Shrillery wants to raise taxes on middle class.

Typical whiffy type video. "Unedited"! Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Yes it is, thanks. ManAssMuncher, can I just call you MAM for short?

The Corrupton Queen said it and she meant it! MAM...
She's not going to do anything except what her corporate/banking/statist puppet masters tell her to do. She's a liar. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And Trump is a saint who never lies right ? someone told me you are a vet - if so you are embarrassing us pal.
^^^^ HillaryNoMore needs someone to follow her around to correct her ....

... misspeaks! So does Bill!

"I did not have sex with that woman!" (or some denial like that!)

"I didn't have an classified emails on my private unauthorized server!"

"Well, they were not marked "classified!"

"Well, there were not that many of them!"

People who have mental disabilities should get a pass. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So EKIM an assup get a pass ? !!!
And Trump is a saint who never lies right ? someone told me you are a vet - if so you are embarrassing us pal. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Another " apology " thread. Just who is the " us " that's embarrassed Sarg Lube Wide-ass. EFFF yeself, as if YOU speak for all veterans, ya friggen lying troll. You probably ARENT even a vet, just some paid poster representing yourself as such to try for some " street cred ". Most vets I know, going back to WW-1, don't piss and moan about their lot in life or their injuries and use them as a " shield " when another person, poster OR FELLOW VETERAN rightfully points out when they are wrong. Get a life ya POS liar. And quit trying to " milk " the veterans angle for sympathy. Some of us REAL vets are tired of your lies and BS.
So even though she has repeatedly and emphatically said she will not raise taxes on the middle class, a single garbled word and the actions of a former president clouds your mind on as to what her stated intensions are?
You're not sure she really intends to intend?

One thing is certain. You intend to bitch and pontificate about some of the least significant points and aspects of the least significant posts. Posts by assholes who claim what is at most an insignificant data point at odds with all others on the same statement he chose to try and manipulate Hillary's furry little army
And then to keep from merely appearing to be stupid for using the info and making the statement, mr. troll doubles down and uses his new found "knowledge" to cite it as proof that if you are in the middle class, regardless of party affiliation or political philosophy, you are a following lemming no matter what she says.
A true asshole's asshole. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
" A true asshole's asshole " And YOU are the potentate of the GLOBAL asshole club, now ain't ya manassmuncher ! And YOU and EKIM and assup are " all knowing " when it comes to things related to assholes and receiving it in the poop chute !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ignorant fucks. Keep gripping.

There is no way you can convince anyone that Drumpf will be good for America or the world.

Attacking HRC with lies and "cartoonish" portrayals will not work with the American people. She's politically inoculated. The voters kinda this game. The RWWipes have been attacking her full steam for 25 years. She's still standing.

And she's winning.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Double down. Triple down. Or good old going down.
You're a man of proven excesses so probably all three.
I can tell when someone such as yourself is aiming for the top spot of your gang., the coveted title of "Just Usually Wrong".
Wear the crown proudly.

Your earned it.

Yes it is, thanks. ManAssMuncher, can I just call you MAM for short?

The Corrupton Queen said it and she meant it! MAM... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Ignorant fucks. Keep gripping.

There is no way you can convince anyone that Drumpf will be good for America or the world.

Attacking HRC with lies and "cartoonish" portrayals will not work with the American people. She's politically inoculated. The voters kinda this game. The RWWipes have been attacking her full steam for 25 years. She's still standing.

And she's winning.

WAAHHHHH WAAAHHHH WAAAHHHH! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yeah the only way to stop the blood sucking cunt is to open her casket and put a stake in her heart.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And Trump is a saint who never lies right ? someone told me you are a vet - if so you are embarrassing us pal. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Hey, Lube Myass! How you doing? I didn't say anything about Trump. I don't like Trump. I'm voting for Trump because he is not totally owned by the major corporate and banking interests. He is not under the complete control of Wall Street. He is not the most corrupt and dishonest candidate for President in history, as Hillary is. He will not appoint Supreme Court Justices with a liberal, anti-Constitutional bias. Trump will not send cash to countries in small, unmarked bills on a cargo plane under the cover of darkness to countries whose leaders routinely chant "Death to America" as a ransom for hostages.

And you're an embarrassment not only to veterans, but to every thinking American. Hillary hates the military. She would turn our forces over to the UN. Lube, you're an idiot.
  • DSK
  • 08-05-2016, 06:14 AM
She's not going to do anything except what her corporate/banking/statist puppet masters tell her to do. She's a liar. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Heck, as much money as she and Bill have accumulated, her personal interests align with Wall Street now, anyway.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hey, Lube Myass! How you doing? I didn't say anything about Trump. I don't like Trump. I'm voting for Trump because he is not totally owned by the major corporate and banking interests. He is not under the complete control of Wall Street. He is not the most corrupt and dishonest candidate for President in history, as Hillary is. He will not appoint Supreme Court Justices with a liberal, anti-Constitutional bias. Trump will not send cash to countries in small, unmarked bills on a cargo plane under the cover of darkness to countries whose leaders routinely chant "Death to America" as a ransom for hostages.

And you're an embarrassment not only to veterans, but to every thinking American. Hillary hates the military. She would turn our forces over to the UN. Lube, you're an idiot. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy


whiny little bitch...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah the only way to stop the blood sucking cunt is to open her casket and put a stake in her heart. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Seems that you got NOBODY with the brains or balls to do that....

CuteOldGuy's Avatar


whiny little bitch... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Being called a hypocrite by Assup is like being called a liar by Hillary.