NEW TEXAS Laws going into effect tomorrow 9/1/2023

CG2014's Avatar
This is a company that sells traffic tickets templates for automated system that police use now. Instead of the old way of carrying a ticket book with triplicate carbon copies, they carry a reader that they swipe your DL through like a credit card and a ticket is printed out.

Look under the second section yellow bar: Person Page, one of the information query entry is

The violator's social security number
Doug4343's Avatar
What happened to the no travel for an abortion law, I thought the legislature was trying to do that
CG2014's Avatar
Oh it's coming. They are going to make it trafficking if you try to get an aboriton.

Conservative activists are pushing ‘trafficking’ laws to prevent women from traveling for an abortion

Texas Republicans Are Targeting Highways Now to Stop Out-of-State Abortions
Anti-abortion activists are working to pass laws that would make it illegal to drive someone on particular roads if the end destination is an abortion clinic.
Joddxxx's Avatar
This new law for the sovereign citizens.
Your SS# is tied to your DL# to collect child support due to low lifes that did not pay there child support or tried to skip paying.

If I'm driving and get pulled over for just cause i have zero problems showing them my DL and my insurance but they can kiss my pimpled ass if they think i am giving them my SS#. Originally Posted by longhard1one
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-08-2023, 07:34 PM
Your SS# is tied to your DL# to collect child support due to low lifes that did not pay there child support or tried to skip paying. Originally Posted by BossyWillson
I was going to say, don't you have to write your SS# filling out the DL application? LE already has access to your social number
CG2014's Avatar
it is now illegal in TEXAS for anyone to stand in a parking space and hold it while waiting for their friend to drive to it if by doing so you, create a traffic jam or obstruct traffic from flowing normally and freely,

A person commits an offense if, without legal privilege or authority, he intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly: (1)

obstructs a highway, street, sidewalk, railway, waterway, elevator, aisle, hallway, entrance, or exit to which the public or a substantial group of the public has access, or any other place used for the passage of persons, vehicles, or conveyances, regardless of the means of creating the obstruction and whether the obstruction arises from his acts alone or from his acts and the acts of others;
Like these entitled idiots Karens here:

Houston Astros fans are so ghetto
ishling's Avatar
damn. Further & further from limited government....
Before you know I will be required to swear allegiance to the GOP and if I don't they will put me in a camp for bad upid man.............that would never happen would it???
ishling's Avatar
Okay man, it's cool. It sounds like you want to be argumentative and/or "win/prove you're right". win. You're right and I'm wrong. Cops will ask for your SS# 100% of the time. Originally Posted by slubby

I've never been asked for my social security number even when I forgot my license at home. Maybe things have changed or are different in different areas though, I don't know.
TinMan's Avatar
damn. Further & further from limited government.... Originally Posted by ishling
We passed that rest stop long ago.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Texas likes to present itself as a freedom-embracing State. It is anything but that. Even Oklahoma is more progressive.

You gotta free your mind before your ass can follow.