Idea-How to Grow Your Hobby "Slush Fund"--Seriously!

Funny guys..not deep thinkers. Still-asleep--back to your register.

I guess I over estimated the crowd being aware that PAYPAL protects the buyer more than the seller--and that full details and disclosure would be made about the brand and product before any money changed hands.

'Tards. Originally Posted by txirishman
No, you overestimated your weak sale point, and scheme that would involve trust with an obvious con. You might be able to sell this to some new couple in love. But your an idiot to try it in an open forum.
Sorry, I have to go flip the burgers, I get do the reregister in a year or so., Are You an Irish traveller? Ya kinda come across like one.......
Tony-thanks. I know you meant the reference as an insult [I get it]--but I'm not so cocky as to feel I know it all. I enjoyed reading about the group you referred to-it's an education.

Others. I get it. The concept or suggestion is too large to wrap your mind around. I also "get" that a large number of our group are affluent enough to not have to sock away money to hobby. Many do.

About PAYPAL. My experience with them-as a buyer and seller--is only from having dealt with them using eBay. They had the ability to put a HOLD on a seller's funds if a buyer complained-thus my assumption they would still provide security for the buyer. That said-using a credit card online also provides a certain amount of buyer protection against scams.

In hindsight-even thinking outside the box and suggesting the process was likely ill advised--but who do we turn to (in the hobby) for advice? More often-we're flying by the seat of our pants-hoping for assistance. I thought I had a way to assist.

Finally-the product was cookware. Stainless steel cookware. A woman/person can go to Walmart and buy a set of teflon for $60--but six months later, as the coating peels--she needs to replace it. Cooking in aluminum pots has specific health consequences. Stainless steel cookware-though a costly one time investment-is a once in a life time purchase. If you could buy a car for $10,000 today-but know it would have to be replaced within 5 years--or buy a car for $20,000 and know that it would NEVER wear out or show signs of wear/tear--and would in fact appreciate (rather than depreciate) as the years go on-would you make a purchase, or an investment?

So--I was trying to tie in selling cookware (and me making a commission) with a need within the community for some to set aside funds to play regularly.

Sorry to think BIG--sorrier still to have brought it to the forum.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Fuck, I should have guessed cookware. The problem is that I do all the cooking. Sort of a hobby of mine. Just out of curiosity, what are the health ramifications with aluminum? I am doing a ton of steam and oven work as well as the grill. I use cast iron like the old cowboys did. Was not aware of an aluminum scare. This is not a joke thread.
Sleepy363's Avatar

About PAYPAL. My experience with them-as a buyer and seller--is only from having dealt with them using eBay. They had the ability to put a HOLD on a seller's funds if a buyer complained-thus my assumption they would still provide security for the buyer. That said-using a credit card online also provides a certain amount of buyer protection against scams. Originally Posted by txirishman
Again, with you being a scammer I'm sure you already know this, but if the seller has already withdrawn the funds, they aren't going to be putting a hold on anything. The money is already gone. It's an easy route for scammers. Make it sound like there is security from paypal, withdraw the funds, paypal simply suspends the account if that, and the scammer simply opens a new account and takes another person's hard earned money.

Again, I sent you $100,000, so please send me my easy money that I just earned.
Not an insult, a legit question, as I have dealt with travellers in the course of doing biz, here in big D.I do bussiness in many places in the US, but Dallas and FTWorth, seem to have a bigger share of travellers than most yeah I'm cautious....White Settlement is thick with them....
Tony-didn't mean to step on your toes--was genuinely appreciative of the reference and education--the link helped.

Nitwitboy--cooking with aluminum is thought to be associated with many brain diseases- specifically Alzheimer's. In countries with socialized medicine-aluminum cookware is banned. Even in the US-you can't buy a dog bowl made of aluminum because of the health issues associated with aluminum oxide poisoning-but you can buy cookware all day long at Walmart--go figure.

As for cast iron skillet--I know it's hard to part with--but how sanitary is it? I mean-you "seasoned" it--but you can never wash it. Food sticks. Ask yourself-would you take a bath in it (cast iron)? Then how can you ignore how nasty and unsanitary it is--cook food in it--and put the food IN your body?

