Typical. Slam the leader and then offer no advice. Rummy is about the same as some of you numbnut Tea tards...

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  • WTF
  • 09-04-2013, 12:27 PM
BTW, you originally claimed Rumsfeld didn't offer advice, only criticism of the Obama policy....but when proven wrong, you now deflect to Obama's leadership failures....it is funny watching you Obamazombies twist and turn to defend his incompetence. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Rumsfeld offered no advice...

You posture like you are informed; but sadly you are misinformed.

There is no hurry to respond because there is no threat to the US from the Assad regime; now or in the future. But if the anti Assad forces take control, then you can bet there will be a future threat. De-throning Assad is not in our interests at this time; but Obama continues to fund the Syrian rebels with $1 billion in military aid and counting............it is what the CIA was doing in Benghazi - funneling weapons from Turkey into Syria. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
There are many factions against Assad , if you think we want to help out the one's that are not pro secular, you are a fool. If you think there is only one faction you are an idiot.

Rumsfeld offered no advice...

Actually, Rumsfeld did offer advice; you just choose to ignore it - see my above post.

There are many factions against Assad , if you think we want to help out the one's that are not pro secular, you are a fool. If you think there is only one faction you are an idiot....

[COLOR="rgb(139, 0, 0)"]If you think that TeamObama is capable of discerning which are pro-western secular groups and those that are not, then you are the idiot; our experience in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, and now Syria tells us that the lines that divide these groups and their allegiances are murky at best......but heck, if you have the name of the Syrian secular group that we should be funneling weapons, intelligence and other help to, please tell us the name.[/COLOR]
Originally Posted by WTF
So tell us WTF; what is the name of this pro western, secular anti-Assad faction that we should be supporting...........you claim it exists, then what is the name?

And pass the name along to Obama; because so far it appears we have been funneling over $1 billion in anti-Assad assistance to Al Qaeda linked groups.................hardly pro western and definitely NOT secular.........

Your claim that there are anti Assad forces who are secular and will embrace western style democracy that respects individual liberties and freedoms is laughable.

You probably also thought the "Arab Spring" was all about secular democratization of Egypt.....then they amended their constitution and adopted conservative Sharia.......

You really don't know what is going on.......
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  • CJ7
  • 09-04-2013, 01:59 PM
I understand fully. It is you having trouble. There is no hurry to respond. Despite what Kerry said. There is no military urgency. There might have been a perceived political urgency. There is a difference. Glad to see Obama was able to distinguish between the two. Hope you guys will understand the difference at some point but I doubt it. Originally Posted by WTF

give it 25 years, that's how long it took the right wingers to get pissed off, and go after Saddam for gassin' the Kurds
Great advice from an idiot that has no understanding that there is no need to immediately enforce it. That is wtf you do not understand Syria is not going anywhere.

Do you recall Bush saying he was going after Osama...and how you Tea Tards cheered and eight years later you shrugged your shoulders when Bush left office. Tea Tards Shrugged should be the title of the next Ayn Rand's book. Originally Posted by WTF
God you are buffoon. Right Syria isn't going anywhere, the chemical weapons are.

Obama drew a red line over a year ago. In April of this year, his administration said Assad used chemical weapons. Then he made his "chain of custody" speech even though it was his administration later re-iterated that it was Assad using CW.

Then on Aug 21 of this year Assad (supposedly) used CW that killed (supposedly) 1200 people.

So, if Obama would have enforced his red line 1200 people might still be alive. Also, by Obama dragging his feet, Assad can move the Chemical Weapons.

The bimbos you keep around, do you pay them before they leave or do you tell them wait a couple of months, that you are good for it?

Ohussein's boys..very graphic CAUTION.http://weaselzippers.us/2013/09/04/v...-assad-regime/
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-04-2013, 10:08 PM
So tell us WTF; what is the name of this pro western, secular anti-Assad faction that we should be supporting...........you claim it exists, then what is the name?
....... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Must I do all your research?


Western-backed opposition fighters and a faction of al Qaeda-linked rebels turned their guns on each other Saturday in Syria’s largest city, battling for control of a key checkpoint in the latest eruption of infighting among the forces trying to topple President Bashar Assad’s regime, activists said.
The clashes between rebels affiliated with the Free Syrian Army and fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant underscored the growing phenomenon of rebel-on-rebel violence that has sapped strength from the broader anti-Assad movement. It also underscores the rebels’ inability more than two years into the conflict to unite around a unified command, as well as the deepening rift between more secular opposition fighters and Islamic extremists in the rebel ranks
Rumsfeld slams Obama on Syria, calls him weakest president in his lifetime

