Professor lichtman's 2020 prediction

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I predict and I claim He prob predicted Billary winning Originally Posted by rexdutchman

he predicted trump winning.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
there's a pattern of a president of a party serving 2 terms since 1945.

there were 2 breaks in that pattern.
Carter & Bush 41. (36 years & 12 years respectively)

2 = 8 years
1 = 4 years

1945 - Truman ... 2 (D)
1953 - Eisenhower 2 (R)
1961 - Kennedy .. 1 (D)
1965 - Johnson .. 1 (D)
1969 - Nixon/Ford 2 (R)
1977 - Carter ... 1 (D)
1981 - Reagan ... 2 (R)
1989 - Bush 41 .. 1 (R)
1993 - Clinton .. 2 (D)
2001 - Bush 43 .. 2 (R)
2009 - Obama .... 2 (D)
2017 - Trump .... 1 (R)
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Carters economy sucked...that wasn't the question.
I guess you're too young to remember the "misery index" and interest rates and inflation. Carter won in'76 because of Watergate and no other reason...he was a good person but TERRIBLE president...question was good economy...please answer the question.

Bush went back on his my lips "no new taxes"
Also Ross Parrot was a HUGE reason he lost the race.
Still waiting on your ill fated attempt at answering my question SPEED!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Here was your question: "I have yet to find an example of any president that didn't win reelection during a prosperous there one?"

I said Daddy Bush. I did not use Carter as an example at all. All I said that in my lifetime he was the only POTUS other than Bush to not get reelected.

I answered your question. Daddy Bush was not reelected while there was a prosperous economy.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
my 401k year to date is up 12% and 1 year is up 8%. what's your point? the market drops a bit and you yell PANIC?

ok. go ahead. i checked my 401k today am my "losses" today were ... 0.05% that's one half of one percent.

yeah. time to PANIC isn't it?

the only thing that separates you from the other Trump haters is that you try to make a reasonable point. you are usually wrong but at least you try unlike some of the "trolls" here. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The tariffs, if they remain in place, will have a very negative impact on the U.S. economy. That is the prediction of most economists in this country. An estimate in the paper today was an impact of $26 billion annually to Texas businesses and consumers alone if Trump follows through with his threat to impose tariffs on all products imported from Mexico. I would be happy to supply you with the estimates of the negative impact of the current tariff war with China if you like.

Yes, the U.S. markets are up for the year due to a rapid climb in January and February. Overall, DJIA is up about 6.3%. But for the first time in many years (since 2011) the DJIA has gone down 6 weeks in a row.

Time to panic? No. Time to be concerned? Yes. Remember that only 54% of the people in this country have investments in the stock market. The other 46% couldn't care less about the stock market. But we will all see the rise in prices on virtually everything we purchase in the future -- food, cars, TVs, phones, personal computers, etc.

So tell me how I am wrong on this subject.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The tariffs, if they remain in place, will have a very negative impact on the U.S. economy. That is the prediction of most economists in this country. An estimate in the paper today was an impact of $26 billion annually to Texas businesses and consumers alone if Trump follows through with his threat to impose tariffs on all products imported from Mexico. I would be happy to supply you with the estimates of the negative impact of the current tariff war with China if you like.

Yes, the U.S. markets are up for the year due to a rapid climb in January and February. Overall, DJIA is up about 6.3%. But for the first time in many years (since 2011) the DJIA has gone down 6 weeks in a row.

Time to panic? No. Time to be concerned? Yes. Remember that only 54% of the people in this country have investments in the stock market. The other 46% couldn't care less about the stock market. But we will all see the rise in prices on virtually everything we purchase in the future -- food, cars, TVs, phones, personal computers, etc.

So tell me how I am wrong on this subject. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

what would the impact to the economy be if these unfair and biased trade policies were left in place?

asking for a friend.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
what would the impact to the economy be if these unfair and biased trade policies were left in place?

asking for a friend. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Exactly what specific tariffs imposed by other countries are you talking about? Which ones bother you the most?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Here are the latest 2020 presidential election predictions by 4 people/companies. All 4 come to the same conclusion at this point in time -- the election will be close and the outcome is dependent on voting results in a few states -- Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Florida according to most predictions. Some variation between the 4 sources.
Are they the same bunch that made the 2016 predictions...
Here was your question: "I have yet to find an example of any president that didn't win reelection during a prosperous there one?"

I said Daddy Bush. I did not use Carter as an example at all. All I said that in my lifetime he was the only POTUS other than Bush to not get reelected.

I answered your question. Daddy Bush was not reelected while there was a prosperous economy. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You failed to mention "Daddy Bush" went back on his promises of "no new taxes" and you never mention this link...Hummm
Those two variables are pretty large...I understand your omission.
Look at the bright side're getting more and more alternative choices EVERY DAY!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You failed to mention "Daddy Bush" went back on his promises of "no new taxes" and you never mention this link...Hummm
Those two variables are pretty large...I understand your omission.
Look at the bright side're getting more and more alternative choices EVERY DAY!! Originally Posted by bb1961
The question remains unanswered by you-- was the economy in good shape in November 1992 when Bush lost to Clinton? In your defense:

"The recession of the early 1990s lasted from July 1990 to March 1991. It was the largest recession since that of the early 1980s and contributed to George H.W. Bush's re-election defeat in 1992."

So you could be correct in that a sitting POTUS has not lost reelection when the economy has been strong.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Are they the same bunch that made the 2016 predictions... Originally Posted by bb1961
Do you disagree with any of the analyses? Do you think other states they consider not in play are actually in play? Do you disagree with the states they say will determine the 2020 election?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Exactly what specific tariffs imposed by other countries are you talking about? Which ones bother you the most? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

all of them.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
all of them. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Name some that you are particularly concerned with and I'll research them.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Name some that you are particularly concerned with and I'll research them. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

No thanks. the experts are already on it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
No thanks. the experts are already on it. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
So you ask the question "What would the impact to the economy be if these unfair and biased trade policies were left in place?" and you can't give me an example of one?

I'll interpret that as you saying you have absolutely no idea what tariffs are being imposed by other countries on the U.S. that are truly unfair and biased.