I'm going to try and translate what I hope was simply a tongue-in-cheek, sarcastic remark re: Children having NO rights.
Children in a family certainly have basic rights. They have the right to a nurturing home where learning is encouraged. They have a right to a decent, nutritious meal to make them healthy. They have a right to be loved and accepted. They have a right to be a kid and play and develop their social skills for when they get older. Nobody disputes these rights.
However, kids do NOT have the right to demand things of their parents. They do not have the right to designer clothes, cell phones, XBox 360s, and new cars. They do not have the right to decide what they are going to do, when they are going to do it and how they are going to do it; at least not living under my roof. Kids do not have the right to blackmail their parents, relatives, and peers using whatever means necessary to get out committments, events, chores, etc. They do not have the right to McDonalds 5 times a week, riding in a Toyota Highland with 2 DVD systems and their own radio/CD setup in the back seat so they don't have to participate in family time while riding on a trip. Kids do not have the right to demand things be their way; ever. When they are 18 or over, living on their own, they can begin to choose to do things their way. One can only hope by that point that they have been raised with good enough values that they may feel the same way with their kids.
In summary:
Basic Needs: Check
Frivolous, Self-Centered Crap: Nope
I think this would be a good translation. Just my .02 worth.