Still-asleep--whatever. If you think it's a scam--it must be. I didn't start the thread to convince people otherwise so won't go toe to toe. If you read my responses-you'll see I'm a little more informed about the "product" and not really all that concerned with the initial topic.

ALL--do some research on the subject--it's out there. Go to a home/garden show or state fair and look into upgrading for your health sake.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Well, I need to go back to cooking classes. I wash the shit out of the cast iron and you are right. I just googled cast iron. No washing. Just wiping. Guess I am not getting the full functionality of the pan. Cannot imagine not washing them. Weird.
Tony-didn't mean to step on your toes--was genuinely appreciative of the reference and education--the link helped.

Nitwitboy--cooking with aluminum is thought to be associated with many brain diseases- specifically Alzheimer's. In countries with socialized medicine-aluminum cookware is banned. Even in the US-you can't buy a dog bowl made of aluminum because of the health issues associated with aluminum oxide poisoning-but you can buy cookware all day long at Walmart--go figure.

As for cast iron skillet--I know it's hard to part with--but how sanitary is it? I mean-you "seasoned" it--but you can never wash it. Food sticks. Ask yourself-would you take a bath in it (cast iron)? Then how can you ignore how nasty and unsanitary it is--cook food in it--and put the food IN your body?

Still-asleep--whatever. If you think it's a scam--it must be. I didn't start the thread to convince people otherwise so won't go toe to toe. If you read my responses-you'll see I'm a little more informed about the "product" and not really all that concerned with the initial topic.

ALL--do some research on the subject--it's out there. Go to a home/garden show or state fair and look into upgrading for your health sake. Originally Posted by txirishman

Yeah brother, too bad Your sales pitch needed us.....good luck with that...
Try THIS. Take your aluminum pan out of the closet (clean.) Pour a cup of water in it-and scrub it with a scothbrite scrub for a minute. Then pour the water from the pot into a clear cup--it will be gray 10 times out of 10. That's aluminum oxide-and it's poison. Now-take a dry paper towel and dry the just cleaned pot--it will be dirty gray--10 times out of 10. And you're eating that.

And--if you don't HAVE aluminum cookware but eat out--99% of all restaurants in America still cook with them because they heat so quickly.

Took this "job" but found out alot more than I wanted to know. Be healthy. Live longer...for the hobby, your family, your career--whatever it is that you want to live longer to do!
Tony-no worries. Done selling. I've got plenty of that to do this weekend--and just got off the road from having done that.

Just saw an opportunity--a potential win-win. Once I realized this was too skeptical a crowd-I gave up on that--but am glad to answer any questions. That said-if you wonder or doubt about the cookware--do some independent research--GOOGLE.

Be well.
Txirishman write,"Others. I get it. The concept or suggestion is too large to wrap your mind around. I also "get" that a large number of our group are affluent enough to not have to sock away money to hobby. Many do."

He is saying we are all stupid.
WTF is "I also "get" that a large number of our group are affluent enough to not have to sock away money to hobby"

Should that be are, or are not? Who is stupid? Affluent?, not a fit here.

As soon as I finish mopping the floors at my job (shout out Jack), I will dig deeper into the possibility of me purchasing pots and pans for $2,700, and getting $1,000 back. I think it is a big risk, and could be illegal, but I'm not that smart.

Heck, If you guys send me $2,700 for a few pots and pans, I will warranty them for the rest of your life, and beyond, and give you back $1,200. There will be "a charge" for shipping, handling, and delivery, as stated above.

I will sell to the smart and idiots, no questions ask...
friendlyguy77's Avatar
Heck, If you guys send me $2,700 for a few pots and pans, I will warranty them for the rest of your life, and beyond, and give you back $1,200. There will be "a charge" for shipping, handling, and delivery, as stated above.

I will sell to the smart and idiots, no questions ask... Originally Posted by RoundPound
If anybody sent me $2700 for pots and pans I'd give them my aluminum pans and then go on a 3 day bender around the metroplex until the money was gone. PM if you're interested.