Ketchup on a Hot Dog?

bambino's Avatar
Back on the topic at hand, plz. No more projecting or politics. Originally Posted by HDGristle
You’ve been projecting. We see it. I guess you like Hot Dogs.
I step away for a few days, and the usual suspects take a benign hotdog & make it become the foder of politics. I guess if you're a 4chan one track mind, you are brainwashed to only follow the orders of posting boards.

I digress- I'm a mustard guy and like spicy mustard best. but ketchup is a good second-. Ketchup is America's favorite condiment and can be found in 97 percent of kitchens across the country. But you may be surprised to learn that this ubiquitous accompaniment to French fries wasn't born in the U.S., nor did it contain any tomatoes. Instead, ketchup has its origins in China and began as a pickled fish sauce. Originally Posted by eyecu2
... Ye Christ! ... Most people know that the REAL
"catsupe" was FIRST created in Australia as a substitute
for curry. ... The Chinese musta stole it from us.

The same way they're prolly stealing America's
science secrets and what-not. ... Just sayin'

### Salty
Ripmany's Avatar
I don't eat hot dogs I eat tacos. I don't put sticks in my mouth.
Funny, the only time I use ketchup is on hotdogs.

My wiener, my choice.
pittlicker's Avatar
So, do you prefer mayo on your weiner?
HDGristle's Avatar
No mayo or fry sauce (mayo/ketchup combo) on a hot dog

Typically I will go with:
  • Mustard and Dill Pickle
  • Mustard and Kraut
  • Mustard and Hot Pepper Relish
  • Kraut
  • Chili and Cheese
  • Chili, Cheese and Bacon
  • Chili, Cheese, Jalapeño and Bacon
berryberry's Avatar
Oh yes, it’s a pattern Mr Ghristle. Trannys, hotdogs, ketchup. It adds up brohammer. No mention of anything female from you. It’s true. It’s fact. Just sayin…….. Originally Posted by bambino
As I posted on another thread - It's always interesting how people reveal themselves

Hot dogs ??? Real men eat hamburgers
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-21-2022, 01:01 PM
Venezualan are the shit, but no mustard.
bambino's Avatar
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen the insults need to stop Stick to the threads subject
Gentlemen the insults need to stop Stick to the threads subject Originally Posted by Dr-epg

Perhaps if we use some ketchup, sticking would be easier!

So, do you prefer mayo on your weiner? Originally Posted by pittlicker
Ignoring the implication - mayo on a hot dog is underrated.
Hot dogs in general are a crime against food. If I'm gonna shove garbage down my throat I'm gonna make sure I like it. Garbage with garbage is garbage, but garbage without garbage is also still just garbage, you know what I mean? And sometimes I want to eat garbage, and it's completely fine. What are you, a hot Dog snob? Heh, imagine a bunch of 6 year olds with a bunch of plastic tools and those big hollow wooden blocks roleplaying as the Council of Hot Dog Snobbery, judging people who commit crimes against the Hot Dog community. Dude, it's hot dogs. It's more worrying that you're over 18 and are unironically a Hot Dog Snob.

heh it is true though
flows-with-water's Avatar