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Have any couples thought of webcaming to make money?... or did I miss that?
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  • rwksl
  • 08-05-2011, 10:48 PM
Thanks, Brooke. We just celebrated our 27th anniversary. I've been trying to get her to join me on some of my massage adventures, but she still prefers the touch of a man.

You and your wife are one of the luckiest couples on earth. Not just because of the interesting sexual life style you live and share, but because of the honesty and respect you both share for one another.

I will never forget the look on your face, and forgive me for being cheesy, but the down right sparkle in your eyes when you spoke of her. To be married to someone for 20+ years and still be so passionate about them is very rare. I pray that some day I am blessed enough to have a marriage and bond like the 2 of you share.

Hell, once I get my degree I need to bring the 2 of you in once a month to speak at couples counseling events I would like to someday hold I think your wife could help a lot of women out. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
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Have any couples thought of webcaming to make money?... or did I miss that? Originally Posted by AngelaAspenXXX
hey AA, apart from the Adult film industry, that being totally different, well not totally, but ... have you done the webcam thing? if so how did it work out for you?
I know of two couples from the LS that were doing stuff on Southern Charms a few years back. They both seemed to enjoy it, the ladies got to enjoy the limelight of a mini-super-star status and build a following of fans and of course the extra $$ made it all the more fun.

I personally have Not done it. hosts the porn girls for $14 a minute and the room fills up with guys all paying that so my friends would bank roll.. leave it on while sleeping, while filming live, my friends made sooo much money and if you follow them on twitter, you will see most porn girls use Streammate at least once a week. Personally? I never got into it. I would much rather do film or escort.

Living in LA made it easier cause you could just invite your knwon porno friends over but now, I moved to Denver and I just cant invite any one over! haha...

My friend Brittany Blaze, who is plum over the top crazy, would get consent from her clients and stream her sessions!!!!


OMG! some of us never turn it (porn $$$) off!
xo- Angela Aspen