So what do you think of Dianne Feinstein releasing the CIA Torture Report??

lustylad's Avatar
Sounds like some of you numb nuts would like to rename the CIA the KGB. Originally Posted by WTF
The numbnuts are the ones who demanded that Scooter Libby go to jail but now applaud Diane Feinstein for outing dozens of CIA operatives.

Fagboy is quick to call everyone a hypocrite except for his libtard pals.
boardman's Avatar
There is a law against outing CIA agents. Look up Philip Agee or Valerie Plame or Scooter Libby. Shouldn't Diane Feinstein be prosecuted under this law? Originally Posted by lustylad
Were agents outed?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Were agents outed? Originally Posted by boardman
The Pakistanis have sentenced a certain doctor to 33 years imprisonment, and the doctor's name was never actually revealed. It was circumstantial evidence related to what was revealed that led to his arrest and detention.
When some of our people are killed because of this leak. Omacdaddy and his minions can just blame it on some random YouTube video.
The two psychiatrist in charge did make off with 80 mil.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-10-2014, 02:53 PM
The numbnuts are the ones who demanded that Scooter Libby go to jail but now applaud Diane Feinstein for outing dozens of CIA operatives.

Fagboy is quick to call everyone a hypocrite except for his libtard pals. Originally Posted by lustylad

Who was outed?

My next question to some of you that approve of torture is should we change the name of the CIA to the KGB?

When some of our people are killed because of this leak. Omacdaddy and his minions can just blame it on some random YouTube video. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
This wasn't a leak...
boardman's Avatar
The Pakistanis have sentenced a certain doctor to 33 years imprisonment, and the doctor's name was never actually revealed. It was circumstantial evidence related to what was revealed that led to his arrest and detention. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You're talking about the Pakistani doctor that helped the CIA find OBL by setting up a fake vaccination program. He was convicted on for treason in Pakistan for that. We did leak details of how that all went down. Enough so that they figured out who set it up.
Those details should not have been leaked and once they were we should have not left him behind. IMO.

It's tough to find unbiased journalism anymore. I usually go to Reuters.

What I get from that piece is that the Senate Committee determined that what we did amounted to torture. No big news there. It's what I would have expected from a Democratic committee.

It goes on to say that other countries are expressing outrage over our conduct. Again, nothing I wouldn't expect. Some of the countries and the UN are calling for prosecutions. That will never happen...At least I don't think it will.

The only names I hear are the ones we would expect to hear like former CIA directors. Does this report put a price on their head more so than what was probably already there? I'm just questioning the conservative talking heads that say this will put American lives in danger. I want to know why they think that and who is in danger of being outed.

My feelings on this is that it is a bit of vindictiveness on the part of the Democrats after their defeat last month but maybe it goes beyond that.

Enhanced interrogation/torture was an issue in 2008 and the Democrats were successful in using that issue to their advantage at the polls.

They lost quite a bit of momentum last month on many of their best talking points like the war on women. I just wonder if this isn't a Democratic strategy to reopen the whole enhanced interrogation/torture debate ahead of the many Republicans sure to announce they are seeking nomination after the first of the year.

If that's what they are doing I don't think it's going to hold water. People are tired of hearing about it and it's going to make the Dems looks like they are reaching for campaign strategy because they have nothing new to campaign on.

Unless I see other proof I think the reaction is overblown and is playing right into the Democrats hands at the moment.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-10-2014, 03:19 PM
If they didn't release it wasn't getting released.

The drone program has these Muslims pissed off way more than this fucking report that we smacked around a few terrorist trying to extract information.

I agree with you , in the end , I think it is much ado about nothing from both sides.
rioseco's Avatar
Who was outed?

My next question to some of you that approve of torture is should we change the name of the CIA to the KGB?

This wasn't a leak... Originally Posted by WTF
When near 3,000 civilians are murdered in the Manhattan and when our citizens are beheaded by this islamic scum, then yes torture the hell out of them if it aids our cause. This islamic filth is not following any code of honor. I say fight fire with fire. Our enemies don't fight fair so I dont care if you pull their nails out. Fuck the jihad scum !
LexusLover's Avatar
Seeing people's heads get sawed off again (or the knowledge that it's being done) will more than likely take any edge off the average voters anger about "dunking someone's head under the water so they will think they are drowning (which was reportedly done to one or more of our people before their heads were sawed off).

IMO it is difficult to get all choked up about treating vicious animals with "kid-gloves" ...

.. I suppose one will have to read the details of the report and footnotes to determine if there is "outing" and/or sufficient information disclosed to put the cross-hairs on someone.

Rioseco said it more "colorfully" .. All this hogwash about us being as bad as they are is ... hogwash. They use our sentiment against us.

"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
George S. Patton
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When near 3,000 civilians are murdered in the Manhattan and when our citizens are beheaded by this islamic scum, then yes torture the hell out of them if it aids our cause. This islamic filth is not following any code of honor. I say fight fire with fire. Our enemies don't fight fair so I dont care if you pull their nails out. Fuck the jihad scum ! Originally Posted by rioseco
So says SLOBBRIN LITE, the newest member of the Fulltard Family!

You have such a way with words, LITE!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
When near 3,000 civilians are murdered in the Manhattan and when our citizens are beheaded by this islamic scum, then yes torture the hell out of them if it aids our cause. This islamic filth is not following any code of honor. I say fight fire with fire. Our enemies don't fight fair so I dont care if you pull their nails out. Fuck the jihad scum ! Originally Posted by rioseco
Waterboarding is too good for these guys.

I say cut their heads off and stuff their dicks in their mouths before returning them back.

That would put an end to all this Islamic nonsense.
LexusLover's Avatar
I say cut their heads off and stuff their dicks in their mouths before returning them back. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Why in that order? You turning wimpish on us all of a sudden?
Sounds like some of you numb nuts would like to rename the CIA the KGB.

. Originally Posted by WTF
CIA, KGB the only difference is the letters.

Torture results in one thing, they will tell you what you want to hear. Most is inaccurate.