Alone on Thanksgiving?

Typhon - some of us are not above doing the dishes (topless even), watching football (pretending to follow it) while eating pumpkin pie and tending to your various needs for relaxation. Sounds fun,, um....gfe

Poet - very true...thanks for the reminder

Well took a chance , and took Poet to my sister's house for dinner , pretty sure everyone had a good time ! Funny thing is , I beat this guy up on the boards pretty major , turns out he's a pretty cool guy . Thankful to have made a new friend ! Hope the rest of you had a good day .
sixxbach's Avatar
Well took a chance , and took Poet to my sister's house for dinner , pretty sure everyone had a good time ! Funny thing is , I beat this guy up on the boards pretty major , turns out he's a pretty cool guy . Thankful to have made a new friend ! Hope the rest of you had a good day . Originally Posted by rockerrick

Wow, I wouldn't let that creepo anywhere near mine especially with underage nieces, etc around

Don't worry sixx , you can come next year .
LOL ! Ever met him ? Didn't walk up to any females and ask them how much for a BBBJ . Just fucking with you !
Poet Laureate's Avatar
Thanks to the generosity of Rockerrick and his extended family, I didn't have to spend the holiday alone. I expressed my gratitude to them as eloquently as I could, and I hope they understand how truly thankful I was. These folks graciously opened their home to me, made me feel welcome, comfortable, and completely at ease. It was a holiday I'll never forget. I met some wonderful people and enjoyed myself immensely. Thank you Rick, and please again thank your sister, your mom, and everyone else who was there.
sixxbach's Avatar
Don't worry sixx , you can come next year .
LOL ! Ever met him ? Didn't walk up to any females and ask them how much for a BBBJ . Just fucking with you ! Originally Posted by rockerrick

I will come but I sure hope you and your family make banana pudding! I love it!

My apologies for taking shots at Poet in this thread. It was uncalled for.

Poet Laureate's Avatar
I will come but I sure hope you and your family make banana pudding! I love it!

My apologies for taking shots at Poet in this thread. It was uncalled for.

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Apology accepted, Sixx, and thank you.
Yep , banana pudding is just what was missing this time .
Poet Laureate's Avatar
I love banana pudding. Tell you what, I'll make a big batch, Sixx can take me to Rick's, and we can all troop to Sis's for Christmas dinner. Sound like a plan?
I'm alone on Thanksgiving, although I'm pretty used to it, been this way for the past 4 years now. My family is all up north and I stopped flying back since it was hectic to fly back twice in a month's time (xmas).

But I don't sit home and veg, I've been utilizing the time volunteering for the past 4 yrs at various soup kitchens to prepare and hand out meals to those in need. I do enjoy doing that, so being alone on Thanksgiving hasn't been so bad.

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving!
sixxbach's Avatar
This is some good shit: Originally Posted by Smokin Joe

Looks great to me. Thanks for sharing

I don't mean to bump a thread but I went and I had a blast jane is a lovely lady and she sure can cook. You missed out on her apple pie best thing I ever tasted. (Please don't take out of content) lol
Jane is a doll and a woman with a good heart I was alone and she made me feel so welcomed and warm and fuzzy inside. I met a couple great gents and gal and it was a pleasure to spend the holidays with all of you
ozmosys's Avatar
You missed out on her apple pie best thing I ever tasted. (Please don't take out of content) lol
Jane is a doll and a woman with a good heart I was alone and she made me feel so welcomed and warm and fuzzy inside. Originally Posted by Jennatexas23
Sorry, just can't resist a brief comment on Jane's delicious apple pie being taken out of context. I won't elaborate, but the idea takes me places.

Glad you had a good time, Jenna!
Shit im free as a bird, i dont know what that.feels like, ill prol be alone bday and