I know the abortion debate has been done to death, but damn I'd be genuinely interested in the defense offered for what you will see.

LovingKayla's Avatar
I've used plan B to be safe before. Always the day of what might be an accident. I don't disagree with plan B. My question was about what you see at even 12 weeks is a real little baby, and how it's OK with you guys? That's all. PS I really do have a friend that went into premature labor at 24 weeks and has a very healthy 8 year old now. 24 weeks, is legal abortion in our country. Many of these shots seem to be right about that time or later.... or much later. I have no idea if these were performed in the US, but I imagine they look the same everywhere. I mean ol boy in prison had baby feet in jars.
A typically stupid response by you.

There are tens of thousands of women who have had an abortion and then went on to bear a child, or children, who they were fine mothers to. You're an idiot for posting otherwise. There are multiple reasons why a woman might choose to have a legal abortion, none of which you would be likely, or able, to understand because you are a man....who doesn't have to carry or deliver the child, and who can choose to leave or stay to support the child.

But, then....that's the kind of shit that always gets lost in the mix isn't it? Originally Posted by timpage
One of your typical cut down responses simply because you only have a one sided opinion of things. Iam sure there has been women who have had abortions and went on to have children later in life and some have done just fine, and some not so much. But at the time they decided they would have an abortion was a time in their life they knew they would not be capable to take on the task of parenthood for whatever reason.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
One of your typical cut down responses simply because you only have a one sided opinion of things. Iam sure there has been women who have had abortions and went on to have children later in life and some have done just fine, and some not so much. But at the time they decided they would have an abortion was a time in their life they knew they would not be capable to take on the task of parenthood for whatever reason. Originally Posted by acp5762
First of all GOOOB... An OPINION is a one-sided position.

Second, I wish I could understand what you just wrote. Please read it aloud and then explain the take-away for the test of us hayseeds.
First of all GOOOB... An OPINION is a one-sided position.

Second, I wish I could understand what you just wrote. Please read it aloud and then explain the take-away for the test of us hayseeds. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Ok so an individuals opinion are one sided, but that doesn't mean one shouldn't consider the opinions or views of others . The reason why you may not understand what I wrote is because you don't want to. It means more to you to be disruptive.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ok so an individuals opinion are one sided, but that doesn't mean one shouldn't consider the opinions or views of others . The reason why you may not understand what I wrote is because you don't want to. It means more to you to be disruptive. Originally Posted by acp5762
No the reason I didn't understand what you wrote is because it was incoherent.

I agree with you, however about considering the other person's opinion.

I disagree with you about it meaning more to me to be disruptive, although, if you think about it... You'll probably get a headache.
No the reason I didn't understand what you wrote is because it was incoherent.

I agree with you, however about considering the other person's opinion.

I disagree with you about it meaning more to me to be disruptive, although, if you think about it... You'll probably get a headache. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What was so incoherent about my post that you could not understand?
LovingKayla's Avatar
You realize that LovingKayla wants the Muslims to have more babies so she can kill them with a gun instead of a hoover vac. That bitch is cold when it comes to the Muzzies. The Jews better hope she never turn on them! Originally Posted by WTF

Damn straight. And that's miss bitch slunt to u.

Bump just for WTF. Hey if you guys want the original link I posted please PM me. I didn't know it was a forbidden topic since no one here considers aborted tissue a living creature, much less a young human.
The link will knock you back in your seat. I guarantee you. And there's nothing to read. So YEA!!! Even WTF can participate.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Damn straight. And that's miss bitch slunt to u.

Bump just for WTF. Hey if you guys want the original link I posted please PM me. I didn't know it was a forbidden topic since no one here considers aborted tissue a living creature, much less a young human.
The link will knock you back in your seat. I guarantee you. And there's nothing to read. So YEA!!! Even WTF can participate. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Keep making it, Slunt, you are the epitome of hypocrisy!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-20-2013, 02:18 PM
Damn straight. And that's miss bitch slunt to u.

Bump just for WTF. Hey if you guys want the original link I posted please PM me. I didn't know it was a forbidden topic since no one here considers aborted tissue a living creature, much less a young human.
The link will knock you back in your seat. I guarantee you. And there's nothing to read. So YEA!!! Even WTF can participate. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Look, you and I agree on abortion being legal, we just might not agree on just where it should be illegal.
Why does your choice have to apply to everybody?

You whine about protecting your freedom but want to restrict others.

I think that's great that you nanny the neighborhood. But that's your choice. And it doesn't make you an expert on anything germane to this discussion. Sorry, lady. That's the truth. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Well like I said, I agree with a womans right to choose, BUT I just don't agree with ending life because I didn't feel like wearing a rubber. If you think that's cool, then that's you.
Do you support orphanages in place of abortion? Do guys like WTF who support abortion have to pay for the orphanages?
Have you read Oliver Twist? Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Tax payers pay for all kinds of bullshit for other countries, including orphanages, and nobody complains. As soon as it's for someone in our country, their on their own. Lol
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well like I said, I agree with a womans right to choose, BUT I just don't agree with ending life because I didn't feel like wearing a rubber. If you think that's cool, then that's you. Originally Posted by ladylove12
Great. so you believe that a slunt like that should have to raise an unwanted child who's in all likelihood destined to grow up to a a lazy Slunt like her mother.

I hope you're not that lazy, Mami!
So why was the link out of compliance?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Same reason you get slapped on the pee pee so often.

Read the fucking rules idiot.
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  • WTF
  • 11-21-2013, 07:21 AM
Well like I said, I agree with a womans right to choose, BUT I just don't agree with ending life because I didn't feel like wearing a rubber. If you think that's cool, then that's you. Originally Posted by ladylove12
You think that the morning after pill is murder?