERE is the humanity I implore?
FS_ITC's Avatar
Beagle runs over a dog and there are tears and outrage...
I run over a hoogar and no one cares..

WHERE is the humanity I implore? Originally Posted by Toyz
I foresee some backlash over this statement and those that follow. Please pass the popcorn.
I care! A lot! Please stand by for a 2 page rant on the injustice of it all!!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Well, Daddy's Gurl, Ah got sumpin in mah pants that'll take yore mnd offa thangs. Ya might haveta charge it up. Yew got a charger thet'll werk wiff a Gameboy?