Not All There


There are times that the more you open your mouth, the deeper the hole becomes. Originally Posted by Old-T
It's so funny how oblivious we are to our own imperfections.
pyramider's Avatar
My tainted 1.3" of dangling death is perfection.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, that particular shoe certainly fits you, doesn't it?

. . . You miss a lot of good opportunities to keep your mouth shut, but at your advanced age, you probably won't ever learn!


There are times that the more you open your mouth, the deeper the hole becomes. Originally Posted by Old-T
Danielle Reid's Avatar
It is just using the vernacular to loosely describe a wide range of behavior having to do with her irrationality.

From my perspective, young and attractive women, in general, tend to be irrational. Grandmothers, maybe not so much.

Does anyone disagree with that observation?

. . . She will fly off the handle or do totally unexpected things, but then the thought occurred to me that maybe the ladies think the same thing of men!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I once threatened to skin a guy alive and wear his face as a mask...he then gave me a tip and set up 3 more appointments...I guess he thought for a young girl, I was pretty rational
Fast Gunn's Avatar
. . . I rest my case.

I once threatened to skin a guy alive and wear his face as a mask...he then gave me a tip and set up 3 more appointments...I guess he thought for a young girl, I was pretty rational Originally Posted by MaryBeth
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Did you even have a case?
bojulay's Avatar
Does this include Bare Grooming.

Brazilian Women is crazy no?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, most certainly madam, I have one hell of an airtight case.

Have you even been paying attention to these proceedings?

. . . You are now exhibit A.

Did you even have a case? Originally Posted by MaryBeth
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-18-2013, 02:00 PM
Well, that particular shoe certainly fits you, doesn't it?

. . . You miss a lot of good opportunities to keep your mouth shut, but at your advanced age, you probably won't ever learn!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Probably not. I expect I will always be Don Quixote, defending the honor of honorable young ladies. You just make too tempting a windmill to ignore.

That approach has served me very well so far.
wha da?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, if nothing else, you are true to form.

. . . A windmill at least has a useful function, but on the other hand, Don Quixote was not only a fool, but also quite insane in his quest!

Probably not. I expect I will always be Don Quixote, defending the honor of honorable young ladies. You just make too tempting a windmill to ignore.

That approach has served me very well so far. Originally Posted by Old-T
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Well, most certainly madam, I have one hell of an airtight case.

Have you even been paying attention to these proceedings?

. . . You are now exhibit A.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
All the women I've seen have been more mature, reasonable, and psychologically sound than me. In fact, I've always been surprised how normal they are. They are just like the girls I grew up around back in New York, only with a little more charm. We are fortunate to have such great girls in this area.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-18-2013, 10:37 PM
Well, if nothing else, you are true to form.

. . . A windmill at least has a useful function, but on the other hand, Don Quixote was not only a fool, but also quite insane in his quest!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Spoken like a true windmill. Round and round going nowhere.

Don Q on the other hand was brave, noble hearted, chivalrous, and not one to back down in the pursuit of what is right. The same endearing qualities that I possess in abundance. I suspect it is your jealousy that blinds you to seeing it.