The Deficit and the Debt under Trump

until the tax payers bow up and tell the fucking government to stop spending / wasting money, the government is going to spend more than it makes.

It's called OPM.....other people's money.
VitaMan's Avatar
How about the space launch and return by SpaceX ? Are they doing a better job than NASA did with their government funding ? NASA always had to struggle getting their goverment funding adding to the budget. Looks pretty small these days.

SpaceX has massive lobbying budgets and getting plenty of subsidies.

Of course, there are plenty of taxpayers wondering why we need to spend money on - outer space.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
There goes WTF again making stupid assumptions about what I think.
Please cite the post where I stated I approve of the budget bill?

While you are looking for that you can also look for all the posts where I have complained about bloated government and the need to reduce the size of government and it's overall reach.
I suspect you will find one but not the other.

Now get to work, chop, chop.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-09-2018, 04:05 PM
You just have to sit back and watch the shit show called the trump administration. Dont try to understand it or the republicans who sold thier souls to trump. Dont look for conservatism, morals, or ethics. The only thing left is the shit show. Its even springing spinoffs now lol.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
You just have to sit back and watch the shit show called the trump administration. Dont try to understand it or the republicans who sold thier souls to trump. Dont look for conservatism, morals, or ethics. The only thing left is the shit show. Its even springing spinoffs now lol. Originally Posted by Trey
Anytime an obama fan goes off on President Trump, I can hit hard right back stuff like Benghazi, uranium to Russia, illegally laundering billions to Iran, muslim sympathizer, etc.

OMG, I hope I didn't get off topic, I don't want to do anything to disobey our new moderator and dictator of threads.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-09-2018, 04:52 PM
^^ The thread rules, sir, are in compliance with Eccie rules, which have been incorporated by reference. And yes, please stay on topic, and please be respectful, as I will be. There is a reason I posted the thread rules, and a reason I chose not to post this in the Political Forum. If you don't like the thread rules, go start your own thread with your own rules.
You were not worried about it under Obama why would you worry about it under TrumP? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Who said I wasn't worried about it prior to Trump?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
^^ The thread rules, sir, are in compliance with Eccie rules, which have been incorporated by reference. And yes, please stay on topic, and please be respectful, as I will be. There is a reason I posted the thread rules, and a reason I chose not to post this in the Political Forum. If you don't like the thread rules, go start your own thread with your own rules. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Just who in the hell do you think you are? Also save your patronizing 'sir' remarks for someone who gives a shit.
VitaMan's Avatar
Hillary is still around.........why, why, why ?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Hillary is still around.........why, why, why ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
First of all, are we on topic? Heaven forbid if we're not.

Anyway, the clintons are over and done with. Hopefully the next time you see her, she will be in an orange jump suit with cuffs headed to jail.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-09-2018, 06:28 PM
Let's try this again. The topic is the deficit and the debt, and what happened to all the deficit hawks in the Republican Party who approved a tax plan that will run a 1.1 trillion dollar deficit in the first year during good economic times. It's not complicated people..
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
There goes WTF again making stupid assumptions about what I think.
Please cite the post where I stated I approve of the budget bill?

While you are looking for that you can also look for all the posts where I have complained about bloated government and the need to reduce the size of government and it's overall reach.
I suspect you will find one but not the other.

Now get to work, chop, chop. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The thing is this, had hillary or bernie been elected, they would've opened up the flood gates and allowed any swinging dick in our borders, no matter where they were from. Open borders to that extent would cause our deficit to go through the roof.

So now we would be the worlds bitch. With villains coming from all over the world. Texas would be an extension of Mexico's cartels, fat worse than it is now. Miami wouldn't be little Havana anymore, it would be Havana. There's no telling what NYC would be, outside of a haven for the Russian mob, of course the muslims would finally take over the complete state of Michigan instead of Dearborn. California would also be Mexico cartel north. How nice, a gringos head on every pole. Nah, fuck that.

I'm sorry for the shit that happens in somalia, iraq, and all these other countries, but giving a choice of opening up our borders to all the crap that would destroy our country or letting stuff happen in other countries, my country comes first. Us Americans can't babysit the world.

I've done a lot of missionary work in Mexico and Costa Rica, and fully enjoyed my time doing it, but that's my visiting their countries and me supporting their single mothers and help feed fatherless children.
VitaMan's Avatar
Believe it or not, it was Tiger Woods who said "You have to take care of yourself first."

It depends on your point of view I suppose. There are many Chinese who say "Why do we have to learn this stupid English language ? That goes way back to the Boxer rebellion, when the western missionaries started arriving. Change can be the highest creator of anxiety.

But back to deficit spending:

It is the Democratic party that is known as the "tax and spend" party. Under Obama, it was the "spend and spend." At one time in past years, the government took 85% of a top earners pay at the highest bracket.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-09-2018, 11:18 PM
who was the last president to run a balanced budget and start to pay down the debt, again? and what happened to the federal balance sheet when his successor rammed through an ill-advised tax cut and started an elective war with borrowed funds? and how does this year's projected deficit-during astonishly good economic times-compare to the average deficits under Obama, who got us through the greatest financial catastrophe since the Great Depression and ended his second term with a shipshape economy inherited by Trump?

btw, I'm not a Democrat...or a Republican. those labels are kinda silly. i'm for what works, and against tomfoolery, in whatever form-or person-it comes..
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
You know vitaman, the last time Tiger played in a major tournament, he at least played on Sunday and finished in the money.
VitaMan's Avatar
"who was the last president to run a balanced budget and start to pay down the debt, again?"

Let us know.