Which Provider has THE best avatar?

I think my STARFISH avatar on aspd back in the day was awesome! lol Originally Posted by berkleigh
Berk, your starfish..... well left most of us speachless, there just isn't enough pics of You!!!
Carrie Hillcrest....and really Carrie it's just your leggs...but it still works...........YEAH!!! You are a class act!!
Sudzny's Avatar
Well, Since Berk isn't sporting the starfish avatar any more... Holly gets my vote.

Carrie, and Berk, are both hotness, starfish or not..........
ANONONE's Avatar
Well mine is the best, of course. Since you will ask, yes, I have been paid to give a Grape Seed Oil Massage to a woman. I am a retired provider.

Kelly tnt, Tasha smart, Nicole preston,.... all of these ladies have great avitars...Ansley. yeah! very nce............Oh wait I almost forgot...Tara .. with the long hair...Whoo Hooo!! Tara, very nice!!
Nicole Prestons, hands down!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I gotta say Milan very sexy
Put the starfish up one more time. Just for old time sake.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Tara Evans with the long hair from the provider showcase.
Guest062512's Avatar
Veronica, yours is pretty darn hot, too.
Thanks everybodybody for liking my advatar. Yall are the best.
I'm with Forneycaterer on this one. The image of Sophie's avatar is burned in my brain somewhere.
Nicole Preston - sexy, sweet, mysterious and that hair!
berkleigh's Avatar
Put the starfish up one more time. Just for old time sake. Originally Posted by supersarge

Well if you must twist my arm........lol