I'm starting to think Eccie men dislike me lol

sashabenjamin's Avatar
Dear Sasha,

If you have seen any of my posts, you will know that I am a very generous and established gentleman in the community. I am an executive businessman. I lead my own life. I started a business just over thirty-five years ago. I sold homemade soap door-to-door. Now, it has become a multimillion dollar industry. In my opinion, you are absolutely divine. Please, let us make an acquaintance.

Sincerely yours,

Yitzchak. Originally Posted by yitzchak
In the rough.

I will DM you (:
In the rough.

I will DM you (: Originally Posted by sashabenjamin
I think having review specials would help a great deal. You are a very beautiful woman, sexy body, beautiful chocolate skin.
Shart Attack TX's Avatar
Way too expensive. You ladies need to roll back your prices.

Just because a woman looks good doesn't mean she charges a ridiculous amount. I might pay 500 for 90 minutes with Taylor swift, and that would include msog creampies.
  • bw357
  • 01-28-2018, 01:41 PM
When you charge what you do for your "pussy", have a brand like yours and advertise the way you do... I can understand the confusion babe. YOU'RE JUST PUSSY BUT I AM AN EXPERIENCE. If you view my website (something you don't have), I cater to a certain kind of clientele. My men love my professionalism and a deposit is apart of that. I like knowing my men respect me and my time. My rates, personality, education and grace reflect my service. I can actually hold an intellectual conversation with my clients. They feel comfortable taking me in public. I'm not just a sex doll. I am an adult with responsibilities and a medical student lol.... I do plan to retire and start a business. DIfferent strokes for different folks in SW.. Don't hate. Ask how you can do better.

I have tons of advice... Originally Posted by sashabenjamin
Bad marketing. Try spell check for a start.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Asking for help
Getting it
Ignoring it and wondering why no one here wants to see you.

Truly shows the education level of a hooker.
  • Luxie
  • 01-28-2018, 02:36 PM
I think if you just keep posting weekly and weekend ads, stay up to date in your local sub forum and just keep doing what you're doing you will attract clients here. If you want to offer a review special then that is fine, just be aware some cheaper guys will flock to it and possibly not even write a review.

As for deposits they are pretty common. Maybe not on Eccie but on Eros, where I get the bulk of my clients, I request them for longer appointments or if I am traveling out of town.
Asking for help
Getting it
Ignoring it and wondering why no one here wants to see you.

Truly shows the education level of a hooker. Originally Posted by Gotyour6
I don't think she "asked" for help. She vented, and people replied.
I don't think she "asked" for help. She vented, and people replied. Originally Posted by papadee
Gotyour6's Avatar
Then she should not place a statement in the form of a question..

"I realized that I don't get clients from here. I post post post but no one from Eccie. Is it because I don't have eccie reviews? Is that a make or break on this site?"

So the questions were answered.

Again, maybe better punctuation.

But to ask a question in the form of venting is going to get suggestions from people answering the questions..... that hurt my head typing.
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-31-2018, 01:56 AM
I Agree.
I suggest Running a special.

Hope it works out for you

I'll be raising my rates a Tad Bit after my Tummy Tuck In the Summer

I'm Still new As a Provider Est.Feb'17
So I'll give it a couple more months for my Upgrade. I get what your saying about the lower rates
Here in the Dallas area .. the providers list their menu or give upon a pm request. Some will want to check your references first ... then tell you their menu.
But Baby ... if you don't say what's on the menu ... ain't no one gonna buy. Prices are high .. but with that price here in Dallas ... then that means it's an open menu .. anything goes .. no questions asked.

Even if you drop the donations for time with you .. still need a menu.

No one gives the car salesman money ... then the salesman goes in the forbidden garage .. and brings you the car and then you're stuck with it .. no matter what's wrong with the car. That's exactly what you're asking all the guys to do. Who would do that ??

You would fit right in here in Texas ... all the smoking hot ones are here. I read how men travel to Texas constantly ... because the menu of all the girls that are so fine ... are here in Texas .. where they should be.
Hermosa's Avatar
I remember reaching out to you Sasha before I relocated to Florida. I was thrilled to see at least one lovely and classy lady in the area close to where I was heading to. With the lack of activity and interaction on the Florida boards, eccie is really more of a seldom used hook up site. Betwen the distances between the hot spots and (for me) the challanges of working with a retirement lifestyle, a lot of fun opportunities really seems to be greatly diminished!
Now, the little guy would love to offer you a deal for a eccie review. 🙄😏😬
But the brain also knows that The Daytona (along with most of the East Central Coast of Florida) is really a rough spot to play in. The bigger cities have the money to play big. My honest opinion (this kills me to say) is that )even if I did get lucky), few would read the review in Florida and even fewer would come to Daytona to play. This area is just a rough place to be in.😟
ck1942's Avatar

First off, my compliments for your well written questions and concerns and indeed your SW philosphy and practices.

You are totally correct in that for many ladies, gentlemen, too, the "Biz" is not primarily about rates, but about companionship, communication, comfort, chemistry, and almost incidentally, copulation.

All that said, obviously, ladies must make a living and gents must play within their means.

So all of us must "look in the mirror" to determine what is right but only for ourself, and never question or quibble over what others charge or pay.

Like that's gonna happen anywhere but in an ideal universe!

Meanwhile, sweetheart, keep plugging away.

Stick to your business plan (elegant photos and website!) and to your "Life Plan," too.

Stay strong and resolute!

You have much more support than you will ever know in person.
I would spend the $500 if there were a dozen or more great reviews stating that she was worth it.
I have had $500 sessions were the lady charged anywhere between $200 and $300. I definitely went back, more than once.