Despite all of his statements, when asked what guidance he would give on the Syrian situation, however, Rumsfeld did admit, "I'm glad I don't have to give advice to be honest with you." Originally Posted by WTF
What would be the point?? Does anyone really think that this narcissistic fucktard would take advice from anyone but his political minions like Jarrett, Plouffe, Gibbs, et al?? Doubtful. Coincidentally, those are the exact people he brought to the White House for a strategy meeting right before he punted and put Congress on the hook for his ineptitude.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-05-2013, 04:23 AM
Here's my advice: Don't draw red lines you aren't going to immediately enforce. Originally Posted by gnadfly
After 9/11, how long was it before we took any military action in response?
After 9/11, how long was it before we took any military action in response? Originally Posted by Doove
When a Democrat occupies the White House, Turdfly (along with many other posters) has an extremely short memory!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-05-2013, 05:06 AM
What would be the point?? Does anyone really think that this narcissistic fucktard would take advice from anyone but his political minions like Jarrett, Plouffe, Gibbs, et al?? Doubtful. Coincidentally, those are the exact people he brought to the White House for a strategy meeting right before he punted and put Congress on the hook for his ineptitude. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN

As usual you missed my point. Rummy only bitchs , yet when pressed wtf should be done...he deflects. Obama does not give a shit about Rummy advice.

And no Whirly , Rummy did not offer any advice. Do you understand that stating the obvious and then not going on the record as to wtf you would do is chickenshit. That is why I am glad Obama is getting these Monday morning QB's on the record with this vote. He is going to strike regardless of the vote outcome.

Let me be clear...Rummy is no different than most who post on here. They only bitch....when asked beforehand wtf you would do you will not commit. People on here like to bitch after the fact....

Kinda like LexusLiar and the Zimmerman trial and every other bitch he has about Democrats.

Kinda like LexusLiar and the Zimmerman trial and every other bitch he has about Democrats. Originally Posted by WTF
And LexiLiar calls himself a Democrat!
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  • WTF
  • 09-05-2013, 05:22 AM
give it 25 years, that's how long it took the right wingers to get pissed off, and go after Saddam for gassin' the Kurds Originally Posted by CJ7
After 9/11, how long was it before we took any military action in response? Originally Posted by Doove
That does not count with these numbnuts. They are so blind with hate that they can not see their own hypocrisy.

God you are buffoon. Right Syria isn't going anywhere, the chemical weapons are.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Oh , I see you want to send boots on the ground to secure chemical weapons. What a fucking plan you have! Sounds like you are for an invasion. And I'm the moron?

So tell us WTF; what is the name of this pro western, secular anti-Assad faction that we should be supporting...........you claim it exists, then what is the name?

....... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Say thank you and move to a subject you are at least willing to research.

Must I do all your research?


Western-backed opposition fighters and a faction of al Qaeda-linked rebels turned their guns on each other Saturday in Syria’s largest city, battling for control of a key checkpoint in the latest eruption of infighting among the forces trying to topple President Bashar Assad’s regime, activists said.
The clashes between rebels affiliated with the Free Syrian Army and fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant underscored the growing phenomenon of rebel-on-rebel violence that has sapped strength from the broader anti-Assad movement. It also underscores the rebels’ inability more than two years into the conflict to unite around a unified command, as well as the deepening rift between more secular opposition fighters and Islamic extremists in the rebel ranks Originally Posted by WTF

The bimbos you keep around, do you pay them before they leave or do you tell them wait a couple of months, that you are good for it?

Moron. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Oh, I almost forgot...

They pay me
After 9/11, how long was it before we took any military action in response? Originally Posted by Doove
The time it took to form an international coalition and ship tons of military equipment across the world.

Answer this question Doove: There supposedly was an immenint threat of a large loss of human life in Libya that caused Obama to get involved in the Libyan civil war. Please give specifics of that threat, why it was in our national security interest to involve the US, and how long it took to get an international coalition together.

That does not count with these numbnuts. They are so blind with hate that they can not see their own hypocrisy. Originally Posted by WTF
More deflection. A question was asked, I answered it.

Oh , I see you want to send boots on the ground to secure chemical weapons. What a fucking plan you have! Sounds like you are for an invasion. And I'm the moron? Originally Posted by WTF
Yes, you are a moron and like all morons have reading comprehension and a conclusion drawing problems (among other things). Again, you are making shit up...your MO.

Say thank you and move to a subject you are at least willing to research. Originally Posted by WTF
They are killing each other everyday and will continue to kill each other long after we are gone. That wasn't the issue. The issue is Obama wrote a check that he couldn't cash and you Dimtards are trying to extricate him from another self-imposed blunder. I'm waiting for him to use the "Hey, I'm always good for a beer!" excuse.

Oh, I almost forgot...

They pay me Originally Posted by WTF
...like delusions of grandeur.