Michelle Sandra Bell - NCNS

Yep, She pulled a NC/NS on me too a few weeks ago. It ticked me off because I too had to drive from N. Austin across town.
Kate Kiss's Avatar
Kate Kiss's Avatar

I apologize
I am very sorry about the day you scheduled with me. I was not at the time in a position to call you back.
I have been going back in forth to Houston because of family. I turn my phone off and leave it at the the office.
I have posted other adds but have not been able to stay in town to even keep appointments. someone informed me that this tread was up
I am very sorry that I up set you...

I have been very selfish with my time lately because of a family member in Houston is very ill.
I tend to not treat this as a business and more of a fun time between two people.
I am sorry your first encounter left you with a bad taste a bad taste.
Now that the out of town situation is over

I would love to make it up to you if you let me
Let's give this wonderful lady a break. I have seen Michelle many times since December, she is one awesome lady and I have never had any problems with our appointments. Given that she has family issues in Houston, I say give her the opportunity to make this right, then forgive and forget. - guilarslinger in Austin
Rather lame TCB is the way I see it. You never contacted the guy, and you could have have let him know about your situation in a variety of ways. If someone would not have informed you about this thread I gather there would be no apology, or explanation forthcoming. BS
I have seen Michelle three times since she moved to Austin. Scheduling was always easy and every appointment went as planned. I am looking forward to seeing her again.
harkontume's Avatar
Take her up on that Mobrian! Make up XXX is great!
I agree we should give her a break. When a family member is ill you can easily lose track of other activities - becomes your sole focus ... as it should.

I sorry to hear that your family member is very ill. Luckily you are relatively close by so you can be with your family in Houston.

Dont waste your time. She has done this to me twice in the last 4 months. Too much talent out there that believes in courtesy and a little customer service to go to the effort with her. There are probably ten of us reading this going shit all I had to do was post a quick note and others would have not been inconvenienced. Shame on us. Shame on me for letting it happen twice.
governmentguru's Avatar
I remember a provider that cancelled trips and appointments with guys because her mother passed away... on three seperate occasions.

I'm just sayin'
ThrillBill88's Avatar
These days, with the technology available, there is no excuse for NCNS. And that works both ways, guys and girls.
Let's give this wonderful lady a break. I have seen Michelle many times since December, she is one awesome lady and I have never had any problems with our appointments. Given that she has family issues in Houston, I say give her the opportunity to make this right, then forgive and forget. - guilarslinger in Austin Originally Posted by guitarslinger
Got any reviews?
I have not spoken with MSB in a month or so but if she were to tell me that she had a sick, close family member I would have every reason to believe her. Knowing her like I do, if she asked me to give her an opportunity to redeem herself, I would anxiously look forward to the next encounter. She is a very sexy lady with a creative imagination.

From my perspective, I would give it a whirl!
harkontume's Avatar
Got any reviews? Originally Posted by rontitan
hmmm.. I DO have reviews, and obviously the inference here was that the poster was a White Knight. LOL

When someone post in co-ed , one can assume they want "opinions, personal experience etc." feedback on the issue.

This tendency to label people WK when they have a positive opinion on a Provider discourages openness. And while it does (in your mind) seem cute and funny it does nothing but lower the discussion to name calling. Let us all try to state our point and let others state theirs.
deedeedoe62's Avatar
Each person has their own views on whether they will OR will_NOT see this provider.

Granted that the individuals who tried to schedule with her were NCNS but she did provide an explanation. Each of us will either give her a chance or won't give her another chance.

I see no reason for other folks to try and convince the others on the board to not see her. If you are correct and she's not worth it, then it's their risk and their money.

As I see it, both sides were presented and we must make up our own mind as to how we'll proceed.