Starting Out

Bella, IMO:
Do a couple dates with members here via PM and get reviewed and verified. Screw agencies and backpage. If you get glowing reviews, you'll be up and running in no time. ESPECIALLY, if your first review is PlasticMan
generalbob's Avatar
Bella, IMO:
Do a couple dates with members here via PM and get reviewed and verified. Screw agencies and backpage. If you get glowing reviews, you'll be up and running in no time. ESPECIALLY, if your first review is PlasticMan Originally Posted by cculvr69
Don't go getting her hopes up. PM saving his first review for his date with Hillary.
Don't go getting her hopes up. PM saving his first review for his date with Hillary. Originally Posted by generalbob
Damn, I missed that gb, apologies...

Bella, I forgot to ad that gb was extending a very generous offer. I think he usually charges a premium for that.
JennerJammer's Avatar
Are you that delusional to think that I really give a crap what you or anyone else thinks? No one forces anyone here to read or respond to any posts. Please feel free to put me on your ignore list. Originally Posted by generalbob
Works both ways for sure!

It's a disservice to assume persons can't decide for themselves what is funny and/or cheesy....Jenner Jammer... Originally Posted by Ceremony
No assumptions made Sir!
bella0203's Avatar
Thanks, Jessica. I've also read a lot of your reviews n "stalked" you as well and you're a gorgeous girl. You just look sexy n seductive without trying. I'm sure you and Lexy are both very busy girls but if you ever have a chance I would really appreciate talking to another female.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Thanks, Jessica. I've also read a lot of your reviews n "stalked" you as well and you're a gorgeous girl. You just look sexy n seductive without trying. I'm sure you and Lexy are both very busy girls but if you ever have a chance I would really appreciate talking to another female. Originally Posted by bella0203

hopefully you havnt picked up the cop paranoia

and the odd need to constantly post totally useless and baseless alerts...

just in some strange attempt to get a phone to ring,,
xxxalyssaxxx's Avatar
You sound like the perfect candidate for the "Generalbobs newbie provider orientation sessions". We could get together for several evaluation sessions where we would explore all your talents and special skills. This will give you a chance to fine tune the activities you are good at and also to develop some you might need to work on. From there we can work on your marketing plan based on your skill level and the activities you would offer. Remember, this is absolutely free of charge no matter how long it takes to get you ready to be a top level provider. Originally Posted by generalbob
Hahaha. You never told me you offered personal evaluation and training sessions. How bad is the waiting list?
Hahaha. You never told me you offered personal evaluation and training sessions. How bad is the waiting list? Originally Posted by juicyjasmineschwartz
He had a cancellation jj, he can get you in immediately.
xxxalyssaxxx's Avatar
He had a cancellation jj, he can get you in immediately. He also takes installments if your credit's good. Originally Posted by cculvr69
Hahaha. I see. Are you waiting for his evaluation before you decide you want to be better friends? lol
generalbob's Avatar
Hahaha. You never told me you offered personal evaluation and training sessions. How bad is the waiting list? Originally Posted by juicyjasmineschwartz
Just waiting on my next shipment of Viagra!
xxxalyssaxxx's Avatar
Just waiting on my next shipment of Viagra! Originally Posted by generalbob
Hahaha. I have it right here. Come on over and get it.
hopefully you havnt picked up the cop paranoia

and the odd need to constantly post totally useless and baseless alerts...

just in some strange attempt to get a phone to ring,, Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Hopefully you don't read the posts by losers and their loser pals and think that everyone on the board is like them.
There are actually some great guys on here.
I would deff ask girls that have been around for a while for their help.
It was pretty overwhelming so once I met Lexxxy I started working with just her because it was too much.
Once you get out there you need to get ready to have your phone ringing off the hook all the time and keeping track of everyone and everything.
Lexxxy is really good at that and I feel safe with her, all of us GFs do, we completely trust her because she is thorough.
She has never been arrested or in any kind of trouble.
She turns down way more dates than she takes and is low volume so it isn't a rat race or unsafe.
The most important thing I learned from her is silence your phone at night because it always goes off and go with your gut feeling even after screening.
Just because someone posts lots and has written reviews doesn't mean they are someone you want to see, sometimes it means the exact opposite.
You will get messages from people saying they are so important, no one is any more important than anyone else and most guys saying they want to help just means they want to take advantage of a new girl.
I'm traveling between WNY and OH for work so I don't have much time to help you out on here.
The new female mod is a nice girl, I used to read her posts under her old handle and she is smart, she will help you out and we are lucky to have her as a mod.
We've all been new and know what you're going through.
Don't burn yourself out that's really important to keep in mind or you'll be hating it or gone in no time.
As far as pics edit them, don't post pics you have on facebook, and download a free watermark ap so that they can't get stolen, that has happened to me and it sucks.
Don't use a number that can really be traced to you like through facebook or aps.
Use google voice or a burner phone that you buy in cash and use a fake name registering.
IMHO google voice is the better idea because track phones get really expensive... you will get a lot of contact on it...lots lol.
Never take a reference from a girl you can't verify too.
Once you have reviews and stuff join p411 and if you travel join indys.
bella0203's Avatar
Thank you very much, Shannah! There's been so many sweet girls so far. It's amazing how everyone helps out everyone. We get a bad rap yet honestly you girls have been much more welcoming and sweet than girls I've met at desk job and college. Haha! All such great advice! If you or Lexxxy are ever in NY I'd love to meet up!
We need to stick together and help each other stay safe that's what it boils down to honey.
Remember the help you are getting when someone asks you for a ref or help.
Pay it forward is key.