Anybody remember this thread? http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=783088

Why don't right wingers have a sense of humor?
I've never quite figured this out. Conservatives have no sense of humor. Why is this? There's a slew of comedians who regularly make fun of the the tea-party and their ilk. You know them all... Moore, Mahler, Black, Rock, Stewart, et al. Come on guys, even Hitler could tell a joke now and then. Maybe it's because the jokes are so easy, I don't know. It may be my next career. Dick Cheney should have been dead five times and he has still not lightened up.
and my response:


If a "conservative" told a slightly off color, slightly racial, slightly misogynistic joke that say a Bill Mayer would tell, that "conservative" would be blacklisted by whatever media outlet they had a regular contract with. Mainly because that media outlet would be deluged by "humerous" libtards who complaining about the joke the "conservative" told.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm from Missouri and I am NOT proud that the rodeo big wigs buckled to pressure and banned this guy.

On the other hand we do know that the rodeo clown was on the grassy knoll and was seen on 9/11 near the World Trade Center. The clown was also spotted shining a laser at the cockpit of the Asiana flight in San Fransisco. The last time the clown was spotted he was in Zurich showing high end purses to women with money.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Its a left-wing "Benghazi"....a manufactured phony scandal to whip the mouth-foamers into a frenzy.
Its a left-wing "Benghazi"....a manufactured phony scandal to whip the mouth-foamers into a frenzy. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
CC, when do you plan to start grooming your humped back jackass?

Right wing clowns calling right wingers leftest. Comical.
...from his opening monologue.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++

Liberal Reaction to the Missouri Rodeo Clown is Akin to the Radical Muslim Response to a Mohammed Cartoon

August 14, 2013


RUSH: This Missouri clown situation is so out of hand and out of proportion, and I'm gonna tell you what this is like, and I'm not gonna pull any punches. This is no different than those countries reacting freakishly when there were cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. That is exactly what this is. It is as though President Obama is a messiah or is a god and this little thing that happened at the Missouri State Fair is a defamation, a denunciation, almost a religious sacrilege that took place.

He's the president of the United States! They get made fun of! They get laughed at all the time! Fun is poked at 'em. I know this happens to be the first African-American one, but that should not insulate this president from standard, ordinary, everyday treatment, analysis, whatever. You know, you people on the left, who the hell do you think you are? You can't laugh. You can't take a joke. You can't take a punch. You can't take anything. One little thing that you don't like and this clown can never work, everybody involved is resigning, the state of Missouri might secede from the union. I mean, where's this gonna end? Well, I'm joking about the state of Missouri seceding, bit I wouldn't be surprised if that was the next thing.

If I were the president of the United States and this was happening in the country that I was president, I would put a stop to this. This is infantile. This is childish. This is worse than political correctness. It's almost as though the president of the United States is a religious leader. What took place at the Missouri State Fair was with a clown. I mean, it wasn't as though some serious journalist or political analyst went out there in an Obama mask. It wasn't like a Democrat doing a minstrel show, like good old Mel Carnahan did back in 1960 in Missouri.

I mean, this is over the top. And the way people are caving on this in Missouri, instead of standing up and pointing out this for what it is. This wasn't a sacrilege; it's a joke, for crying out loud. And presidents are laughed at, and they're poked fun of. Ask George W. Bush. Ask Ronald Reagan. Ask George H. W. Bush. Ask Clinton, for crying out loud.

This burns me. This is outrageous. This is no different than what happened in all those countries that had the cartoons of the prophet and militant Muslims had a cow over it, went nuts. It's exactly what's happening here. What do we have, a president of the United States who is above all this? We have a president who's above criticism, above being mocked, above being laughed at? We have not just a president, we have an entire Democrat political party and the American left which thinks that they are so damn special that they cannot be mocked, they cannot be made fun of.

The rest is at: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2013/08/14/liberal_reaction_to_the_missou ri_rodeo_clown_is_akin_to_the_ radical_muslim_response_to_a_m ohammed_cartoon
The fat drug addict is right, in some ways, in my opinion. Over-reaction. It was a stupid stunt, but who cares?

