Does anyone think?

Still Looking's Avatar
Prostitution will ever be legalized in Texas and regulated so we don't have so many incidents with pimps abusing ladies? It's not like the state does not need the tax dollars? California legalized Marijuana. Would Texas ever have a party and a leader in this effort to legalize and regulate? Vice could actually go after human trafficking and not willing adults. I just wonder how many ladies would be on public assistance if it were not for this thing we do? It's a win/win in so many ways. What are your thoughts? Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
This is the Bible Belt Still isn't it? Some things just are not going to happen! I wouldn't use California as an example. It's like a bowl of granola, what ever aint nuts, and fruits is flakes! The state is all but broke. Enron Texans kicked they're asses! Just saying....
DarthMaul's Avatar
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The "M" word is banned by the federal government. So no matter what Cali says, and they have differing laws as it is now being decided my municipalities what their limits and requirements are for citizens and cardholders, they can still be held accountable under federal law. Typically, feds won't touch those cases unless it is at a certain level - ie high enough plant count or poundage over a certain amount.

I know there are federal laws against human trafficking etc but i'm not sure whether the feds also control the laws on prostitution. If there are federal laws in place then it really doesn't matter what Texas says...

But lets face it - Texas is one of the most conservative states in the Nation. Even though we were the last to cave and enforce DUI laws, I don't think even dumba** bill white will be bringing back the Chicken Ranch any time soon. If he does, he'll make sure there's no one spare changing at the gates...that's for frikkin sure.

Now - here's a picture I like - if we want champions in the cause of re-legalization of chicken ranches, let's hire Dolly Parton and Burt Reynolds. Maybe we can get Woody Harrelson and Larry Flynt too. That would be frikkin awesome. I would pay money for a picture with the four of them and me outside the new chicken ranch. And I would drop a coin into the cup of the blind man at the gate...
Gambling machines have been legalized and regulated for cash pay outs. No one thought that would ever happen. It did. In California the M word is legal with a medical card. This just seems like a logical answer to an ongoing "problem". Vice recources could really go after the people who kidnap the underage girls and ladies who are trafficked. It's not like their jobs would go away. It would just change up a bit.

The question is who would take up such a controversial cause? Willie Nelson is taking up the M word....Who would be out politico that is brave enough to take this on? Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Gambling is a vice, but it’s not a method of controlling certain demographics. Prostitution and the A word are the last bastions of controlling women. Money is power. Throughout antiquity, the only way for a woman to truly have her own purse of her own was prostitution. If they were really, really lucky, they would inherit money or be widowed, but in many instances, there were laws that prohibited such things. So, for this reason, CERTAIN men don’t want it legalized.

Prostitution on the Western frontier was legal until the frontier was moderately civilized when men began taking brides or moving their existing wives out West. As soon as the women got there, BAM, prostitution was criminalized. A two-fold reason I guess, one, the obvious, the ladies don’t want working girls around their men. And two, women, for the most part, are the keepers of families’ religion, and we all know the best way to get to God is to make someone else confirm to your beliefs.

Another is we are a Puritanical society. I just don’t see that getting beat out of American culture anytime soon. Women may be the keepers of the family’s religion and moral compass, but do-gooder, patriarchal men are the keepers of the moral tone of the nation, and they aren’t too gung-ho to give women the right to do what they want with their body let alone rights AND money.
I am one of the guys on here who is old enough to remember the Chicken Ranch.

Going there was sort of a "right of passage" back in the 60's for high school seniors, 5 0r 6 of us went on the "group plan".

I can still remember the Lady saying, "ok, whose next" as I left her room.

And, you will have to take my word that the "madame" did NOT look like Dolly Parton.
Well said.
LexusLover's Avatar
I am one of the guys ... Originally Posted by Jackie S
Aggies got "the Ranch," and the Teasips got "Hattie's"!
There was a little "motel" just off the hyway outside Sealy that doubled as a house of ill repute, but I cannot remember the name of it.

The ruins of it are still there.
simpleton's Avatar
Thanks a lot Marvin...
sharkman29's Avatar
I think it was just called Sealy. We went to the Chicken Ranch and Sealy all in one night when I was in college at UT. I think about it every time I drive by those ruins.
You guys are old.

If I could I would call Marvin Zindler on ur asses.

Hmmm...Marvin Zindler - maybe we could hire a voodoo priestess to resurrect him and make a zombie out of him and then we could sell his zombie soul to the devil and get him to champion our cause.

Yeah...that would make a great movie - and I bet he would get it legalized about 2/3 of the way through instead of right at the end...
inctown's Avatar
ok I have heard of the chicken ranch, and of course the ZZ top is to thank for me evening knowing that.

However lets say this a large number of people voted to ban gay unions, and the vote to turn N. Pasadena from a dry to a wet town passed by a very small number just a few years ago. Like it or not we do not live in a very open minded state when it comes to sexuality. No matter how much money the state needs I just don't see this happening in my lifetime
enigma878's Avatar
Never say never.
Jack Flash's Avatar
When I'm President of the United States it will be legal!
LexusLover's Avatar
There was a little "motel" .... Originally Posted by Jackie S
And for the DFW folks, the "B&B" motel in Westland out on the Weatherford Highway ... or was that the "M&M" .... just down the road from "Jimmie's Corral" for drinking and dancing .... before you offed your load from West Texas at the stockyards in FW.