Question about a new guy...

He doesn't want to give you his ECCIE handle and he's never heard of ECCIE? HUGE red flag...he can't even get his "story" straight.
Begging, however unmanly, is often the key to success in the hobby world. When I had no refs I said "I've been doing this for years in Houston, Austin, LA... where ya'll hoookers didn't feel the need to make me belong to some web site so you could sniff my virtual ass from 40 paces to get laid". Which was OK because long before there was the hobbyist formerly known as PrettyFuckingMarvelous I knew to wash my internet hobby ass, so I knew I could pass that test. Pretty soon some lady said "You're too funny or too stoopid to be a cop, c'mon over, we'll talk through the door".

At least it was a start.

I think it must be the same for wimmin newbies, wondering about the Spidey sense, listening to the Force, looking at your rent bill...trying to make all that work. This:

....Not all money is good money. Originally Posted by EmilyEzzell
is so succint as to be almost poetic. Put it on your mirror.
fletch's Avatar
phildo, sometimes you come up with some prolific shit.

i literally laughed out loud with the pfm wash your ass reference