In need of a new hip....

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  • GP
  • 01-09-2011, 09:26 AM
I don't know if it would help in your case Brooke, but I am sure other could benefit. I have heard extremely good things about the supplement sharks cartilage. I guess it does wonders to help alleviate arthritis symptoms.
As of yet I have only seen my Primary physician. But if it does not get better in a month than we are going to look at other options and seek a specialist. I am just hoping at this point that PT works along with the anti inflammatory.

It be way hard for me to provide with a cast on my hip and I would miss you all way too much!!
hey Brooke,
pm me I have a lot of info for you !
ConsultantGuy's Avatar

I have been to PT for knee, shoulder and spine. Deepthinker nailed it, sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. Listen to the doctors, learn the exercises and perform them correctly. You can minimize the cost by doing the exercises on your own versus at the PT facility. That is if you can follow the routine on your own (with discipline). Overall, it is a small cost versus the long-term gain if it works.
Okiee Dokiee Update time!

So I called a well known PT, spoke with them about my situation and they are going to just recommend me to an Othro doctor first. Just to make sure that my problem does need PT and will help or if it is more serious and needs other attention.

I guess going to PT with a problem that may need a different form of treatment can and will do more damage than hurt. So I am going to be going to an Othro specialist and then will go from there!

On the plus side... I can still provide for right now! I actually am in some pain but not enough that its unbearable. I have a high tolerance for pain.... Don't get any ideas guys lol! But when its like a level 2 pain all the time.... that is what I can't stand because its like an annoying Chihuahua barking non stop!

Well off to send back emails and blah blah blah have a super Tuesday.