Fear of Wind Turbines

bambino's Avatar
And yet you can't seem to take your eyes off the thread. Your suggestions and eye strain are noted for the record. Originally Posted by HDGristle
There you go, off topic again. Nobody fears Windmills. Birds do.
HDGristle's Avatar
HDGristle's Avatar
So, Bam. I looked into your extreme and paralyzing fear of bird deaths. What do you think ranks as more deadly to birds than wind turbines?
Why do we need to care about birds? They don't pay taxes. They like to play at airports and screw up airplanes. They don't pay taxes. I say, if the birds are dumb enough to fly into wind turbines, which are literally placed out in the open, not hidden at all, let them. Natural selection and whatnot. Survival of the smartest and fittest.
HDGristle's Avatar
Cats take care of that. They account for more bird deaths than all other measured causes combined, as of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2017. So this is data published by the Trump Admin.


1. Cats
2. Collisions with buildings
3. Collisions with vehicles
4. Poison
5. Collision with electrical lines
6. Collision with communications towers
7. Electrocution
8. Collision with land-based wind turbines

We'll stop here...

This terrible, paralyzing fear is basically NIMBY
HDGristle's Avatar
I don't fear wind turbines
DNinja69's Avatar
I have done enough research to claim informed status on the subject from what I have seen it looks to me like we need some better technology before investing heavily in the current turbine models. Cost v Reward is not very attractive given the output it somewhat unpredictable. Solar has drawbacks as well and is something individuals can do to offset expense and be more efficient
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Ever stand next to a commercial wind turbine? They’re f’ing ginormous. Whoever they’ve got climbing up there to service those things has balls of steel. If one of those blades came flying off or the entire rotor assembly became dislodged it’d end up in another country. There’s a road near Somerset that takes you right past the wind farm you can see from the turnpike. The scale of them is unbelievable from up close. I definitely wouldn’t want to live near one.
HDGristle's Avatar
That's NIMBY if I've ever heard it. I sense much fear in J

The guys that climb those turbines do take a good number of risks. I know quite a few.