"A War That Would Last Days, Not Weeks "

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  • Old-T
  • 07-28-2011, 01:15 PM
Well done Whirley, you opened you new box of red crayons. Good for you! But don't you realize red is a Commie Pinko color?

As far as the "hater" comment, if you don't want to be labled with that descriptor, then don't post hate. Or do you now think someone should not be held up to the consequences of their actions? I thought that was a core principle of the RWWs. Are you slipping from the fold? Are you waivering on the depth of your extremist beliefs? ARRRGGG!!! Don't let M see that, he might throw you out of the clubhouse!
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  • Doove
  • 07-28-2011, 02:10 PM
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! I love the way your rhetoric has gotten cruder....makes me think my bitch-slaps are having an effect.... Originally Posted by Marshall

I'm sorry, what'd you say?
Extreme is believing that we can spend more than we take in and get away with it !

Extremeism is labeling something hate speech but not saying what it was....you are just throwing around air punchs Old T.....swing and miss batter batter !
Extreme is believing that we can spend more than we take in and get away with it !

Extremeism is labeling something hate speech but not saying what it was....you are just throwing around air punchs Old T.....swing and miss batter batter ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He's making impotent accusations?
Viagra is covered by Odumbocare, so.......
My War, which was Vietnam, started out with advisers and consultants. We all know how well that ended.

I truly hope that five years from now we are not reading "3000th US soldier dies in Libia this week".

The last true war we fought, (WW-2), where a clear and distinct goal was to totally defeat the Axis Powers, the USA had a policy that, while never written down, or even now taught later in schools, was in place.

That policy was "we will kill every last German and Japanese person on the Planet in order to achieve victory, if that is what is required".

The bombing, both explosive and incenterary, of major German and Japanese Civilian and Military targets proved this out. We had the might, the means, and most of all, the will to carry out this policy.
Maybe if we didn't have just as many contractors consulting for the DOD making $160k+ as we do soldiers doing the exact same job ($40k when you include deployment pay) in the larger FOBs (BAF, JAF, KAF, Kabul) then we could save billions each year at war.
We had 1800 people working on the JOC. Half were civilians. It was ridiculous. I know not every FOB had as many as we did, but BAF had over 30k people across the whole FOB. 30 thousand.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Maybe if we didn't have just as many contractors consulting for the DOD making $160k+ as we do soldiers doing the exact same job ($40k when you include deployment pay) in the larger FOBs (BAF, JAF, KAF, Kabul) then we could save billions each year at war.
We had 1800 people working on the JOC. Half were civilians. It was ridiculous. I know not every FOB had as many as we did, but BAF had over 30k people across the whole FOB. 30 thousand. Originally Posted by lilred_robin
Another point to your statement is that civilian contractors under arms during time of war fall into a grey area of the Geneva Convention. Such civilians can be and have been executed as spies. For example, ninety-nine civilian contractors, some who helped defend against the Japanese invasion, were killed by the Japanese on Wake Island during WWII http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Wake_Island. This “grey area” is what compelled the U.S. military to put every one in a hostile zone in a uniform so that they were protected, as much as they could be, by the Geneva Convention during WWII. Engineers, stevedores, railroad construction workers, etc. were put into uniform, whereas today, many people with these unique skills are civilian contractors. Another example are today’s FOB cooks. Mostly they are civilian contractors. Notably at Corregidor and at the Battle of the Bulge, as well as in other battles, the cooks were given rifles and helped defend against enemy attacks.

On the flip side of your argument (where the government thought it was going to save money), consider:
1) contractors are technically* responsible for their own health care and insurance.
2) contractors technically* will not be entitled to VA benefits.
3) contractors technically* will not retire with a pension.

