"We Don't Need No Stinking Congress"

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Vote early and vote often and if you dont have a ride to the polls we can pick you up and take you to three or four of them.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Republicans defeated the Tea Party, and will defeat the Libertarians if the Libertarians try to join in. We have to defeat the Democrats and Republicans if we want change, there is no cooperating with them.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I do not think the TEA party has been defeated, I think it will take more than a few years to win the war with battles being waged in each and every election.
The TEA party isnt a party in the sense that it is like the Democrats or the Republicans but is more a movement to bring forth candidates in an attempt to get them elected. The problem is finding the right candidates just as it is with the libertarians. The plan has always been to change from within. this means being involved in the lowest levels possible, in the precincts and local party elections.
this is the way the freaks and fairies and communists and all of the disenfranchised have gravitated to the Democrat party and brought forth a Marxist community organizer that became the President of the United States.
I think there are too many tightwads that are not willing to put their money where their mouth is and without the cash to hire the people to run the show and get your name out there you dont stand a chance. Ron Paul understands this and is there but I suppose for some he is not pure enough since he is after all running as a Republican.
Flail at the windmills while the socialists continue to do what works, whittling away until we become the socialist state they have envisioned for over a hundred years.
they are not an impatient lot. They know that the change would not happen in a generation or even in two but if they keep on chipping a little at a time with the other side giving in on a few things here and there before long, and by long I mean a hundred years or so, they will have what they want and you will be saying we tried to stop this and do a 180 back in 2012 but we had to have it all or nothing and well we will see where we go from here and either get to read the truth in the history books or the version that they want you to read.

the first rule is to stop the advance and if you do not get Obama out of office not only will you not have stopped the advance you will have given them a huge jump that will be almost impossible to overcome. Just remember that in the next four and a half years that he could p0ossibly add two more seats of socialist activists to the Supreme court and he isnt appointing old folks so you may have a generation or two living under the Obama regime.
Think about it, I am a libertarian at heart. I would change the direction we are headed in a minute but more so I am a realist and understand that it will not happen overnight.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We don't have a long time left. I wish we did, but we have ignored the situation far too long. We need substantial change, and we need it now.