Does it equate to people getting killed over the muslim cartoons? No.

And, for god's sake, indicating that the Democrats feel like they can't be attacked or made fun of is the stupidest think I thing I've ever heard. That is all the right-wing does.....to the exclusion of every other endeavor. The entire republican party platform is about attacking Obama....nothing else. So, him crying about this in those terms is silly.
Its a left-wing "Benghazi"....a manufactured phony scandal to whip the mouth-foamers into a frenzy. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
No, no no....this is a real scandal goddamnit. The reality is that all those other clowns were really special forces clowns. Who were clearly close enough to save the Obama clown before he would have been run over by the bull.

So, why were they ordered to stand down?
This whole thing is a welcome distraction for the left. While we talk about this we are NOT talking about the IRS, Benghazi, Obamacare, etc. In basebal parlance, think of this as a ball. Let it go by without comment and wait for something in the strike zone.

Having said that the rodeo mavens have acted reprehensively. What happened to freedom of speech? Are they really afraid of getting what? a visit by the secret service? an IRS audit? protesters out front?

I have been to a few rodeos and I recall seeing Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan on the ground. It has always been a hallmark of this country that we don't place our presidents on a pedestal beyond criticism or ridicule. What makes Obama so different? His crazed followers or has there been retaliation? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
On the contrary, you are, as evidenced by his thread, talking about it incessantly. It's another "Scandal".....the next question to be answered: what sort of pressure did the Obama administration put on Missouri clown regulation officials to get this guy the sensitivity training? Film at 10.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
This shit would have never happened in Israel!
No rodeo's?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets try again. I think we all agree that this is stupid. Okay, rodeo's do this all the time and have mad fun of presidents for years. No one complained...loudly. That being the case why did the Missouri Rodeo association bend over and grab their ankles? Were they threatened by someone, or did they just think they were going to be threatened by someone. That is the question I pose; it can't be public outrage, this has been done for years. It can't be because the Rodeo association is controlled by liberals. The only thing I can come up with is a threat or fear of a threat. That being the case, what has the country come to.
I'm from Missouri and I am NOT proud that the rodeo big wigs buckled to pressure and banned this guy.

On the other hand we do know that the rodeo clown was on the grassy knoll and was seen on 9/11 near the World Trade Center. The clown was also spotted shining a laser at the cockpit of the Asiana flight in San Fransisco. The last time the clown was spotted he was in Zurich showing high end purses to women with money. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I have been in Texas for 45 years but I was born in Missouri. If it was not for KC Mo and St Louis, Missouri would be more Red than Texas.

Texas has Obama clowns back.

______________________________ ______________________

rodeo clown to Texas
4:55 PM 08/14/2013

Alexis Levinson
Political Reporter

Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman has invited the rodeo clown who caused a stir this week when he mocked President Barack Obama during an act at the Missouri State Fair to come perform in Texas, saying the negative reaction to the act amount to “liberals … targeting this man for personal destruction.”

In the act, during the bull riding competition, the clown wore an Obama mask and the dialogue suggested Obama get run over by a bull. Politicians on both sides of the aisle condemned the performance and the clown was permanently banned from the Missouri State Fair. Future clowns performing at the State Fair will be required to undergo sensitivity training.

But Stockman, never one to shy away from controversy, said attacking the clown was attacking free speech and invited him to perform in Texas.

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“Liberals want to bronco bust dissent. But Texans value speech, even if it’s speech they don’t agree with,” the congressman said in a statement. “From [late liberal writer] Molly Ivins to [conservative Republican Rep.] Louie Gohmert and every opinion between Texans value free and open political speech. I’m sure any rodeo in Texas would be proud to have performers.”

“Disagreeing with speech is one thing,” Stockman said. “Banning it and ordering citizens into re-education classes for mocking a liberal leader is another. Liberals have targeted this man for personal destruction to create a climate of fear.”

