Good advice for clueless people...

Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
The other day I was especially impressed with the consideration of a totally clueless bimbo who activated her 4-way flashers so she could slow down in order to return a text message!!

Speaking of 4-way flashers.....activating them doesn't make you an emergency vehicle, i.e. being allowed to drive at excessive speeds and ignore traffic signals/signs.

They also were not placed on vehicles to be activated while driving in the rain....if you can't handle driving in water....get the hell off the road when it's wet!!

Finally....regarding driving in water.....modern vehicles are designed in such a manner that they are capable of driving through don't have to drive all over the damn street avoiding standing water!
berkleigh's Avatar
Well, mr. Berkleigh (lickalotapus) and I have this convo all the time. Since I am pretty much always driving in from out of town...I always exxperience these idiots drivers. Poor lap probably thinks I have major "a d d" or tourettes because I will go off topic to scream, honk and flip off these tards on the road! So in my world, I vote that at least my car should be equipped with a button that I push and immediately lifts my car up and over the dumbass who drives slow in the passing lane. As I am passing this go go gadject arm will come out from under the car and pimp slap their car since they obviously didn't "get it" when I rode their from behind and flipped them off. This person has no idea that I am nowing running late for a session because he doesn't move the hell over!!! yeah....if no one knows by now, I spend a lot of time on the road and have a little road rage.
Damn girl, lay off Starbucks! LOL! Love you sweetie.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
LOL....Sorry Berkleigh and this is not aimed at you...but tailgating road rage drivers make me crazy. I normally drive a little faster than the average bear, however, since I have a peeve about being early or on time, I am usually not running a race trying to get to my destination. If I'm already going a tad over the limit, I would greatly appreciate if these folks would stay off my a**. I don't do G*eek in the bedroom and certainly not on the highway! It's not my fault you can't get where you're going on time, so stop yelling at me, stop flipping me off and for God's sake...stop endangering my life because you can't manage your time! I'll get over as quick as I can, but I'm not gonna cause an accident to accommodate you and there is only so much room on the road we both have to work with! Traffic patterns and conditions do not change for each individual and there are no signs warning the rest of us that a road rage warrior has entered our vicinity on the road. So, learn your area, plan your drive time accordingly, add a few minutes if necessary, and if all this doesn't work....go to anger management classes....LOL
When trying to change lanes, Left or Right.
Under NO circumstances, let the driver in the next lane know that you are trying to change lanes by turning your SIGNAL on. In texas they will speed up and block you from trying to achieve this and look at you like you are freaking nutz.

Randall Creed's Avatar
IF I need to change lanes I'll usually slow down and let the car who's probably hovering near my blind areas go past then swoop in behind them.
Of all the people who posted on this thread, only Berkleigh might not want a brake pedal installed on the passenger side of the Braillemobile if she were riding with me.

@Berkleigh. Do we need to have a session first or would it be better for me to drive you to and from Austin in the Braillemobile at 100 MPH to hold your attention? I tell my S.O. that driving at the speed limit will make me doze off before a get to the first off ramp. Sounds like you and I could carpool, girl.
flexywun's Avatar
Hey Berk, instead of flipping these drivers off, try mooning them instead. and report back with the reactions you get. will they drive off the road? speed up? slow down? or more like it, follow you.
mtabsw's Avatar
Please don't cross 3 lanes when you're about to miss your exit, or worse, BACK UP ON THE SHOULDER!!!!

Darwin had a point.
scooterpie's Avatar
If you are driving on a highway that only has one lane in each direction and you are behind a slow moving vehicle, such as a school bus, and that road splits in to a passing lane, hurry the fuck up and get around that slow moving vehicle so the people behind you can also get around it before the passing lane ends.

This happens to me every day going to and coming home from work and I just want to shoot those dumbasses.
When trying to change lanes, Left or Right.
Under NO circumstances, let the driver in the next lane know that you are trying to change lanes by turning your SIGNAL on. In texas they will speed up and block you from trying to achieve this and look at you like you are freaking nutz.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
You are so right
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
When buying something at the store or the fast-food joint, act as if you understand the concept that, when the cashier is through ringing your items up, you will be asked to present some form of payment, and have your wallet ready.
I hate driving on 75.

So many drivers seem to be so impatient and downright testy.

I like to get in the far left hand lane and set the cruise on a nice, safe, relaxing 45mph.

After all, evceryone knows that you shouln't drive fast when steering with your knees, as I usually am.

How else can I properly apply mascara, lipstick, comb my hair, text, and check my emails???

Silly people-often they flash their lights at me and give me the finger as they pass-I just smile and wave or blow them a kiss. H
berkleigh's Avatar
Hey Berk, instead of flipping these drivers off, try mooning them instead. and report back with the reactions you get. will they drive off the road? speed up? slow down? or more like it, follow you. Originally Posted by flexywun
I have been known to flash boobies while passing other cars....

seriously...i am just trying trying to get from point A to point B ...SAFELY SO i WOULD JUST APPRECIATE people drive correctly or move the hell over and get outta my way!

INNS (INNS= I need not speak)