I have to agree wholeheartedly with you. I suffer from PTSD and associated night terrors from military experiences and have a real concern of society fitting me into a box as though that somehow defines a person that is a threat to society. I am not, but have the difficult task of trying to juxtapose who I became with whom I was and wanted to be due to the things that I have done.
To reduce sociopathic disorder to these 10 "rules" is an inaccurate description of a person as a complete being with experiences and socionormative guidance all along the way. The very nature of this outside of the professional realm is ineffectual as when someone reads about a potential disease and convince themselves they have it.
Just my take on the matter. Like with anything, you throw out the garbage and keep the good.
Originally Posted by Duck898
+1 We are people and we don't fit into little check boxes. Shit... I got so many little pysch boxes to check off, they couldn't ever fit me into just any one anyway. Lol.
And that's okay. "I don't suffer from my insanity. I enjoy every minute of it."
But seriously, a lot of psycho babble. Half the psychiatrists are as looney if not more than looney than their patients. They just have more self awareness. Unless, they are narcissists. Lol. More psycho babble.
It's the "normal" people I worry about who pretend to have it all together or have no self awareness.