“The liberal reaction is straight out of Alinsky,” Stockman added. “They want to crush dissent by isolating and polarizing anyone who questions Obama, even if it’s a rodeo clown with a harmless gag. The idea to create a state of fear and make people afraid to trivialize Obama. No one tried to personally destroy the rodeo clown who wore a George H.W. Bush mask.”

Stockman has been a virulent opponent of the president, and threatened to initiate impeachment proceedings during the fight over gun legislation.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/08/14/st...#ixzz2c5HNUTGk
Lets try again. I think we all agree that this is stupid. Okay, rodeo's do this all the time and have mad fun of presidents for years. No one complained...loudly. That being the case why did the Missouri Rodeo association bend over and grab their ankles? Were they threatened by someone, or did they just think they were going to be threatened by someone. That is the question I pose; it can't be public outrage, this has been done for years. It can't be because the Rodeo association is controlled by liberals. The only thing I can come up with is a threat or fear of a threat. That being the case, what has the country come to. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I still dare you to find many LIBERALS in pro rodeo.
BigLouie's Avatar
This from CNN

Editor's note: Judy Quest is a board member and past president of Clowns of America International, an organization of clowns that promotes the craft. She has been a clown for 32 years and has trained hundreds of clowns. She writes regularly for clown journals.

(CNN) -- It was a sad day in the clown world when a "clown" at the Missouri State Fair put on a mask in the likeness of President Barack Obama and wore a broomstick attached to his behind to perform in a rodeo in America's Heartland.

Some would ask: How this is different from late-night pundits making mocking comments about every political person alive? It is different in that it goes against everything a clown stands for and makes fun of our president in a way that is truly offensive on so many levels.

As someone who has performed as a "real" clown for 32 years and has taught the craft to hundreds of clowns, I would like the world to know that we have a code of ethics that we adhere to so that our life of making the world smile goes on without hurting people. Among the ethics is a ban on "blue humor."

This mean no sexual or racial humor. The joke always needs to be on us and never on an audience member. If someone is offended or made the "victim" of a joke, it is totally against what the clown community would consider funny.
So what is this clown community and where do I get these ethics?
One of the main international clown organizations based in the United States is Clowns of America, International. We are 3,000 members strong and are organized into clown "alleys," groups that perform together.
As part of our training, and really the training of most clowns, we have a strict code of ethics covering such things as drinking while clowning, cleanliness and remaining in character. We take offense at the actions of the rodeo "clown" because we are strictly trained not to offend anyone while "in clown."

The individual who took on the role of a clown in Missouri might have made some people laugh, but it was at the expense of so many others.
What of the children who were in the audience and being taught to respect our president and government? What of every person in the audience who hates racism? What of the officials of the state of Missouri who are now the focus of national attention in this negative light?

Forgive me for taking this forum to air another form of "clown" I find very offensive: the horror clown.

In my travels as "Dear Heart" the clown, I encounter many people of all ages who are afraid of clowns. Perhaps some are afraid of anyone who is behind makeup, but most have had the experience of a house of horror where a person dressed as a clown has frightened them and, in doing so, has robbed them of fun and playful experiences for life.

Being a "real clown" takes training, money and a lot of time. We each develop a character that is an extension of ourselves. Real clowns have clown hearts long before we put on makeup.

Our goal is to make the world a happier place. One part of our national organization, Red Nose Response, allows clowns go to places where there have been disasters and pitch in -- helping to distribute needed supplies but also helping to keep the spirits of people up.

I am most proud when I come home having given a balloon flower to an elderly person who responds with a big smile or having taught a child who is in a hospital long-term the basics of juggling.

And so what is there that I have described about "real clowns" that applies to the Missouri rodeo performer? Absolutely nothing.

As for the people in Texas who have said he would be welcome to perform there: Please think about that and what you are really doing.
I believe that people today desperately need a reason to smile and a chance to forget their troubles for a moment and laugh. These laughs are most cherished if they are only for fun and do not offend or hurt another human being.