Time to say goodbye

T.O.B.'s Avatar

You are my dear friend, and I am so happy for you. I will always be here for you if you ever need anything! You have a very bright future a head of you. Love you so much and know that we will always be great friends!!! See you soon
DorkLover's Avatar

You are the perfect combination of good looks, great personality, and intelligence. Thank you for joining us here even for a short period of time. Good luck on your transition, you are smart enough to be executing your plan, but don't be afraid to come back around if you need any support.

Bestman200600's Avatar

Your a beauty. Hope everythings works out.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 07-21-2010, 08:08 PM
Farewell, Abby.

I throughly enjoyed chatting with you for a few minutes there behind the chain-link fence at the strip club that warm afternoon, along with the gal who mentioned loudly that she was wearing a bustier because she didn't like how bloated she looked after drinking beer all night, and her companion who had so obviously never used a toothbrush.

May we both find better places to sit and visit.
drez63's Avatar
NO No NO say it aint so!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have really ( I mean REALLY) enjoyed the times Ive had with you.....You're are one of the select few that will be missed and thought of often.....Good Luck and Take Care..............(I will now pretend I am not tearing up by insisting there is something in my eye..........)
Guest021213's Avatar
Abby, I wish you the best ... I consider myself fortunate of have been with you once ... I just regret not pursuing more persistently our second get-together

Aloha Abby! I enjoyed our time together. You are a very sweet, intelligent woman and you will be missed.

MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
Awwww! I'm happy for you girlie! You are a great girl and a sweet, sweet friend and I know we will still keep in touch. Told ya before and I'll say it again, I love ya girl!

  • T-Can
  • 07-22-2010, 01:00 AM
:we eping::weepi ng::we eping:
Hi Abby,

Although I have met you at socials but never had an opportunity to see you BCD...Believe it or not, was thinking about getting in touch with you this week....and I get this news.....Certainly my loss for not being able to see you prior to your retirement....Anyway, I wish you the best luck in your future plans. You certainly are a sweet person. Will miss you....
fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar
I still can't believe this is happening. However, I'm thrilled for your new life. Best wishes. I hope it goes according to plan.
TexRich's Avatar
bye bye sweets.
lilsmurf's Avatar
Damn I was just about to see you!
vantruck's Avatar
Best of luck to you sweetie!
We'll see you in a month, or once you run out of money.