The Negativity Posters

Randy4Candy's Avatar
I suppose negativity is in the eye of the beholder and it would seem sometimes that not lock-stepping to the drumbeat for the latest, greatest flavor of the month could get one hung with the negativity label.

Someone who is honestly and tactfully expressing perceived shortcomings can just as big of a case of singed underpants as someone who is a lot more, shall we say, raw and direct - and that ain't perzactly right.
Bobave's Avatar
]Actually not a bit of negativity in my post.
Except against those who do as I described.[/COLOR]
It is a public forum and yes there rules including those against personal attacks on the women and other users alike. What these guys post are hardly opinions but their own personal little vendettas against the providers.
Ignoring these folks just allows them to win. We shouldn't have to skip over posts because we know these posters have ruined it yet again. Originally Posted by looiecypher;425362[COLOR=Red
LOL - are you gagging on the irony yet? No offense, but as other posters have pointed out tactfully (and you ignored), the site already has rules/protocols. With all due respect, it's not your privilege to redefine them to suit your personal sensitivities.
Not going to keep defending myself here. No where have I asked for a changing of the rules or redfining them. I have not asked for anyone to be banned. I just spoke my mind about the activities of certain posters. No one was named. I have not pointed out any one person in particular. The people who agree with me know who I am talking about.
Seems to me that I touched a few nerves here and the best some people can do is fall back on this. If it strikes that close to home for you maybe you feel that you fit this mold.
Not gagging on anything because nothing has been said that was tactful. Nothing has been ignored. You can read into what I said anything you like.
I was simply calling out those few individuals who post almost nothing but negative comments. I certainly do not need anyone to point out what I wrote.
I think this is a good post. Negative remarks do have an effect on other people. A lot of these Providers are very young, and to have a bunch of people gang up on them or talk badly about them is probably quite difficult to deal with. So I say good post Looie
I love this post, Looie. You're awesome. Thanks for having the courage to say it. <3
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 07-14-2010, 06:42 PM
...Personally I feel its up to all of us to call these individuals out every time... Originally Posted by looiecypher
...I was simply calling out those few individuals who post almost nothing but negative comments. Originally Posted by looiecypher
I didn't see where you called out anybody, loo. You just sort of bitched ambiguously about something that irritates you.

But I'm looking forward to your calling out those sorry individuals "every time" they engage in that kind of obnoxious behavior.
It's not always the young providers that get ganged up on. I also say good post Looie.
I think it is a wonderfull post Looie, and very well said! Your the best, love ya babe.
Int3rested's Avatar
LL, right on...
Judge Smails's Avatar
Interesting post, unlike the usual "best bbbj" stuff. Took a bit of a unexpected turn IMHO.

Nonetheless, here I go;

- Seems the level of civility is about norm for any old blog or chatroom. Many sports or poltical chats make this seem very civil.

- Anonymous boards seem to unleash the worst in some folks. No way you say some of this stuff at work on email or if your name is on it.

- Cynics and sarcasm can wear on you a bit. Hey, we all know one of them or work with them. Me? I just wanna wake up in the morning and its a great day if I do.

- In an effort to be " funny" some folks end up making fun of others to be funny. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I lurked here for months trying to get a grip on style and still note that some of the more prominent posters primarily use self deprecation as the humor mode and that seems to work and also be funny.

- Trolls come and go in waves around here and disappear if not fed or acknowledged.

Hey, at the end of the day, this is about fun and lets go get laid! Lots of bigger problems and challenges in the real world.
[LEFT]I thought I would post about something that bothers me or should I say irritates the hell out of me. The tendency of certain posters on this site to inject a negative response or thougtht into nearly all threads they respond to. Originally Posted by looiecypher
I don't like the way you formatted your post <:-} hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
TheWanderer's Avatar
I agree Looie.
It's one thing to be sarcastic and maybe have a little dark humor...nothing wrong with that.
I know which posters you are talking about and it's very obvious that there is nothing behind their actions except a mean spirited effort to insult and damage the reputation of whoever they chose to pick on.
It's apparent that they have no other agenda than to hurt the business of certain ladies and I think they figure that by doing that, they'll put the girl in dire straits so that maybe she will be desperate and finally accept their lowball offer.
I have spoken with a few providers about and ironically, their efforts at negative pubilicity seems to have the opposite effect on their business.
Kind of along the lines of any advertising is good advertising....any publicity is good publicity kind of thing.
Most of us take their comments with a grain of salt and see past them.
The old fox and the grapes fable.
Not going to keep defending myself here. No where have I asked for a changing of the rules or redfining them. I have not asked for anyone to be banned. I just spoke my mind about the activities of certain posters. No one was named. I have not pointed out any one person in particular. The people who agree with me know who I am talking about.
Seems to me that I touched a few nerves here and the best some people can do is fall back on this. If it strikes that close to home for you maybe you feel that you fit this mold.
Not gagging on anything because nothing has been said that was tactful. Nothing has been ignored. You can read into what I said anything you like.
I was simply calling out those few individuals who post almost nothing but negative comments. I certainly do not need anyone to point out what I wrote. Originally Posted by looiecypher
Looie no need to defend Yourself, You are really a gentleman. never a need to appoligize for that, However I think a lot of the sarcasm, and negitive postings can be traced back to the ultra positive postings of the posse.
You can't blame people for questioning a review, or a glowing post after some of the ghost reviews concerning the posse. It's hard for some people to trust after all that nonsence.
That said, You are a standout and classy guy, and a poster I trust, You just need to give some of these guys a chance to question reviews
I have not always been as much a gentlemen as I could have been here, but, I like to call BS in a post or review if I can, and with a portion of the posse still active....I will continue to do so, they do much more permenant damage than a negitive poster.
I welcome and encourage all dialogue positive or negative. It reminds me of the fact that we all have freedom of expression. I'm not quite ready for the police mentaity that a lot of "citizens" are working hard to promote.

We have cameras everywhere, tracking devices in our cell phones, IP address that can be recorded and now there is a form of "word censorship" that is creeping into mainstream America's train of "thought".

I'ts almost like we are being pushed to be robot's or something. Think this way, Dress this way, "don't say this or that". I am all for civility and respect, but I will die for the right or the rights of others to not display those courtesy's if they so choose.

I welcome and encourage all dialogue positive or negative. It reminds me of the fact that we all have freedom of expression. I'm not quite ready for the police mentaity that a lot of "citizens" are working hard to promote.

We have cameras everywhere, tracking devices in our cell phones, IP address that can be recorded and now there is a form of "word censorship" that is creeping into mainstream America's train of "thought".

I'ts almost like we are being pushed to be robot's or something. Think this way, Dress this way, "don't say this or that". I am all for civility and respect, but I will die for the right or the rights of others to not display those courtesy's if they so choose.

FLAME ME I LOVE IT Originally Posted by pete'smills
I'm with you Pete. Too many people around who want things "their way" in this world. Wanting to restrict what people say or how they say it. These are the same people who want their kids to receive a ribbon when they lose the soccer game...because they participated. The world thrives on the positives AND the negatives. Hence the reason for Protons and Electrons, Positive Ions and Negative Ions. You have to have both in order to have balance. I welcome people the way they are, some are crude and vulgar but without them you would never know what the opposite of crude and vulgar is. I want the Yin & the Yang...if you'd never seen Yin then you would be ok with a mouth full of Yang.