What The One Percent Doesn't Want You To Know

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
And you're a generalizer. Not all doctors are rich. As for the insipid single mom comparison. Is she also a provider? A doctor can give me medical treatment. What is she going to give me. Now you can opine away about my lack of compassion like a braying ass...

Did I say ALL doctors were rich? Who's generalizing now? You do lack compassion, but as I don't know you or interact with you, only those who do can truly speak to that deficiency. I actually feel sorry for you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why are you attacking doctors? They are not the problem. The problem is the financial elites, the international bankers, the corporatist CEO's, etc. Doctors, lawyers, etc. are nothing compared to them.
I know exactly how "economics" works in this country! It works for the rich and powerful.
Exactly who qualifys to be in the 1%. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The one percent or to put it more accurately, the 000.5 percent who own most of the wealth in America, are invisible to most people. They are under the radar to most. The amount of wealth these elite own is unsurpassable so much so that we, the ordinary Americans, could never possibly comprehend it.

The problem with politics is that money is used as a tool to buy power. Power against the majority, power to conquer and control. There is a small percentage of the population that were born psychopathic, with no empathy, which I believe is partly genetic and partly environmental. Most intelligent Americans realize that we have people like this running the country, in a very subtle way. They have no compassion for society as a whole, only their own self interest. Definition of "psychopathy" from Psychology Today:


Men that were raised from day one to worship the military (at all costs) have been raised to think that way. There are a few younger people who have not yet been programmed by mainstream media. They are able to form an "unprogrammed" opinion. In other words, young people have more open minded thinking and have not yet been prejudiced by "old thinking".
Funny that I got no response to this post! Too much truth?
Whenever i hear a 'Southern Accent", I know it's corrupt. God has nothing to do with religion or false phrophets. He only cares about his sheep. Southern Baptist is all about greed, and the Vatican also. Beware of false phrophets. They care nothing about humanity, only their own self interest.
The first thing you need to learn to do is NOT to quote socialists who have never run anything. Also, quit talking about the 1% as if it really exists. The people in the top 1% (or 10%) for that matter tend to change from on generation to the other. Was Bill Gates or Steve Jobs in the 1% twenty years ago? They got there with ideas and if you go out to destroy these "evil" rich people then you make it so no one else can achieve what they achieved in the future. If you think that is a good idea then how about all the millionaires they created from researchers, designers, programmers, marketers, retail owners, to post rollout app designers. Thats the first tier, the second tier is all the carpenters that built their houses, the landscapers who put in their yards, the car maker on the assembly line who has a job because some guy wanted a brand new sports car and there is the provider who services this silicon valley people late at night.

The first thing is to understand how money, business, and the economy works. Reading Picketty is not going to teach you that. It would only teach you how to steal from someone else and give it to someone who didn't earn in order to deal with the guilt that you have.

Maybe you should read the original, Das Kapital (German for Capital). And the name of the book is "Capital in the 21st Century".

You should qualify your use of the term "best seller". A hundred thousand copies in two years is a best seller by the standards of the Harvard Press but pales beside 17 million copies of The Hunger Games. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
YUou definitely have a very limited view of the world and humanity. YOu still try to prove you are right, and what for? Is being right more important to you than the truth? Think about it and think abouit your priorities. Is what you believe so important to you that you would give up what is really important?

Get counselling so you can see how you stay stuck in the same limited view of yourself.

The best of humanity stays close because they care for one another. That is a very important bond.
  • MrGiz
  • 04-15-2015, 11:39 PM
YUou definitely have a very limited view of the world and humanity. YOu still try to prove you are right, and what for? Is being right more important to you than the truth? Think about it and think abouit your priorities. Is what you believe so important to you that you would give up what is really important?. . . . Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall... who's Seer in this Hall?
Where did YOU find the REAL truth? * Are you self-educated? * Are you pretentious, by Nature? * Is there much space for even more wisdom between your ears?
Are you really sure that you are so impressed with yourself?
Do yourself a favor, and think about it, and think about your priorities... Yeah, Good Idea!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Funny that I got no response to this post! Too much truth? Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Yes. People like to think they have a choice in who runs the country. They don't. You've identified the real power in this country, and the world.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The one percent or to put it more accurately, the 000.5 percent who own most of the wealth in America, are invisible to most people. They are under the radar to most. The amount of wealth these elite own is unsurpassable so much so that we, the ordinary Americans, could never possibly comprehend it.

The problem with politics is that money is used as a tool to buy power. Power against the majority, power to conquer and control. There is a small percentage of the population that were born psychopathic, with no empathy, which I believe is partly genetic and partly environmental. Most intelligent Americans realize that we have people like this running the country, in a very subtle way. They have no compassion for society as a whole, only their own self interest. Definition of "psychopathy" from Psychology Today:


Men that were raised from day one to worship the military (at all costs) have been raised to think that way. There are a few younger people who have not yet been programmed by mainstream media. They are able to form an "unprogrammed" opinion. In other words, young people have more open minded thinking and have not yet been prejudiced by "old thinking". Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
I don't know if you are dangerously naive or a political hack (and plant). Have you watched TV in the past 30 years? Been to a movie? For over 20 years the military were either the butt of jokes (think MASH), the villains (think Blue Thunder), or the victims of the powerful (think Hamburger Hill). Military people were rarely 3D characters, they were pawns to be pushed around for some other reason. Exceptions include Saving Private Ryan (World War II, the good war), American Sniper, or We Were Soldiers. 9/11 changed a lot of people's perceptions and others, who lack compassion, just don't get it yet. The first Gulf War shook up a lot of people when so many soldiers, sailors, and airmen came home from a huge victory. They weren't pyschopaths, drug addicts, or rapists. You betray your bigotry and ignorance when you call it "programming". I have to ask why you DON'T respect the military. What is your problem? When the chips are down, who are you going to call? Homeland Security or the US Marines?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This thread started with insults and condescending blather from JDIdiot and has gone quickly downhill. Now it's about the hackneyed "respect the military" argument that RWWs fall back on ehen they've got nothing better to mewl about.

For future reference, JDIdiot, please give everybody YOUR approved list of sources, philosophies and syntax to use to get past your pettiness and enable a discussion of the subject matter.

And no, asking for a picture of another guy's JUNK should not be part of the JdIdiot survival handbook.
Bill Gates was there 20 years ago. And you would like to have people think that liberalism is killing the one percent but people still manage to reach that level. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You are an idiot. Think about that statement for one second and you will see the problem.

There is always a top 1% - even in Sweden. And a bottom 1%. And a 13th percentile. And so forth.

If you took away all the money of the top 1%, they would now be in the bottom 1%, but the people that used to be the 2nd percentile are now the top 1%, albeit with less money. You would still have a spread, but less of a spread. So someone always reaches "that level" - even in a socialist society.

Do you have any intelligent points to make?

I love it when you talk out of your ass. keep it up. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Speaking of which....
...but the single mom working two jobs to raise her kids, you don't give a fuck about, I guess. Originally Posted by WombRaider
If she's widowed or abandoned, then, yes, I care.

If she doesn't even know who the baby daddies are, then, no, I don't.
I know exactly how "economics" works in this country! It works for the rich and powerful. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Apparently, you don't. Economics works the same for everyone - just like gravity and magnetism.

Politics is a different story.