*Those statements are qualified, because the reality is that very many if not most of today's contractors are former soldiers, sailors and marines who are otherwise entitled to those benefits.
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  • Doove
  • 07-28-2011, 06:10 PM
Maybe if we didn't have just as many contractors consulting for the DOD making $160k+ as we do soldiers doing the exact same job ($40k when you include deployment pay) in the larger FOBs (BAF, JAF, KAF, Kabul) then we could save billions each year at war. Originally Posted by lilred_robin
I think you're lying. The free market does everything cheaper and better than the government. Everything. Or so i've been told....over and over and over and over again.
I think you're lying. The free market does everything cheaper and better than the government. Everything. Or so i've been told....over and over and over and over again. Originally Posted by Doofus
you are correct, it does.....of course how free is the market when Odumbo is out to reward his campaign contributors! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
<---Doofus opening his mouth for a big cock! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-28-2011, 06:30 PM
you are correct, it does.....of course how free is the market when Odumbo is out to reward his campaign contributors! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
<---Doofus opening his mouth for a big cock! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Originally Posted by Marshall
You make this far too easy, it is hardly fun any more:
1. this is an example of your hate speach--you know, the stuff you don't really post.
2. compair the "rewards to campaign contributors" under this administration to those of one each VP Chaney to Haliburton.

Marshy, that's 3 topics you have flunked just this evening: math, logic, and economics. GPA of 0.00 so far, and digging ever deeper into that dung pile. Go get 'um!
You make this far too easy, it is hardly fun any more:???????????????????? you haven't discredited anything I said.....you're like Saddam declaring victory over the US........
2. compair [sic] the "rewards to campaign contributors" under this administration to those of one each [sic] VP Chaney [sic] to Haliburton. Originally Posted by Old-farT
you don't deny Odumbo is corrupt!....HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

3 errors of grammar or spelling in 1 sentence....doesn't reflect well on you, does it......

BTW: I never voted for a Bush for POTUS or Cheney for VP.....I'm not even a republican........
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  • Old-T
  • 07-28-2011, 06:51 PM
Well done!! I admit I am spelling challenged. Good for you, it only took you some 200 posts to figure this out. Most noticed it in 2 or 3.

I have always claimed all politicians are crrupt to some degree. You, on the other hand, are so enraged only at a select few. YOU are the blind man on here, or the bigoted one, I don't know which. I only point out that you seem psychotically angry at someone who has done far less lieing and stealing than the previous administration, yet for some reason they do not seem to attract your anger.

I can only assume that your hatred and childish tirade towards a lesser evil and your silence on the greater evil must imply you have a personal reason for this illogical, irrational point of view. Since you claim it is not party affiliated, what other obvious difference is there? Hmm, I wonder. Given your homophobic and racist comments I could guess. I wonder if anyone else can as well.
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  • Doove
  • 07-28-2011, 07:03 PM
YOU are the blind man on here, or the bigoted one, I don't know which. Originally Posted by Old-T
Then ignore him.

He's not trying to convince you of anything. What he's trying to do is annoy you and every time you respond to him he's claiming victory, irrespective of who has more logic on their side in whatever argument he chooses to draw you into.
Well done!! I admit I am spelling challenged. Good for you, it only took you some 200 posts to figure this out. Most noticed it in 2 or 3.

I have always claimed all politicians are crrupt to some degree. You, on the other hand, are so enraged only at a select few. YOU are the blind man on here, or the bigoted one, I don't know which. I only point out that you seem psychotically angry at someone who has done far less lieing and stealing than the previous administration, yet for some reason they do not seem to attract your anger.

I can only assume that your hatred and childish tirade towards a lesser evil and your silence on the greater evil must imply you have a personal reason for this illogical, irrational point of view. Since you claim it is not party affiliated, what other obvious difference is there? Hmm, I wonder. Given your homophobic and racist comments I could guess. I wonder if anyone else can as well. Originally Posted by Old-farT

you're psychologically challenged as well...... you're one of my groupies who follow me around the board trying to get my attention......it makes you feel important when I give you attention.....in your mind, getting attention from me gives you status on this board......your value and self worth comes from me......if I ignored your posts you'd become very depressed and you'd wallow in your lack of importance.....I'll bet your fellow groupies are very jealous of you........

an inability to spell is indicative of other intellectual deficiencies.....it's a proven scientific fact.....go ahead and google it.......
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  • Old-T
  • 07-28-2011, 07:07 PM
True, but I am boared. He doesn't annoy me--that would require him to have some substance. I should probably ignore him, though; it isn't nice of me to toy with a mentally deranged puppy.